negative prejudgement of a group and its individual members (attitude)
a belief about the personal attributes of a group of people (generalization)
unjustifiable negative behaviour towards a group or its members (ie. racism or sexism)
testing prejudice
- implicit association test (IAT)
- shows delayed responses when words confirm to stereotypes
- valid test
racial prejudice
- subtle forms of prejudice (new society = new social norms)
- discrimination without awareness
- in reference to the faces diagram, you tend to see angry faces earlier in races that aren’t yours
gender-based prejudice
- very strong
- gender stereotypes may support prejudice
- sexism: benevolent and hostile
- women as wonderful effect: when i see someone “unwomen” like it makes me angry
LGBTQIA+ prejudice
- research is in desperation and behind
- job discrimination
- marriage support is mixed
- harassment
- rejection: community attitudes predict health (suicide, stress that leads to disease)
social sources of prejudice
- social inequalities: justifying the status quo
- socialization
- institutional supports
social sources of prejudice (social inequalities)
- unequal status breeds prejudice
- social dominance orientation: motivation to have one’s group dominant over others
- you cannot be liked and competent
- prejudice justifies inequality in status
social sources of prejudice (socialization)
- the authoritarian personality: “i can do whatever but you have to follow me”
- religion and prejudice: religion is hypocritical
- conformity
social sources of prejudice (institutional supports)
- photos, movies, news stories, music
- anything we consume fuels/maintains our prejudice
motivational sources of prejudice
- frustration and aggression
- social identity theory: feeling superior to others
- motivation to avoid prejudice
motivational sources of prejudice (frustration and aggression)
- the scapegoat theory: displaced aggression
- realistic group conflict theory: theory that prejudice arises from competition for scarce resources
motivational sources of prejudice (social identity theory)
- social identity: the “we” aspect of our self-concept
- we categorize, identify, compare
- ingroups vs. outgroups
motivational sources of prejudice (ingroup bias)
- tendency to favour one’s own group
- heightened when group is smaller and lower in status than outgroup
- minimal groups (small group surrounded by larger, we become concerned with our ingroup bias)
- basking in reflected glory