Child Protection Flashcards
What is safeguarding?
Preventative approach to protect a child from harm
What is child protection?
Action relating to a child coming into harm and address suspected cases of neglect
Who’s responsibility is child protection?
Everyone’s responsibility in society including the dental team
What are the main definitions of child abuse?
- Physical
- Emotional
- Neglect
- Sexual
- Domestic abuse
What do accidental injuries typically look like?
Injuries involving bony areas
What are typical non accidental injuries?
- Bruising
- Burns
- Bite marks
- Eye injuries
- Abrasions
Warning signs of injuries?
- Unexplained
- Delayed presentation
- Visibly fearful
- Reason inconsistent with injury
What is the triangle of safety?
Accidental injuries in this area
1. Side of face
2. Ears
3. Neck
4. Top of shoulders
Warning signs of emotional abuse?
- Lagging behind peers
- Speech disorder
- Extremely aggressive or passive
- Desperate to please
Warning signs on sexual abuse?
- Isolated or withdrawn
- Inappropriate sexualised behaviour or language
- Self harm
- Eating disorder
- Unexplained intra oral ST injuries
Warning sings on neglect?
- Constant hunger
- Poor personal hygiene
- No friends
- Untreated medical problems
- Underweight
What is dental neglect?
A persistent failure to meet a child basic oral health needs
What should be considered when thinking there has been neglect?
- Socio economic status
- Can they understand information
- Health education given from professionals
- Has treatment been sought after made aware of dental issues
How to manage a concern of neglect?
- Raise concern with parent
- Explain what needs to change
- Offer support
- Keep accurate records
- Monitor progress
What is OHIT?
Service in Tayside that dental health support workers and extended duty dental nurses work with GDP and PDS to promote dental attendance through an MDT approach
Is it a legal requirement for parents to ensure children attend dental check ups?
What must you know when working in practice about child protection?
Know local procedures and follow them if you suspect risk of harm
What does GIRFEC stand for?
Getting it right for every child
What is girfec?
National approach in Scotland to improving outcome and supporting the wellbeing of children
What is the parental responsibility of a mother?
All mothers have rights as soon as the baby is born