Chapter 9 the nuts and bolts of survey research Flashcards
survey research
a research study that uses the survey observation technique to measure behavior
descriptive research question
a research question that asks about the presence of behavior, how frequently it is exhibited different behaviors
predictive research questions
a research question that asks if one behavior to allow predictions of future behavior
causal research question
a research questions that asks what causes specific behavior to occur
area of psychological research that involves the development, validation, and refinement of surveys and tests for measuring psychological constructs
open-ended response scale
participants respond to survey questions in any manner they feel is appropriate for questions
closed ended response scale
participants respond to survey question according to the response options provided by the researcher
construct validity
indicates that a survey measures the behavior it is designed to measure
nonresponse error
a sampling error that occurs when individuals chosen for the sample do not respond to the survey, biasing that sample
coverage error
a sampling error that occurs when the sample chosen to complete a survey does not provide a good representation of the population
criterion-related validity
determining the validity of the scores of a survey by examining the relationship between the survey scores and other established measures of the behavior of interest
social desirability bias
bias created in survey response from respondents’ desire to be view more favorable by others, typically resulting in overreporting of “positive” behaviors and underreporting “negative” behavior
test retest reliability
indicates that the scores on a survey will be similar when participants complete the survey more than once
occurs when participants choose mot to complete a study
testing effects
occurs when participants are testing more than once in a study with early testing affecting later testing
internal consistency
a form of reliability that tests relationships between scores on different items of a survey
split-half reliability
method of testing scores’ internal consistency that indicates if the scores are similar on different sets of questions on a survey that address similar topics.
cronbach’s alpha
method of testing scores’ internal consistency that indicates the average correlation between scores on all pair of items on a survey.