Chapter 37 Grammar Flashcards
Conjugate “eō, īre, iī, itum” in the present indicative.
- eō
- īs
- it
- īmus
- ītis
- eunt
Conjugate “eō, īre, iī, itum” in the future indicative.
- ībō
- ībis
- ībit
- ībimus
- ībitis
- ībunt
Conjugate “eō, īre, iī, itum” in the perfect indicative.
- iī
- īstī
- iit
- iimus
- īstis
- iērunt
Conjugate “eō, īre, iī, itum” in the present subjunctive.
- eam
- eās
- eat
- eāmus
- eātis
- eant
Conjugate “eō, īre, iī, itum” in the imperative.
- ī
- īte
place construction
(regular) place where
He was seen in that city.
in/sub + ablative
In illā urbe vīsus est.
place construction
(regular) place to which
He will go into that city.
in, ad, or sub + accusative
In illam urbem ībit.
place constructions
(regular) place from which
He went out of that city.
ab, dē, or ex + ablative
Ex illā urbe iit.
What words are used in place constructions without prepositions?
- names of cities, towns, islands
- domus
- humus
- rūs
“place where” for words in place constructions without prepositions
locative case
- singular 1st and 2nd declension nouns: genitive singular
- otherwise: ablative singular or plural
“place to which” for words in place constructions without prepositions
cities, towns, islands in the accusative
“place from which” for words in place constructions without prepositions
cities, towns, islands in the ablative
“for many years.”
accusative of duration of time
multōs annōs
a “time” noun in the acc. indicates for how long a period of time an action occurs