Childhood Disorders and Stress & Health Positive Pysch Flashcards
what are two common childhood disorders?
autism: impaired language, social, and in some cases cognitive abilites and restrivtive or repetitive behaviors
- lack of eye contact in kids is a big factor (sensory overload, very distressing, no empathy and social skills)
- sometimes have amazing cognitive abilities
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a pattern of impaired attention, concentraition, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
- can focus on things that are highly engaging but have impaired attention in anything else
**kids will NEVER have personality disorders (are capable to have any other disorder like mood, anxiety, etc)
what do kids with ADHD have problems with?
it is a disruptive impulse control disorder
kids with ADHD may be restless, impulsive, and inattentive, amking it difficult for them to follow orders and maintain friendships (problem with social skills)
in the US - 11% of boys and 4% of girls have ADHD
whta is the etiology of ADHD?
MZ twin concordance rates are 55% (there is a genetic component)
suggests there is a genetic factor but also empasizes the importnace of environmental factors
research sugggests impairment in the connection between the frontal lobes and the limbic system - can’t manage impulses (not capping frontal lobes)
what are the core symptoms of autism?
early symptoms of autism are frequently overlooked by caretakers
autistic kids show severe impairments in both verbal and nonverbal communicaiton
they are very aware of their surroundings and may tantrum if changes are made ( don’t like transitions)
play activities are restricted and stereotypes
often know a lot about one thing - wanting to repeat what they know, have laser beam focus
what is asperger’s syndrome?
a high-funcitoning autism, in which kids of normal intelligence have specific deficits in social interaction, such as having an underdeveloped theory of mind (ability to understand others have thoughts of their own)
sensory overload
is autism primaily a biological disorder?
MZ concordance rates tend to be between 70-90% - usggests a strong genetic factor
brain growth during the first 2 years tends to be very fast (faster than normal) but becomes abnormally slow during adolescense
how should childhood disorders be treated?
kids with ADHD can benefit from a variety of approaches
autistic kids benefit from a structured treatment approach
kids with ADHD can benefit from a variety of which approaches?
methylphenidate (ritalin (a stimulant)) tragets underactive brains and reduces negative behaviors
- kids look overstimulated but really they are understimulated - want to be stimulated (then able to focus - calmer and reach a optimal level of arousal)
- underaroused
side effects and lack of long-term efficacy limit the utility of ritalin
- benificial in short term but not long term
- very real risk of abuse - numerous cases of kids and adolescents buying and selling these stimulants
behavioral treatements, through time-consuming, augment medication and help social skills, academics, and family realtionships
medication with pos and neg behaviors?
- affects neg behaviors more - meds address these (dramatic differences)
- pos behaviors are not affected that much more - partly due to self-fulfilling prophecies
what is a treatment autistic kids benefit from?
behavioral treatment: applied behavioral analysis (ABA)
- developed by Ivar Lovaas and his colleagues
- one of the best-known and perhaps the most effective treatments for autistic kids
- based on principles of perant conditioning
- this very intensive approach requires a minimum of 40 hours of treament per week
ex. work with eye contact (give rewards when they look them in the eye), rewrie sensory system, help with social sklls
*rewire brain when young through intensive intervention
demonstrated as effective, drawbacks are…
- time commitment
- financial and emotional drains on the family
- other kids may feel neglected or jealous because of the amount of time and energy expended on the disabled child
what does seligman promote?
postivie pyschological movement
“not just fixing what is broken, it is nurturing what is best”
“study of strength and virtue”
what is postivie pysch about?
what buffers/creates resiliency?
what helps us find happiness?
it is NOT what makes people happy, but how they INTERPERET what happens
what is stress interpretation?
the interpretation of a stimulus as stressful or not is called primary appraisal
determining whether the stressor is something you can handle/have control or not is called secondary appraisal
*the body responds differently to a threat (negative appraisal than a challenge (positive appraisal)
ABCDEs = reframing thoughts on events and stress interpretation
how is mind management important?
a signficiant part of stress managment is control of the mind
repressive coping: avoiding situations or thoughts that are reminders of a stressor and maintaining an artificially positive viewpoint - not really positive coping (denial based)
rational coping: involves facing the stressor and working to voercome it; involves 3 steps (acceptance, exposure, and understanding)
reframing: finding a new or creative way to think about a stressor that reduces its threat
stress incoulation training (SIT): a therapy that helps people to cope with stressful situations by developing positive ways to think about the situation (immunizing people against stressful events - better cope in future)
what are physical stress reactions?
HPA (fight or flight response): an emotional and physiological reaction to an emergency that increases readiness for action
general adaptation syndrome (GAS): a 3 stage physiological response that appears regardless of the stressor that is encountered
- alarm phase (mobilize resources)
- resistance phase (cope with stressor) - takes a toll and lots of energy
- exhaustion (reserves depleted) - get sick due to resisting as long as you could, can no longer push body
look at figures
hypothalamus -> releasing factor -> pituitary gland -> ACTH (through blood) -> adrenal gland -> cortisol/ catechlomines
what does stress have to do with cardiovascular disease?
the heart and circulatory system are sensitive to stress
research links intensity, drive, anger, and hostility to increased rates of heart disease
type a behavior pattern: the tendency toward easily aroused hostility, impatience, a sense of time urgency, and competitive achievement strivings; in comparison to type B
hostility affects health - pysiological responses to everything