Chapter Thirteen Flashcards
How is Al shown to be of use to the family?
Vigilantly drives the car - in tune with car’s every noise and vibration.
What does Al ask Ma Joad in regards to the journey?
Whether she is scared of going to a new place.
Is Ma scared of travelling to a new place?
No - she says she cannot do anything more than cope with the present.
What does Ma Joad’s bearing exemplify?
The optimism that Oklahoman’s need in order to overcome their circumstances.
What do the Joad’s need and pull over for?
What does the proprietor assume about the Joads?
That they cannot afford to pay and are begging.
Where do the rich people stop off to get water?
The corporate gas station near town.
Who does the assumption of the Joad’s being beggars anger?
Offends Tom’s honour.
Oklahomans are clearly resilient to charity.
What does Tom realise about the sorry state of the gas station?
The pump had been painted yellow to appear the same as the corporate gas stations.
What cycle is made clear that Tom sympathises with?
The corporate companies hurt the petrol man who hurts the migrants.
What part of the Joad family is killed?
The dog - the big vehicle that hits it only slows down briefly to survey damage.
What does Rose of Sharon worry about?
Seeing the dead dog might hurt her unborn baby.
What does the gas station attendant promise to do?
Bury the dog.
What is the death of the dog an omen of?
The harrowing journey to come and the lack of responsibility those in charge will take - the car did not even care.
Who do the Joad’s meet and stay with?
The Wilsons - Tom appeals to their hospitality, restoring hope in human kindness and community.
Who dies after meeting the Wilson’s?
Grampa dies of a stroke.
What does Casy do after the death?
A prayer with Granma and with the Wilson’s they throw together a funeral.
What does Pa and Uncle John debate?
Whether to bury him legally, costing them a $40 fee. They decide to do it illegally.
What is the prayer Casy provides another example of?
Another token gesture to appease Granma.
What does Uncle John’s and Pa’s reluctance to dump the body show?
Their honour but also highlights how financially desperate they are.
What do the Joad’s do as repayment for the help the Wilson’s offered?
Give them money for a new blanket as they allowed Granpa to use their tent and blanket.
Al also repairs their car.
What do the two families decide to do?
Set out to California together.