Chapter 9 Vocab Flashcards
- this
- the latter
- he, she, it, they
closer to the speaker than the listener
- that (of yours)
- such (as you have, as you speak of)
closer to the listener than the speaker
can have a negative connotation (e.g., “that one,” with contempt) according to context
- that (over there)
- the former
far away from both the speaker and the listener
can have connotations of “that famous/well-known one”; sometimes just more emphatic than hic/haec/hoc
alone, only
sōlus, sōla, sōlum
genitive: sōlīus; dative: sōlī
another, other
alius, alia, aliud
genitive: alterīus; dative: aliī
ūnus, ūna, ūnum
genitive: ūnīus; dative: ūnī
no, none
nūllus, nūlla, nūllum
genitive: nūllīus; dative: nūllī
ūllus, ūlla, ūllum
genitive: ūllīus; dative: ūllī
neuter, neutra, neutrum
genitive: neuterīus; dative: neuterī
either, which (of two)
uter, utra, utrum
genitive: uterīus; dative: uterī
whole, entire
tōtus, tōta, tōtum
genitive: tōtīus; dative: tōtī
the other (of two), second
alter, altera, alterum
genitive: alterīus; dative: alterī
place; passage in literature
locus, locī, m.
places, region
loca, locōrum, n. pl.
passages in literature
locī, locōrum, m.
disease, sickness
morbus, morbī, m.
eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
studium, studiī, n.
some… others…
aliī… aliī
postpositive conj., for, in fact, truly
prep. + acc., into, toward, against
adv., too, too much, excessively; exceedingly, very (positive, esp. w/ adjectives and adverbs)