Chapters 14-19: The Nervous System Flashcards
What are the 3 nervous system areas?
1) sensory afferent
- information is processed/interpreted
2) integration
- occurs in the CNS
3) Motor efferent
- works with effectors
What are the four CNS glial cells?
1) astrocyte
2) oligodendrocyte
3) microglia
4) ependymal
What are the 2 PNS glial cells?
1) satellite
2) Schwann
What is the function of astrocyte glial cells?
Paracrine signals = blood brain barrier
What is the function of oligodendrocyte glial cells?
Form myelin in CNS
What is the function of microglia glial cells?
Phagocytes = immunity
What is the function of ependymal glial cells?
Create and circulate CSF
What is the function of satellite glial cells?
Barrier = ganglia
What is the function of Schwann glial cells?
Form myelin in the PNS
What are the three meningeal layers from superficial to deep?
1) dura matter
2) arachnoid matter
3) Pia matter
What is the subdural space?
- between the arachnoid and Dura matter
- if it fills with blood or fluid, it is called a subdural hematoma
What are the three types of neurons?
1) unipolar
2) bipolar
3) Multi polar
What is the ventricular system?
- two lateral ventricles - deep in cerebrum
- connected to third ventricle by two openings
- V4 -> Space between the cerebellum, pons, and upper medulla
What are the 4 CSF functions?
1) environmental stability
2) protection
3) neural signalling
4) buoyancy
What is cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)?
- A clear colourless liquid
- bathes the exposed CNS surfaces
What are the three parts of the Diencephalon?
1) Epithalamus
2) thalamus
3) hypothalamus
Describe the Epithalamus
Contains The pineal gland, which secretes melatonin to aid the circadian (sleep) cycle
Describe the thalamus
Sensory impulses converge on the thalamus, and then travel to the cerebral cortex
Describe the hypothalamus
Bridge between the nervous system and the endocrine system
What are the three parts of the brain stem?
- Midbrain
- Medulla oblongata
- Pons
Describe the midbrain
Coordinates Head and eye movements
Describe the medulla oblongata
Contains cardiac, respiratory, and vasomotor centres
Describe the pons
- bridge between the brain and spinal cord
- works with medulla to control breathing
Describe the Limbic System
- process and regulate emotion and memory
- deals with sexual stimulation and hearing
- behaviour, motivation, long term memory, and smell
Brain textures?
- gyri - out
- Sulci - in
increase brain surface area
What are the 4 lobes?
- Frontal
- parietal
- Temporal
- occipital
What is the function of the frontal lobe?
Motor and speech
What is the function of the parietal lobe?
Sensory region
What is the function of the temporal lobe?
What is the function of the occipital lobe?
White matter?
- 1 layer
- myelinated
- centre of brain
Grey matter?
- 6 layers
- unmyelinated
- outer of brain cortex
What are the effects of alcohol on the cerebellum?
- disturbs gait
- loss of balance and posture
- enable to detect proprioceptive information
Describe the cerebellum
- connects to brain stem
- receives input from cerebrum to spinal cord
- compare sensory feedback through the medulla and sense output through the midbrain to correct motor commands for coordination
- plays a role in language, mental imagery, and new motor skills
What are the 4 principal plexuses?
- Cervical plexus
- Brachial plexus
- Lumbar plexus
- Sacral plexus
What is a plexus?
Weblike arrangement of nerves near the spinal chord
What are the 5 parts of the spinal cord from superior to inferior?
- Cervical part
- Thoracic part
- Lumbar part
- Sacral part
- Coccygeal part
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
31 pairs
How many nerves are in each spinal cord parts?
- 8 cervical
- 12 thoracic nerves
- 5 lumbar nerves
- 5 sacral nerves
- 1 coccygeal nerve