Chapter: Personality Stability, Development, and Change Flashcards
What is rank-order consistency?
People change but maintain the way they are different from other people the same age
(introverted younger & older)
*Personality stability
What is the evidence for personality stability?
- Over ten years personality stayed stable: r = 0.60-0.90
- Successful predictions of life outcomes/adult behavior from childhood personality
- Stable personality disorders
What causes personality stability?
Temperament, heterotopic continuum, physical attributes, environment, adverse childhood events, birth order, person-environment transactions, environment maturity, psychological maturity
What is temperament? What determines it?
personality in infant, mostly determined by genetics
How does birth order effect personality?
- supposedly small effects
- People often think that birth order affects how children are treated
- research debates this
How do adverse childhood events affect personality?
- Consequences from ACEs persist especially in sensitive/vulnerable children
- affect tendency to develop illnesses and diseases
- rejection of parents leads to difficulty building relationships
- many parents create good outcomes: highly educated, cognitively stimulating, feel good about selves
What are person-environment transactions?
People tend to seek or create environments they are compatible with
- Active: seek out environment
- Reactive: react to same environment differently
- Evocative: change the environment to personality
Why does environment and psychological maturity affect personality?
The longer something is around the more stable it becomes
What is personality development?
Consistent change in the mean level of a trait overtime
How do the five traits develop according to a cross-sectional study?
A, O, & C dip between 10 & 20 and then recover
- N increases then decreases
- E dips then decreases
What is the cohort effect?
The cross-sectional study of the five traits is not accurate because they indicate people that have similar life experiences not similar age
How do the five change according to longitudinal studies?
Increase social dominance, A, C and emotionally stability, self-esteem, and ego development from adolescence to 50 then decrease
- possibly do to need for adult performance, confirms “maturity principle”
What causes personality development?
Changes in
- intelligence
- linguistics
- hormones
- physical strength
- social roles
What is the social clock?
The idea that people are pressured to accomplish certain things by certain ages by society
What is narrative identity?
- three aspects: actor (skills), agent (guided by goals & values), author (own story)
- how person views their life and how its trajectory fits goals & dreams
- themes differ by culture
- related with personality: agency (challenge and accomplishment of goal) and conscientiousness
- Redemption: turn out for best