Child protection Flashcards
What % of children suffered serious physical abuse?
what % of children suffer serious neglect?
what % suffered emotional abuse?
what % suffer sexual abuse from an unrelated but known person?
what % are sexually abused by family member?
how many deaths per week in the UK are caused by child abuse
name 4 legislations that apply to protect children from abuse?
- children’s (scotland act) 1995
- children and young people scotland act 2014
- the age of legal capacity (scotland) act 1991
- sexual offences (Scotland) act 2010
what % of fatally abused children visited a health care professional the previous month?
abuse or neglect can be shown in which 4 main ways?
- signs and symptoms suggesting abuse/neglect (age must be considered here)
- a direct allegation made by the child, parent or other person
- conscerning observations of child behaviour or parent/child interactions
- delay in seeking advice or non-attendance for treatment
name some of the sites of a typical accidental injury?
- knees
- shins
- forehead
- parietal and occipital bone
- elbows
- palms
- nose
- chin
(typically bony prominences and unilateral)
sites of typical abuse injuries are…
- soles of feet
- inner aspect of thighs
- groin/genital injury
- chest and abdomen
- forearms (commonly raised to protect self)
- intra-oral injuries
- soft tissues of cheeks
- black eyes (esp if bilateral)
- ears - look for pinch marks on both sides
- inner aspect of arms
- back and side of trunk (not so much directly over spine)
- the ‘triangle of safety’ is rarely injured accidentally - including the ear, side of face, neck and top of shoulders
Alarm bells if
- injury to both sides
- injury to soft tissues
- injury with unusual pattern
- any injury not fitting explanation
- delayed presentation of injury
- untreated injury
what % of physical abuse have oro-facial signs?
extra-oral signs of abuse?
- bruising or face and ears
- burns and bites
- abrasions and lacerations
- neck with choke or cord marks
- eye injury
- hair pulling
- fractures (nose, maxilla, zygoma)
intra-oral signs of abuse?
- tooth fracture
- tongue and frenum lacerations
- loose and missing teeth
- fractures of jaw
- dental neglect
1 in ? children with injuries to their mouth are being physically abused.
1 in ? children with mouth injuries are being sexually abused.
how to manage dental neglect in 7 stages
- raise concerns with parents
- explain what changes are required
- offer support
- keep accurate records
- continue to liase with parent/carer
- monitor progress
- if concerned that child is suffering harm involve other agencies or proceed to make child protection referral
indicators of sexual abuse?
- intra oral injury (eg torn frenum)
- disclosure/direct allegation
- sexually inappropriate or explicit behaviour ie drawings, pregnancy etc
give scenarios where children will be at increased risk of abuse/neglect
- parent alcohol or drug misuse
- children affected by parents mental health condition
- domestic abuse in household
- previous child protection concerns
- young parents
- children who are carers
- children with disabilities
- vulnerability (eg children under 1 year)
what does GIRFEC stand for?
getting it right for every child
what to do if you feel that the child is in immediate danger?
call 99 and seek help
what to do if you dont feel that the child is in immediate danger?
share concerns
- with line manager
- with on call paediatrician
- lead nurse in child protection
- NHS child protection team member
then if still concerned, refer to
- MASH (Multi Agency Screening Hub) in dundee
- Social Work Department - Angus and Perth