China AOS2 Perspectives Flashcards
Re: democratic dictatorship
‘The right to vote belongs to the people and not to reactionaries.’
Democratic elections for the 4 revolutionary classes
Dictatorship over classes who are a threat to change & the revolution
Zhou Enlai
Re: Korean War
‘Chinese people will absolutely not tolerate foreign aggression, nor will they… tolerate seeing their neighbours invaded by imperialists.’
Re: warning in Korean War
‘Your enemy is not an easy one. Don’t forget, you are fighting the chief imperialist.’
Re: Consequence of Korean War
‘Last year what we spent on the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea more or less equalled our expenditures for national reconstruction.’
Re: Fanshen & Land Reform
‘Peasants are clear-sighted… the peasants keep clear accounts.’
Re: Sanfan (inside corruption)
‘We need to have a good clean up… uncover all cases of corruption whether major, medium or minor… policy of education and remolding the medium and minor embezzlers so that they will not relapse.’
Article 48 of Constitution
Re: Women’s Rights
Women in the People’s Republic of China enjoy equal rights with men in all spheres of life…The state protects the rights and interests of women.’
Party radio announcement
Re: Women’s rights
‘It is better for a woman to have big hands and big feet. Big feet are beautiful, big hands are capable hands. A white skin in sickly.’
Liu Shaoqui
Re: First 5 Year Plan
‘The Soviet road is the road all humanity will eventually take. To bypass this road is imppossible.’
Re: Collectivisation Debates
‘no collectivisation without modernisation.’
Re: Collectivasation Debates
‘Your mind needs to be shelled with artillery.’
Re: Hundred Flowers Campaign
‘Let a hundred flowers, let a hundred schools of thought contend.’
Democratic League Minister
Re: Hundred Flowers Campaign
‘higher intellectuals are still suspicious.’
Re: On Contradictions
‘They are just contradictions, that’s all. The world is full of contradictions.’
Re: Promise of Hundred Flowers Campaign
rectification would be a ‘gentle breeze and a fine rain’ through ‘Comradely heart-to-heart talks in the form of conversation.’
Re: Critics during Hundred Flowers Campaign
‘I thought the critics were wrong… and misguided.’
Re: response to critics of Hundred Flowers Campaign
‘distinguishing between fragrant flowers and poisonous weeds.’
Re: critics of Hundred Flowers Campaign
‘Any word or deed at variance with socialism is completely wrong.’
Re: reflection of Hundred Flowers Campaign
‘purpose was to… ‘air views freely’… let poisonous weeds sprout and grow in profusion so that the people… would take action to wipe them out…’
‘Poor people want change… A clean sheet of paper has no blotches…’
‘If you are too realistic you can’t write poetry’
need to ‘let the people explode’
Re: High Tide
‘Go all out, aim high and achieve greater, faster, better and more economical results in the building of socialism.’
People’s Daily
Re: Peoples Communes
‘The main feature of the People’s Communes are that it is bigger and more socialist.’
Li Zhusui
Re: People’s Commune
‘something new and never seen before.’
Re: People’s Communes
‘I felt the thrill of being one of the people who didn’t just talk about changing the world, but actually did something about it.’
Wang Wende
Re: Communal Kitchens
‘We all ate well during the smelting drive… All the barriers between the people broke down.’
Re: Lushan Plenum
‘The achievements are tremendous, the problems are numerous, the expertise is rich and the future is bright.’
Wang Bingnan
Re: Post-Lushan
‘After Lushan the whole Party shut up. We were afraid to speak out.’
Re: Corrupt Cadres
‘modern equivalents of the mandarins of old, who valued their procedures and political connections more than the welfare of the people.’
Re: Mao & Liu’s differences
‘Two diametrically opposed views of how to impement policy in CHina were now in the open for all to see.’
Re: Culture
‘Even party members are enthusiastically promoting feaudal and capitalist art but ignoring socialist art.’
May 16 Circular
‘seize the leadership’
‘criticise and repudiate those representatives of the bourgeoisie’
Re: Cultural Revolution
‘A single dazibao at Beijing University ignited the conflagration of the Cultural Revolution!’
Former Red Guard
Re: Cultural Revolution
‘I thought that what we were doing was important; therefore i enjoyed myself fully.’
Zhou Enlai
Re: Cleansing the Ranks
‘The bad people you have to drag out aren’t just capitalist roaders but bad people inside your ranks as well.’