Chapter 9: Settlement Flashcards
Worlds greatest port, 20% of Europes oil entering here
Port settlement and a distribution Point, cargo from ships are distributed by train, river and pipeline into Rhineland cities
Ruhr Valley
A group of cities developed on the Ruhr coalfield.
Resource based settlements . Today coalfields exhausted , great manufacturing region
Switzerlands waterport. Barges carry Raw materials to Basel in the heart of Europe . These materials are converted into high quality, high value products by Swiss
The Rhineland
Many recreational settlements , supports a great tourist industry eg. Cruise boats, spas, heildelburgs famous castle, rudesheims craft shops and art galleries
Köln functions
Change in function over time answer
Settlements may change their function over time. Javan was first developed as a market settlement,
but in the 1970s it also became a resource based settlement when the largest lead and zinc mine opened there. Brought new jobs and wealth and population increased.
Also a residential function, for commuting to Dublin .
Large scale industrial development
Began as bridging point over the river Fergus. The Normans built a castle (defensive function), also a port function.
In 1970s, A large chemical factory opened in the town, brought new jobs and money to local economy. Main function today = manufacturing function
4 factors affecting location of settlement
Need for:
- Water
- Food
- Defence
- Communications
4 groups in Ireland
Pre Christian settlers
The Vikings
The Normans
The plantations
Backround of pre Christian settlement
- First settlers: 9000 years ago
- Settled along River Bann - Mount Sandel
- Crossed from Britain across land bridges
- Settled along northeast coast
- Access to water, food, Defence and communications
Pre Christian: water
Near rivers for washing and drinking
Pre Christian: food
Fish from rivers, fertile land around rivers for crops and keeps wild pigs and dear (and nuts and berries) in forest
Pre Christian: Defence
Easily defend and protect from attack -> built stone walls and ditches, hills and crannógs, flint in county Antrim
Pre Christian: communications
No roads, land covered in dense forest, moved using river routes in canoes
Linear settlement
In a line along a route way, ribbon settlement
Nucleated settlement
Clustered villages, towns and cities grouped together
Dispersed settlement
Randomly settled, usually farmhouses, no patterns, spread out.
Viking settlement
- Came in 800 AD in boats from Scandinavia
- Settles along coastline and river estuaries
- Names of places end in ford from Vikings from Scandinavian word Fjord
Monastic settlement
- Monasteries built by monks after St. Patrick brought Christianity
- Built in remote places like Glendalough
- Other monks came to Ireland later eg. Franciscans, came in 1100s and set up many monasteries, helped towns to grow
Primacy of Dublin intro
Dublin is a Primate city (twice as big as second largest city ). Twice as big as Cork.
Why is Dublin a primate city?
- Where Government sits
- Main transport focus (air, sea, railroads)and main port
- Eductional, cultural and commercial centre
- Zone of attraction for migrants and foreign direct investment - multi functional
Decentralization of Dublin
- Moving economic activities from Dublin to more remote parts of the country
- eg. Department of education and science move to athlone
resources and terrain: altitude
Little settlement in upland areas
Too cold and windy, most below 200m
Easier to build infrastructure in lowland areas
Resources and terrain: Drainage
Rivers attract settlement
Important for water, transport and food