Child & Adolescent Learners Flashcards
What is the difference between growth and development?
Growth is often measured in terms of quantity or size, while development involves qualitative (and quantitative) changes in abilities and understanding.
Enumerate the time brackets for each stage under the prenatal period
- Germinal
- Embryo
- Fetal
- Germinal = fertilization to 2 weeks
- Embryo = 2 weeks to 2 months
- Fetal = 2 months to birth
A Latin term that refers to the idea that the mind is a blank state at birth.
Tabula rasa
Under what stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory do children exhibit Symbolic Function?
What does the term mean?
Pre-Operational Stage
- Ability to use symbols to represent objects and events (e.g. pretend play)
Under what stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory do children exhibit Egocentrism?
What does the term mean?
Pre-Operational Stage
- Tendency of the child to only see his point of view
Under what stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory do children exhibit Centration?
What does the term mean?
Pre-Operational Stage
Tendency of the child concentrate on a single, salient feature of an object or problem, neglecting other important dimensions.
Under what stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory do children exhibit Irreversibility?
What does the term mean?
Pre-Operational Stage
Inability to understand that actions or changes can be reversed to return to their original state.
Under what stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory do children exhibit Animism?
What does the term mean?
Pre-Operational Stage
Tendency to attribute human traits or characteristics to inanimate objects
Under what stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory do children exhibit Decentering?
What does the term mean?
Concrete Operational
ability to move beyond focusing on a single aspect of a situation to consider multiple dimensions simultaneously
Under what stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory do children exhibit Reversibility?
What does the term mean?
Concrete Operational
Ability to understand that actions or changes can be reversed to return to their original state.
Under what stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory do children exhibit Conservation?
What does the term mean?
Concrete Operational
Ability to know that the properties of objects do not change even if there is a change in shape (ex: water transferring from a wide glass to a tall glass is still the same amount)
Under what stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory do children exhibit Seriation?
What does the term mean?
Concrete Operational Stage
Ability to order or arrange things in a series based on a dimension
Under what stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory do children exhibit Object Permanence?
What does the term mean?
Sensorimotor Stage (Late Period)
Ability to know that an object still exists even when it is out of sight
Differentiate pedagogy, andragogy, and geragogy
pedagogy = children
andragogy = adults
geragogy = older adults
This term describes a pattern of growth that occurs from the center of the body outwards
Proximodistal pattern
This term describes a pattern of growth that occurs from the head and moves its way down
Cephalocaudal pattern
The degradation of nerve cells that slows down information processing of the brain is known as [blank]
What organization constructed the learner centered psychological principles (LCP)?