Child Development Flashcards
development definition
the sequence of physical and psychological changes that human beings undergo as they grow older.
development psychology definition
the scientific study of age-related changes in behavior, thinking, emotion, and personality.
What are the big questions that developmentalists are interested in?
- continuity and change
- Sources of development
- cognitive development
explain quantative and qualative change
quantative: is change measureable? - continuity (like vocab development)
qualative: fundamental shifts/ stages - discontinuity (like frog development)
related to critical periods in development
describe sources of development
nature vs nurture - epigenetics
(individual differences - and to what extent are individual characteristics stable overtime?)
cognitive development
cognitive development basically means intellectual growth
cognitive processes are those by which we get to know ourselves and our world
jean piaget
Four ‘Stages’ of Cognitive Development
1: sensorimotor stage (0-2)
2: pre-operational stage (2-7)
3: concrete operations stage (7-12)
4: formal operations stage (12+)
main points of the sensorimotor stage:
Cognition is closely tied to external stimulation - “thinking is doing” behaviour
3 things to master before moving to the next stage
- object permeance
- shema formation
- representational thought - (occuring towards the end of this stage)
object permeance:
the idea that objects do not cease to exist when out of sight - this skill gradually develops
A not B error: where babes will search the last place they saw the object rather than where they watched it go out of sight
schema formation
a schema: is a mental representation or set of rules that defines a particular behaviour category - like a blueprint of what generally happens
Assimilation: new information is modified to fit into existing schema (baby thinks rabbit is dog)
Accomodation: existing schema is modified/ changed by new experiences (baby now knows the rabbit is a dog)
representational thought
the ability to form mental representation of other’s behaviour
instrumental in:
- imitation and deferred imitation
- symbolic play
- use of words to represent objects
what happens in the pre-operational stage?
- ability to think logically as well as symbolically
- rapid development of language ability
- classification and categorisation
- failure of conservation (understanding that specific properties of objects remain the same despite changes/ arrangements of those objects)
- egocentrism
Concrete Operational Stage
- lacking abstract thought/ reasoning
- ability to perform object analysis
- ability to emphasize with thoughts/ feelings of others
- understanding complex cause-effect relations
formal operations stage
- abstract reasoning
- metacognition (thinking about your own thought processes)
- dependent on exposure to principles of scientific thinking (Piaget says not everyone reaches this)
what do most critic says about Piaget’s theory?
that he underestimated children’s abilities at various ages
Critisism 1 of Piaget’s theory
babies don’t seem to start with nothing - they are not a blank state
infants seem to show skills earlier than Piaget thought
list of critisism 1
the visual cliff
the effect of occlusion
understanding of support - develops gradually by 6 months
object permeance - A not B error - understanding that objects are there even though they cannot see them
number and mathematical reasoning
social cognition - occurs earlier than Piaget thought and understand actions in terms of goals
what is the visual cliff
(1/2 is safe and 1/2 is glass)
- children’s ability to perceive depth cues around the time they start crawl
what is the effect of occlusion
infants prefer to pay attention to novel things
habituation procedure - overtime babies become more accustomed to stimuli
what did paiget say about number/math reasoning?
that they have no concept of number and cant conserve number until round age of 6
even 6 months old show some understanding of number (appreciate that 2 objects is different than 3)
Critisism 2
cognitive development isn’t an all-or-nothing phenomenon = not stage like changes
list of critisism 2
- counting - toddlers understand
- numerical reasoning - can conserve number if it is relevant
- social cognition - egocentrism (piaget said not until about 7) but it seems to be a gradual change
- theory of mind
theory of mind
group of skills relating to the existence of other people’s minds and that they may be different to yours