Chapter II Flashcards
Mind and Body are same substance
Mind and Body are separate and different
Biopsychosocial Model
Is biological, psychological, and social components
Biological Perspectives
Neuroscience, Genetics, Evolutionary Psychology, and Treatments
Point of connection between neurons
Synaptic Cleft
Tiny gap between one neuron and the next at a symptom
Area of a neuron that receive neurotransmitters from adjacent neurons
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
Part of the peripheral nervous system that regulates involuntary bodily systems, such as breathing and heart rate
Sympathy Nervous System
Activates the body’s response to emergency and arousal situations
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Atomic nervous system that regulates the body’s calling and energy conserving functions
Endocrine system
Glands that control production and release of hormones
Chemicals released by the endocrine system that regulate sexual behavior, metabolism, and physical growth
Biological Treatments
Antianxiety (or Anxiolytic), Antidepressant, Antipsychotic, and Mood - Stabilizing Drugs
Drugs that increase neurotransmission
Drugs that reduce or block neurotransmission
Cognitive Schemas
Mental models of the world that are used to organize information
Cognitive Restructuring
Therapy techniques that focus on changing irrational and problematic thoughts
Cognitive Distortins
Irrational beliefs and thinking process
Negative automatic thoughts
Negative thoughts generated by negative cognitive schemas
Confidence that one can successfully achieve desired outcomes
Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy
Disputes pathogenic irrational beliefs
Combine cognitive and behavioral principles