CHF class Flashcards
2 basic mechanisms of heart failure
systolic and diastolic dysfunction
RAAS Neuronal changes cause salt and water retention short term and long term effect
short: preload increase
long: pulmonary congestion, anasarca
RAAS Neuronal changes cause:
Vasoconstriction short term and long term effect
short: maintains bp for perfusion
pump dysfuntion due to increased afterload
Ejection fraction greater than 40% may be seen in
diastolic failure
Patient with alcholism may be at risk for which sided heart failure
both sides
Cardiomyopathy is defined as
disease of heart muscle, with mechanical or electrical dysfunction, with ventricular changes; frequently genetic
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
most common, idiopathic, dilation and impaired contraction of ventricles leading to hypertrophy, can be reversed
SYSTOLIC ANTERIOR MOTION anterior mitral valve
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy usually due to, treated with what calcium channel blockers, confirmed by; common cause of what USA death
LV Hypertrophy
verapamil and diltiazem (negative inotropic)
Confirmed by ECHO (wall >15cm thick)
Sudden cardiac death in young athletes
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy characteristics, how diagnosed, causes
biatrial enlargement, without ventricle changes, ventricle not being filled, diagnose with echo,
causes: infiltrative( amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis); noninfiltrative: diabetes, idiopathic; Storage: Fabrays; Other
Amyloidosis occurs from: treatment includes
extracellular deposits of fibrils composed of proteins
Treat HF and underlying cause (TTR treatable)
Amyloidosis treatment includes
treating hf and underlying disease
heterogeneous disorders, patchy scar formation around infiltrating, noncaseating granulomas
Common presentation of Cardiac sarcoid
AV block
Stress induced CMP also know as broken heart syndrome
Hallmark of aortic stenosis
chest pain, shortnes of breath, syncope
Aortic stenosis murmur heard during which phase of filling
Women in 40 comes with chest pain sob and syncope you suspect aortic stenossi what cause do you suspect
Man in 70 comes in aortic stenosis suspect cause
Bicuspid valve
Man in 80 come is aortic stenosis suspect cause
calcific /degenerativ
Most common cause of Mitral regurgitation
Mitral regurgitation pathophysiology
Volume overload increases LVEDP; compensatory dilatation of LA&LV to lower pressures; increased Preload, LVH, and reduced Afterload (low resistance of LA provides unloading of LV) causing large total SV; MR Begets MR; leading to contractile dysfunction with decrease in EF, increase in LVEDP
New york Heart Association functional Class 1
no limits
New york Heart Association functional Class 2
slight limitation, no symptoms at rest
New york Heart Association functional Class 3
symptoms develop with less than ordinary activity no symptoms at rest
New york Heart Association functional Class 4
symptoms occur at rest
Dilation hypertrophy would be characteristic of which HF (acute or chronic
Diagnostic evaluation of CHF
CBC, Chem 7, albumin, HepC, Lft, (liver congetions) , TSH, Troponin, CXR, ECG, ECHO
what is BNP/ANP in HF
BNP/ANP greater than 400pg/ml in patient with dyspnea due to HF
Cardiorenal syndrome labsd