Chapter 7 Flashcards
Which method of reaching constituents would be fastest for a congress member who wants to find out how the public feels about an upcoming vote
e-mail survey
a required government expenditure that continues from one year to the next
Simple resolution
a statement adopted to cover matter affecting only one house of congress
Under which type of debate is a bill most likely to be weakened by opponent who petition members of congress
open rule
which representative body could cast a simple majority ruling with 218 votes
Which presidential privilege can keep a bill from passing thru inaction
pocket veto
A congressional representative can help a perosn retain individual rights thru casework or doing which of the following
listening to constituents talk about unfair factory conditions
the money that people and businesses pay to support the activities of the government
After a bill is voted and approved by the house of reps, what happens
the senate votes
approval of government spending
under which type of debate is a bill most likely to pass without interference or opposition
closed rule
authorization bill
a bill that sets up a federal program and specifies how much money may be appropriated for the program
an aeronautics firm might try to influence an appropriations subcommittee so that which of the following scenarios occurs
defense funds in the budget are allocated to aircraft construction
the best argument to pork barrel legislation is that it does which of the following
it can bring jobs and money to a state/districts
direct contract made by lobbyists to persuade gov officials to support the policies their interest group favors
how are appropriations committees an example of the separations of powers
each has its own influence on the budgets of gov agencies
closed rule
rule that forbids members of congress to offer amendments to a bill from the floor
mandatory spending would include which area of the federal budget
which political action can be taken by individuals who have been affected by discrimination or laws they believe are unjust
talk to member of congress about the problem
congress can work to protect the rights of individual citizens by doing which of the following
writing and passing legislation
to change or alter
to work a lawmaker does to help constituents with problems
interest groups
a group of people with common goals who organize to influence government
private bill
a bill dealing with individual people or places
provision included in a bill on a subject other than one covered in the bill
how does a committee vote to either report or kill a bill demonstrate the system of checks and balances
it shows that congress has considered the bill enough to do its part and take action
joint resolution
a resolution passed in the same form by both houses
after a bill is debated and voted on by the senate, who signs or vetos the bills into effect
the pres
concurrent resolution
resolution that covers matters ___ the action of the house and senate but on which law is not needed
continuing resolutions
a resolution that keeps the government open and operating under the previous level of appropriation during times when congress cannot agree on a new appropriation
appropriation bill
a proposed law to authorize spending money
how can the internet play a role in the legislative process
it shortens the process by which bills are presenting and passed thru congress
citizens who are influenced by the pres’s opinions and speechmaking about a piece of legislation can do which of the following scenarios
request that their congress members vote in a certain way for the bill
pork barrel legislation
laws that’re passed by congress to appropriations money for local federal projects
why is pork barrel legislation often criticized
it caters to single districts or areas instead of the good of the country
pocket veto
pres kills a bill passed during the last ten days congress is in session by simply refusing to act on it
a congressperson’s constituents make their ideas known and are influenced and affected by laws when which scenario occurs
the laws affect their personal experience
open rule
a rule that permits floor debate and the addition of amendments to the bill