Chapter Six Flashcards
Why did the league of nations fail
US didn’t join
The treaty of Versailles blamed who for severe economic hardships
the mark is currency for what country
what economic aid plan secured $200 million loan to Germany, but let the United States become heavily invested in Europe
the dawes plan`
The Treaty of Locarno guaranteed what country’s western border w/ France & Belgium
The War Production Board was established by what country during WWII
Under the WPB and Office of Price Administration, they set up rationing; what is the definition of rationing
limiting the usage of certain items during wartime
The devotion of a country’s entire resources towards the war effort is known as what?
total war
According to Mein Kampf, what race did Hitler describe as the top “culture-producing” race
Hitler’s main goal was to move inferior social races from Germany to create more living space; what word in German means “living space”?
A period of low economic activity and a rise in unemployment is what stage of the business cycle?
a recession
The Weimar Republic was a democratic republic formed post-WWI; what country established the Weimar Republic?
What U.S President presented the New Deal to combat the economic troubles in the United States during the Great Depression?
The OSRD brought scientists into the war effort; what project did the OSRD create?
the manhattan project
Information, especially of a biased -or- misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause -or- point of view; what term fits this definition?
Under the rule of Hitler, all mentally and terminally ill -or- physically and mentally handicapped were killed; what practice is this?
The science of improving the race through selective breeding is what term?
What did Nazi Germany do to women who were non-Aryan women (I.E mixed blood)?
Militarism, dictatorship, censorship, and repression are all characteristics of what types of government?
Who was the totalitarian leader of the Soviet Union?
joseph stalin
Who was the totalitarian leader of Japan?
hideki tojo
who was the totalitarian leader of italy
benito mussolini
who was the totalitarian leader of germany
adolf hitler
what individual wanted to transform Russia from an agricultural giant to an industrial powerhouse
a system in which private farms are eliminated and peasants work on land that is owned by the gov
what totalitarian leader is famous for creating the model communist state
what theatre did roosevelt and churchill want to defeat first
what country primarily fought in the battle of stalingrad
soviet union
why was volograd important to control
it was a river
operation torch that focused on where
northern africa
what nazi general was the desert fox, leading axis campaign into north africa
erwin rommel
what nazi propaganda portrayed jews in horrible ways
the wandering jew (der ewige jude)
what did hitler preach to the people of germany in a speech to the reichstag
he promised the extermination of the jews
what symbol did the yellow star mean
the star of david??
what group of people did the Nuremberg laws affect most
Stressing nationalism and placing the interests of the state above those of the individual is the definition for what system of government?
Operation Overlord was the Allied invasion of what country?
german occupied france
What Allied General led the D-Day invasion of Normandy?
dwight d eisenhower
The last major offensive (for the Germans) in the European Theatre took place at what battle?
battle of the bulge
After losing the Battle of Berlin and w/ Soviet forces closing in, what leader committed suicide in his bunker with his wife?
What event officially brought the United States into WWII
pearl harbor
Internment camps were signed via executive order by FDR; what group of peoples were interred at these camps?
What battled “avenged” December 7th in the Pacific Theatre? This battle resulted in heavy losses for Japanese aircraft carriers.
battle of midway
Nazism were extreme beliefs of nationalism; what country implemented Nazism?
Blonde-hair, blue eyed were characteristics of what type of people?
What Reich did Hitler establish after dismembering the Weimar Republic?
the third reich
Suicide bombers instructed to bomb target ships and targets with planes were known as what?
Iwo Jima was an important island for the Allies because if they controlled it, they could place shipments to attack what country’s mainland?
“Island Hopping” was a strategy that was used in what theatre during WWII?
The Big Three (At Yalta) were what three leaders?
roosevelt, stalin, chruchill
The Manhattan Project led to the creation of what weapon?
atomic bombs
“Night of the broken glass” was what event? This event was used to target Jewish businesses, synagogues, etc.
What individual was the propaganda minister for the Nazis?
joseph goebbels
The Jews were kept in walled off parts of cities; what were these walled off parts of the cities called?
What method of execution did the Nazi’s use to kill large amounts of prisoners at one time?
gas chambers
The Einsatzgruben were a mobile killing force; where did most of their killings take place?
ukraine and the baltic states
The Japanese launched an attack on Manchuria; what country was Manchuria a province of?
What country passed acts such as the Neutrality Acts to remain neutral at the start of WWII?
What area of land was given to Germany via Chamberlain by the Munich Agreement?
Neville Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of which country?
Giving up principles to pacify an aggressor is what term?
What country did Germany invade, thus starting WWII?
What country did Germany sign a nonaggression pact with to prevent conflict?
soviet union
Lightning War” was a form of warfare used by the Germans; what term is lightning war?
The Royal Air Force was the Air Force for what country?
What side of the war did the United States join WWII as?
neutral? allies?
List the (2) alliances during WWII.
allies and axis
List the (3) countries that made up the Allies during WWII.
britain, america, soviet union, france
List the (3) countries that made up the Axis during WWII
germany, italy japan
List the (2) cities that the atomic bombs were dropped on.
hiroshima and nagasaki
List the names of the (2) atomic bombs
little boy and fat man