Chapter 4 Vocab Flashcards
bāsium, bāsiī, n.
bellum, bellī, n.
plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgment, wisdom
cōnsilium, cōnsiliī, n.
care, attention, caution, anxiety
cūra, cūrae, f.
gift, present
dōnum, dōnī, n.
destruction, ruin
exitium, exitiī, n.
schoolmaster/schoolmistress, teacher, master/mistress
magister, magistrī, m.; magistra, magistrae, f.
mora, morae, f.
oculus, oculī, m.
duty, service
officium, officiī, n.
leisure, peace
ōtium, ōtiī, n.
danger, risk
perīculum, perīculī, n.
cure, remedy
remedium, remediī, n.
pretty, handsome, charming
bellus, bella, bellum
good, kind
bonus, bona, bonum
pertaining to man, human; humane, kind; refined, cultivated
hūmānus, hūmāna, hūmānum
bad, wicked, evil
malus, mala, malum
small, little
parvus, parva, parvum
foolish, stupid
stultus, stulta, stultum
a fool
stultus, stultī, m.
true, real, proper
vērus, vēra, vērum
to help, aid, assist; please
iuvō (or adiuvō), iuvāre, iūvī, iūtum
to be, exist
sum, esse, fuī, futurum