Chapter three Flashcards
What is perceived locus of control?
–How people feel about their control on life situations
What is the difference between an internal and an external?
–internal: perceive that their efforts make a difference when facing a problem. Take action to cope or solve problem. Believe they can influence events in life
–externals: Perceive that their efforts will not make a difference so they do not attempt to cope with difficult situations.
Explain what learned helplessness is and how it can influence someone’s life?
–Is the passive behavior produced by the exposure to unavoidable aversive events.
–people who have little control in life experience stress, depression and feeling of helplessness.
How can we develop an internal locus of control?
- -Change aspects of your envrionment
- -try new activities rather than the usual safe and secure ways of doing things
- -do more responsible tasks at home, work, or school–ex: volunteer
what is optimism and pessimism?
–tendency to expect positive outcomes
–tendency to envision the future as unfavorable
what is self-efficacy?
–is the belief about your ability to perform behaviors that should lead to expected outcomes
What is learned optimism?
As a learned way of explaining both good and bad life events that in turn enhance our perceived control and responses to them
Why should adults be able to control their behavior and impulses better than children?
Because they have been exposed or experienced bad times and know how to handle them better than children.
Observational learning?
Occurs when an individuals behavior is influenced by the observation of others who are called their models. (model after someone who is significant to you)
What gets your attetnion?
- -Things that are novel: new, different, or unique
- -significant stimuli: things that are significant to you
- -conflicting stimuli? anything that is in conflict with your beliefs, values or marals
What is classical conditioning?
when a specific stimulus can elicit a specific response
What is operant conditioning?
learning through reinforcement. we are controlled by the consequences of our behavior.
What is a primary reinforcer?
Pleasant or unpleasant stimuli to which we respond to automatically without learning (food, drink, cold)
What is positive reinforcement?
Anything that increases a behavior
What is a negative reinforcement?
Anything that increases a behavior of its termination or avoidance.
-a response that decreases the liklihood of a behvavior being repeated
Social learning theory?
- -by Bandura
- -Important aspect of this theory is observational learning: personality is learned in social situations through interactions and observations of other people