Chemo drugs reduced 4 Flashcards
When do antimetabolites act?
during the S phase
S phase
binds dihydrofolate reductase
-decreases tetrahydrofolate
- Protein bound: asprin, sulfonamides, pneicillins may displace MTX from albumin leading to toxicity
- Gains access to ascites and pleural effiusions-contraindication
- Alter dose for impaired renal function
- Aspirin, penicillins, probenecid interfere with excretion
- Alkalinize urine to promote excretion greater than 7
- High IV dose may provide protection to CNS against spread to tumor
Toxicities: stomatitis
What can save a cell from myelosuppression of methotrexate if there is not polyglutamation?
inhibits thymidylate synthase
myelosuppression is dose limiting
rash, stomatitis, diarrhea, and hand food syndrome
Pretreat with vitamin B-12 and oral folic acid decreases extent of myelosuppression
Lung cancer and mesothelioma
Cytosine arabinoside
S phase pyrimidine analog
- sequential phosphorylation and is incorporated into DNA
- inhibits DNA polymerase and chain elongation
Schedule dependent cytotoxicity**
-3 days anthracycline and 7 days continuous infusion of cytosine arabinoside
-treat leukemia
5 fluorouracil
S phase
leucovorin enhances cytotoxicity
- 5FDUMP and leucovorin forms strong inhibitory complex with thymidylate synthesis-thymineless death
- gastrointestinal toxicity also enhanced
metabolized: liver, need DPD, without it severe toxicity (autosomal recessive)-myelosuppression, diarrhea, stomatitis
- frequently given concomitantly with radiation therapy as radiation sensitizer
- toxicity is dependent on schedule of administration
hyperpigmentation of skin of palms and hands, increased sensitivity to sunlight
rarely coronary artery vasospasm and cerebellar toxicity. excess lacrimation and hand foot sydnrome
can substitute for IV 5FU
Rah, diarrhea, stomatitis, hand-food syndrome, myelosuppression
6 Mercaptopurine
S phase
- metabolized to 6 thioinosinic acid which inhibits enzymes needed for purine nucleotide synthesis
- metabolized to inactive form by xanthine oxidase (inhibited by allopurinol-decrease dose by 50%)
- myelosuppression dose limiting
Treat: childhood leukemia
6 thioguanine
full dose when the patient is also receiving allopurinol