Chapter 9 - The establishment of a republic Flashcards
What was the first decision of the National Convention?
Unanimous decision to abolish the monarchy.
What was the status/position of the majority of the deputies in the National Convention?
Mostly lawyers, progressional men and property owners. (Low numbers of nobles and clergy)
What was the name for the people sat on the high benches in the National Convention?
Who were the opposition to the Montagnards?
What was the name for the people in between the two politically divided bodies in the National Convention?
The plain
What political club did both the Girondins and the Montagnards come form?
Jacobin club
What were some key issues the Girondins and Montagnards fought over from the beginning of the National Convention?
(3 points)
- the conduct of the war
- how to deal with the King
- personal antagonisms (disagreements)
What did the Girondins accuse the Montagnards of/why were they hostile towards them?
(3 points)
- Wanting to impose a political dictatorship
- being responsible for the September massacres
- hostile to the popular radicalism of the sans-culottes who stood behind the montagnards
What did the Girondins want to do with louis after the abolishment of the monarchy?
(2 points)
- wanted a trial
- wanted to hold Louis hostile for possible future use in negotiations with Austria and Prussia
What did the Montagnards want to do with Louis after abolishing the monarchy?
- viewed him as guilty of treason and wanted him punished
What did the National Convention agree to do with Louis?
Agreed to GIrondin demands to hold a trial for Louis
What was discovered which sealed the deal for Louis’ trial?
The armoire de fer at the Tuileries
Showed he was plotting with foreign powers
When was the armoire de fer found?
November 1792
What was the armoire de fer?
An iron wall safe which contained correspondence between Louis and the Austrians along with other compromising documents
What was the verdict argued for by Robespierre and the Montagnards?
Wanted the death penalty
What was the verdict wanted by the Girondins?
Wanted the sentence to be subject to a referendum by the people (believed the people of the provinces did not agree with those in Paris and wouldn’t want Louis’ death)
Who won the battle for Louis’ verdict and what happened?
3 points
- Girondin efforts failed
- Marat suggested they declare the verdict publicly
- Louis was found guilty
What was the outcome in votes on deciding Louis’ sentence?
387 wanted the death penalty
288 voted for imprisonment
When was Louis guillotined?
21 January 1793
What were the three successive legislative bodies tha emerged from the Estates General?
National (Constituent) Assembly
Legislative Assembly
National Convention
When was the National (constituent) assembly around?
June 1789 - September 1791
What were the dates of the Legislative Assembly?
October 1791 - September 1792
What were the dates of the National Convention?
September 1792 - October 1795