Chapter X Flashcards
Stimuli which can be sniffed, smoked, injected, or taken orally
Cocaine Effects of Overdose
Includes agitation, increased body temperature, hallucinations, and possible death
Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms
Includes depressed mood, prolonged sleep, irritability and disorientation
Is a depressant that is taken orally
Alcohol Effects of Overdose
Difficulty breathing, cold skin, weak and rapid pulse, coma and possible death
Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Anxiety, insomnia, tremors, and possible death
Is a depressant that is taken orally or smoked
Opium Effects of Overdose
Includes slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, constricted pupils, coma and possible death
Opium Withdrawal Symptoms
Watery eyes, runny nose, yawning, not hungry, tremors, panic, chills, sweating, cramps and nausea
Is a hallucinogen that is taken orally
LSD Effects of Overdose
Prolonged episodes that may resemble psychotic states
Cocaine Possible Side Effects
Increased alertness, excitation, increase pulse rate and blood pressure, trouble sleeping and lost of appetite
Alcohol Possible Side Effects
Include slurred speech, disorientation, staggering, and drunken behavior
Opium Possible Side Effects
Includes drowsiness, slowed respiration, and nausea
LSD Possible Side Effects
Visual illusions, hallucinations, altered perception of one’s own body, increased emotionality
Is another type of drugs that is smoked
Marijuana Possible Side Effects
Includes being relaxed, inhibition, being hungry, impaired memory and attention
Marijuana Effects of Overdose
Being tired, paranoia, very high doses of it can like to hallucinogen like psychotic states
Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms
Not being able to sleep and hyperactive