Chapter One.1 Flashcards
The evolution of police administration BH
According to chapter 1 police administration, Police administration is crucial because?
- The past is full of important lessons.
- Ignoring these lessons increases that probability that prior mistakes will be repeated and and opportunities forfeited.
- Knowledge of the past breeds espirt de corp
- It instills an appreciation that each of us stands on the shoulders of men and women who served before us with dignity, compassion and valor.
- There is more complete comprehension of of where it’s has been.
According to chapter 1 police administration in what city became the first to have a full time paid police force.
According to chapter 1 police administration. The rise of of unified, full time police departments in America was influenced by what event.
It was influenced by events in England . During the late 17th and early 18 centuries, England’s economy made two key shifts
- Improved agriculture
- people where drawn to cities by the industrial revolution.
According to chapter 1 police administration. What’s the significance of the FRONTIER CLOSING in 1890.
It marked the onset of swift transition from rural, agrarian society to an urbanized one in only 30 years.
According to chapter 1 police administration. Presently There are how many local & state law enforcement agencies with at Least one full time employee.
According to chapter 1 police administration. There is no way to keep politics out of police departments. Why is this
- Because police departments must be responsive to democratic control.
- Public policy is expressed in the laws ,regulations, operating procedures, decisions, and actions taken or not taken by a governmental agency.
- As a practical matter, politics flourishes in even the smallest agencies.
According to chapter 1 police administration. What type of politics do we not want in policing.
Highly partisan politics, which has had a long and , most frequently, unhealthy relationship with policing.
According to chapter 1 police administration. During the 1800 Political machine or machine politics is explained as.
It was a tightly controlled political party headed by a boss or small autocratic group whose purpose was to repeatedly win elections for personal gain, often through graft and corruption.
According to chapter 1 police administration. Politics is defined as
It’s the process of acquiring and maintaining control over a government, including its policies , administration,and operations.
According to chapter 1 police administration. The phrase vote early originated where.
Chicago…….. this reflects the machine politics spirit.
According to chapter 1 police administration. Patronage or the spoils system is defined as
The use of government resources by politicians to reward loyal voters
According to chapter 1 police administration. The Pendleton act that was passed in 1883 for what purpose.
It established the U.S Civil service commission to enforce its provisions and mandating that federal employees pass a competitive examination and be appointed on the basis of merit.
According to chapter 1 police administration. The Lexow Committee 1894 to 1895 named after its chairman was established by whom.
It was established by the New York Senate to examine police corruption in the New York police department. It’s report, which ran some 10,000 pages, was instrumental in that city electing a reform candidate as mayor.
According to chapter 1 police administration. What were the immediate needs during the reform period of 1900 to 1926
- Arousing the public from its apathy.
- Creating a conceptual cornerstone or model for improvement by separating politics and patronage in the worse sense from administration of governmental agencies.
According to chapter 1 police administration. The term Muckrakers refers to what.
In 1906 President Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech who labeled Steffens, Sinclair, and other writers who exposed social ill , scandals, and corruption as “Muckrakers “
According to chapter 1 police administration. Who was the genesis of American professional policing.
August (Gus) Vollmer
According to chapter 1 police administration. What did the federal Hatch Act 1939 do
It places another wedge between politics and administration by forbidding federal employees from engaging in partisan political activities.
According to chapter 1 police administration. What did the military model accomplish.
It resulted in more staff positions to do specialized work , an emphasis on both line inspection of officers and staff inspection of functions, written policies and procedures, enhanced training , increased accountability and the wide spread adoption of bureaucratic form of organization.
According to chapter 1 police administration. Why is the 1920s referred to as the roaring 20s.
Because of the tremendous changes that occurred in America in that decade. World war 1 military demobilization released thousands of young men to work in the rapidly expanding economy as our factories shifted from production of military to consumer goods.
According to chapter 1 police administration. Explain the temperance movement as
Beginning in the second half of the 19th century, grew out of churches. There were substantial reasons to oppose alcohol, drunkenness was made worse by other vices commonly found in saloons such as prostitution and gambling.
According to chapter 1 police administration. The woman’s Christian temperance Union (WCTU) who was the best know Activists.
Carry Nation , who went to a saloon with a hatchet, ripping kegs open and scolding drinkers.
She was arrested more then 30 times.
According to chapter 1 police administration. The national Prohibition Act is defined.
More commonly know as the Volstead Act is a legal means for enforcing the new amendment. The making , manufacturing,selling ,bartering, transporting , importing and Delivey of Alcohol were made illegal except for 200 gallons for personnel use.
According to chapter 1 police administration. The term bootlegger refers to.
People who made, smuggled or transported liquor
According to chapter 1 police administration. In 1929 , the first comprehensive study of crime and policing in American history was commonly referred to as.
Wickersham Commission