Chapter Twenty-Six Flashcards
What sort of shape are the Joads in after a month in the government camp?
Very poor - Winfield is very ill and no one has found work other than Tom.
What does Ma Joad insist?
That the family leaves the next morning.
How does Ma assert her dominance over Pa?
Pa is indignant that a woman is telling him what to do - she tells him to beat her impudence out of her. He backs down to this embarrassed.
What is Rose of Sharon worried about?
Her malnutrition and how it will affect the baby.
What shows the importance of beauty even in this wretchedness?
Ma gives Rose of Sharon her gold earrings and pierces her ears.
What does Tom conclude with his friends from the Weedpatch camp?
That for a camps success migrants must work together as police are powerless against this.
The realisation of unity is similar to the belief of what other character?
Casy’s belief in unity.
When the family leaves the camp who are they approached by?
A contractor dressed well - a symbol of his greed. Offers work picking peaches.
What does Al do that Tom reprimands him for?
Purposely running over a Gopher snake - shows growth since he killed a snake a few chapters previous.
What do the Joad’s find at the peach picking camp?
A protesting group of migrants and police blockade. Find out they will only earn five cents per box of peaches.
How much have the Joad’s made in one day?
A little over $1.
What are the Joads shown to be by working?
Strike breakers - working against their own people.
Where must the Joad’s spend their money?
At the company store which has inflated prices.
What does Ma Joad beg the shop keeper to do?
To give her an extra 10 cents worth of sugar as she cannot afford to feed the family.
He agrees to loan her the money.
What does Ma Joad say about the poor?
“If you’re in trouble or hurt or need - go to the poor people. They’re the only ones that’ll help - the only ones’”.
How does the shopkeepers insensitivity affect Ma?
Diminishes her faith in the kindness of those that are more fortunate.
When Tom sneaks out at night who does he find?
Casy who has become an advocate for the workers.
What does Casy tell Tom?
The peach picking rate had fallen to two and a half cents and predicts the Joad’s rate will also soon fall to this.
What has Casy translated his religious movement into?
A political one - human unity not only offers spiritual value but can improve living conditions for migrant labourers.
What happens to Casy?
Men with flashlights approach and one hits Casy over the head with a pick, killing him.
How does Tom respond to Casy’s death?
Tom strikes the murderer in the head with the pick and takes a blow to his own head as he escapes.
What does Tom’s injury mean?
He will be recognisable to the police for the murder - must hide until it is healed.
What happens the following day of the murderers?
Tom tells the Joad’s what happened in the morning. The men go to work whilst Tom hides and on their return they reveal the rate had dropped to 2 and a half cents.
What does the Joad family decide after finding out the pay deduction?
To leave the camp - Ma is adamant that Tom comes with them. Pa resents her dominance but agrees.
What is Ma’s love for Tom shown to be?
A strong enough love to put the whole family at risk.
How does Tom end up living similarly to Casy?
The family move into a boxcar near a plantation - Tom lives in a culvert nearby and Ma plans to secretly bring him food.
Like Casy he must live in the wilderness.