Chemistry 1130 Flashcards
transferred from electron to electron in a metal
heat and electrical energy
increases in Group IIA metals as ionization energy decreases
atomic radius
central metal ion surrounded by a specific number of polar molecules or ions
complex ion
measure of an atom’s ability to hold on to its valence electrons
ionization energy
their oxides react with water to form alkaline solutions along with hydrogen gas
Group IIA metals
give elements their characteristic chemical and physical properties
valence electrons
device in which sodium is prepared
Downs cell
color of transition-metal compounds is related to the partial filling of these orbitals
composition of the unit cells in metals since the valence electrons are delocalized
Mobile electrons emitting light at many wavelengths cause metallic ___ in metals
Alkali metals are not found free in nature because of their _____
high chemical reactivity
Alkali metals have a ____ luster and conduct heat and electricity well
Group IA metals are good ____ agents
Mobile electrons in metals roam ___ within a metal crystal
When an electron absorbs energy and jumps to a higher energy level, it is said to be ____
A method qualitative analysis in which a substance is identified by its flame color is called a ____
A compound in which ___ has an oxidation state of -1 is called a peroxide
Sodium was first prepared by the process of ____
Alkaline-earth metals are smaller than their corresponding alkali metals because the higher charge in their nuclei pulls their ____ closer
The third ____ energy for alkaline-earth metals is greater than the amount of energy available in normal chemical reaction
Most alkaline-earth hybrides are ionic and contain h+ ions, except beryllium hybride with its strong ____ bonds
In transition elements, the inner-level ____ change in number from element to element
Transition elements tend to ___ bond with other elements
ionization energy is low for all ___ metals
The ions or polar ____ that bond with a metal to form complex ions are called ligands
A body-centered cubic unit cell consists of a central ion surrounded by ____ other ions at the vertices of the cube
removing one valence electron from an alkali-metal atom gives the atom the electron configuration of a ____
noble gas
The larger and heavier alkali metals should be the better reducing agents, but ___ is the exception
Sodium is so reactive with oxygen that it sometimes forms a ____
A compound in which oxygen has an oxidation state of -1/2 is called a ____
Increasing atomic radius causes the pull of an atom’s nucleus on its valence electrons to ____
The ___ ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an ion with a +1 charge
Many compounds of transition elements are attracted by a ____ field
The highest oxidation number of a transition metal is limited by the total number of ___ electrons available
d and s