Child Protection Introduction Flashcards
What is child abuse?
Any action by another person that cause significant harm to a child = usually isn’t one off occurrence
What are the different forms that child abuse can take?
Physical harm, emotional abuse, neglect or sexual abuse = children usually suffer from more than one type
What is neglect?
Failure to provide for a child’s basic needs
Why may sexual abuse be missed?
Abuse may cause child to mistrust adults so they don’t tell anyone
What may be a sign of sexual abuse in a child?
Unusual sexual behaviour for a child of that age
What tool can be used to assess sexual abuse?
Brooke’s tool
What may be a long lasting impact of emotional abuse on a child?
They may struggle to make and maintain relationships
What behavioural conditions does emotional abuse present similarly to?
ADHD and autistic spectrum disorder
What is significant harm?
The threshold to justify local authority intervention into family life (no absolute measure)
Why are children at risk of abuse?
Physically smaller and depend on adults for care
Young children have poor language skills so may be unable to tell someone
Child may not realise they are being abused
What make up the sides of the MyWorld triangle?
Family and environmental factors. child’s developmental needs, parenting capacity
What is the MyWorld triangle used for?
Assessing the risk of abuse for a child
What makes up the toxic trio?
Drugs/alcohol, mental health and domestic abuse
What does the toxic trio relate to?
The three most common reasons for children being on the child protection register
Who may identify a child that is as risk of abuse?
Parents, teachers, doctors, other family members, neighbours, members of the public
What is child protection?
The process of protecting individual children identified as suffering or being likely to suffer significant harm from abuse or neglect
What does child protection involve?
Measures and structures designed to prevent and respond to abuse and neglect
How common are deaths from child abuse?
Very = there is a child death every week from abuse, most commonly caused by parent or primary caregiver
What age group are most at risk of significant harm and death from child abuse?
Children aged under 1 year old
What do serious case reviews influence?
How single agencies recognise and respond to child abuse
How many multi-agency committees are there in Tayside for child abuse?
What is the GMC guidance on child abuse?
States that all doctors must act on any concerns they have about the safety of a child