Chapter 9 Security Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Countermeasures Flashcards
Computer architecture
is an engineering discipline concerned with the design and construction of computing systems at a logical level. Many college-level computer engineering and computer science programs find it difficult to cover all the basic principles of computer architecture in a single semester, so this material is often divided into two one-semester courses for undergraduates. Computer architecture courses delve into the design of central processing unit (CPU) components, memory devices, device communications, and similar topics at the bit level, defining processing paths for individual logic devices that make simple “0 or 1” decisions.
Any computing professional is familiar with the concept of hardware. As in the construction industry, hardware is the physical “stuff” that makes up a computer. The term hardware encompasses any tangible part of a computer that you can actually reach out and touch, from the keyboard and monitor to its CPU(s), storage media, and memory chips. Take careful note that although the physical portion of a storage device (such as a hard disk or flash memory) may be considered hardware, the contents of those devices—the collections of 0s and 1s that make up the software and data stored within them—may not.
The central processing unit (CPU), generally called the processor or the microprocessor, is the computer’s nerve center—it is the chip (or chips in a multiprocessor system) that governs all major operations and either directly performs or coordinates the complex symphony of calculations that allows a computer to perform its intended tasks. Surprisingly, the CPU is capable of performing only a limited set of computational and logical operations, despite the complexity of the tasks it allows the computer to perform. It is the responsibility of the operating system and compilers to translate high-level programming languages used to design software into simple assembly language instructions that a CPU understands. This limited range of functionality is intentional—it allows a CPU to perform computational and logical operations at blazing speeds.
In computing, multitasking means handling two or more tasks simultaneously. In the past, most systems did not truly multitask because they relied on the operating system to simulate multitasking by carefully structuring the sequence of commands sent to the CPU for execution. When a processor was humming along at multiple gigahertz, it was hard to tell that it was switching between tasks rather than working on two tasks at once. A single-core multitasking system is able to juggle more than one task or process at any given time.
Multicore Today, most CPUs are multicore. This means that what was previously a single CPU or microprocessor chip is now a chip containing two, four, eight, or potentially dozens of independent execution cores that can operate simultaneously.
Multiprocessing In a multiprocessing environment, a multiprocessor computing system (that is, one with more than one CPU) harnesses the power of more than one processor to complete the execution of a multithreaded application. For example, a database server might run on a system that contains four, six, or more processors. If the database application receives a number of separate queries simultaneously, it might send each query to a separate processor for execution.
Two types of multiprocessing are most common in modern systems with multiple CPUs
Two types of multiprocessing are most common in modern systems with multiple CPUs. The scenario just described, where a single computer contains multiple processors that are treated equally and controlled by a single operating system, is called symmetric multiprocessing (SMP). In SMP, processors share not only a common operating system but also a common data bus and memory resources. In this type of arrangement, systems may use a large number of processors. Fortunately, this type of computing power is more than sufficient to drive most systems.
Some computationally intensive operations, such as those that support the research of scientists and mathematicians, require more processing power than a single operating system can deliver. Such operations may be best served by a technology known as massively parallel processing (MPP). MPP systems house hundreds or even thousands of processors, each of which has its own operating system and memory/bus resources. When the software that coordinates the entire system’s activities and schedules them for processing encounters a computationally intensive task, it assigns responsibility for the task to a single processor.
Multiprogramming is similar to multitasking. It involves the pseudosimultaneous execution of two tasks on a single processor coordinated by the operating system as a way to increase operational efficiency. For the most part, multiprogramming is a way to batch or serialize multiple processes so that when one process stops to wait on a peripheral, its state is saved and the next process in line begins to process. The first program does not return to processing until all other processes in the batch have had their chance to execute and they in turn stop for a peripheral. For any single program, this methodology causes significant delays in completing a task. However, across all processes in the batch, the total time to complete all tasks is reduced.
Multiprogramming is considered a relatively obsolete technology and is rarely found in use today except in legacy systems. There are two main differences between multiprogramming and multitasking:
Multiprogramming usually takes place on large-scale systems, such as mainframes, whereas multitasking takes place on personal computer (PC) operating systems, such as Windows and Linux.
Multitasking is normally coordinated by the operating system, whereas multiprogramming requires specially written software that coordinates its own activities and execution through the operating system.
Multithreading permits multiple concurrent tasks to be performed within a single process. Unlike multitasking, where multiple tasks occupy multiple processes, multithreading permits multiple tasks to operate within a single process. A thread is a self-contained sequence of instructions that can execute in parallel with other threads that are part of the same parent process. Multithreading is often used in applications where frequent context switching between multiple active processes consumes excessive overhead and reduces efficiency. In multithreading, switching between threads incurs far less overhead and is therefore more efficient. Many Intel CPUs since the 2002 release of Xeon included the proprietary multithreading technology known as hyperthreading, which is the ability to virtualize two processors per physical core in order to allow for the concurrent scheduling of tasks. In modern Windows implementations, for example, the overhead involved in switching from one thread to another within a single process is on the order of 40 to 50 instructions, with no substantial memory transfers needed. By contrast, switching from one process to another involves 1,000 instructions or more and requires substantial memory transfers as well.
Single State
Single-state systems require the use of policy mechanisms to manage information at different levels. In this type of arrangement, security administrators approve a processor and system to handle only one security level at a time. For example, a system might be labeled to handle only secret information. All users of that system must then be approved to handle information at the secret level. This shifts the burden of protecting the information being processed on a system away from the hardware and operating system and onto the administrators who control access to the system.
Multistate systems are capable of implementing a much higher level of security. These systems are certified to handle multiple security levels simultaneously by using specialized security mechanisms such as those described in the next section, “Protection Mechanisms.” These mechanisms are designed to prevent information from crossing between security levels. One user might be using a multistate system to process secret information, while another user is processing top-secret information at the same time. Technical mechanisms prevent information from crossing between the two users and thereby crossing between security levels.
In actual practice, multistate systems are relatively uncommon owing to the expense of implementing the necessary technical mechanisms. This expense is sometimes justified; however, when you’re dealing with a very expensive resource, such as a massively parallel system, the cost of obtaining multiple systems far exceeds the cost of implementing the additional security controls necessary to enable multistate operation on a single such system.
Protection Rings
From a security standpoint, protection rings organize code and components in an operating system (as well as applications, utilities, or other code that runs under the operating system’s control) into concentric rings, as shown in Figure 9.1. The deeper inside the circle you go, the higher the privilege level associated with the code that occupies a specific ring. Though the original Multics implementation allowed up to seven rings (numbered 0 through 6), most modern operating systems use a four-ring model (numbered 0 through 3).
As the innermost ring, 0 has the highest level of privilege and can basically access any resource, file, or memory location. The part of an operating system that always remains resident in memory (so that it can run on demand at any time) is called the kernel. It occupies ring 0 and can preempt code running at any other ring. The remaining parts of the operating system—those that come and go as various tasks are requested, operations performed, processes switched, and so forth—occupy ring 1. Ring 2 is also somewhat privileged in that it’s where I/O drivers and system utilities reside; these are able to access peripheral devices, special files, and so forth that applications and other programs cannot themselves access directly. Those applications and programs occupy the outermost ring, ring 3.
mediated-access model
The essence of the ring model lies in priority, privilege, and memory segmentation. Any process that wants to execute must get in line (a pending process queue). The process associated with the lowest ring number always runs before processes associated with higher-numbered rings. Processes in lower-numbered rings can access more resources and interact with the operating system more directly than those in higher-numbered rings. Those processes that run in higher-numbered rings must generally ask a handler or a driver in a lower-numbered ring for services they need; this is sometimes called a mediated-access model. In its strictest implementation, each ring has its own associated memory segment. Thus, any request from a process in a higher-numbered ring for an address in a lower-numbered ring must call on a helper process in the ring associated with that address. In practice, many modern operating systems break memory into only two segments: one for system-level access (rings 0 through 2), often called kernel mode or privileged mode, and one for user-level programs and applications (ring 3), often called user mode.
Process States
Also known as operating states, process states are various forms of execution in which a process may run. Where the operating system is concerned, it can be in one of two modes at any given moment: operating in a privileged, all-access mode known as supervisor state or operating in what’s called the problem state associated with user mode, where privileges are low and all access requests must be checked against credentials for authorization before they are granted or denied. The latter is called the problem state not because problems are guaranteed to occur but because the unprivileged nature of user access means that problems can occur and the system must take appropriate measures to protect security, integrity, and confidentiality.
process is running, it can operate in one of several states
Ready Waiting Running Supervisory Stopped
In the ready state, a process is ready to resume or begin processing as soon as it is scheduled for execution. If the CPU is available when the process reaches this state, it will transition directly into the running state; otherwise, it sits in the ready state until its turn comes up. This means the process has all the memory and other resources it needs to begin executing immediately.
Waiting can also be understood as “waiting for a resource”—that is, the process is ready for continued execution but is waiting for a device or access request (an interrupt of some kind) to be serviced before it can continue processing (for example, a database application that asks to read records from a file must wait for that file to be located and opened and for the right set of records to be found). Some references label this state as a blocked state because the process could be said to be blocked from further execution until an external event occurs.
Running, often called the problem state.
The running process executes on the CPU and keeps going until it finishes, its time slice expires, or it is blocked for some reason (usually because it has generated an interrupt for access to a device or the network and is waiting for that interrupt to be serviced). If the time slice ends and the process isn’t completed, it returns to the ready state (and queue); if the process blocks while waiting for a resource to become available, it goes into the waiting state (and queue).
The supervisory state is used when the process must perform an action that requires privileges that are greater than the problem state’s set of privileges, including modifying system configuration, installing device drivers, or modifying security settings. Basically, any function not occurring in the user mode (ring 3) or problem state takes place in the supervisory mode.
When a process finishes or must be terminated (because an error occurs, a required resource is not available, or a resource request can’t be met), it goes into a stopped state. At this point, the operating system can recover all memory and other resources allocated to the process and reuse them for other processes as needed.
process scheduler
New processes always transition into the ready state. From there, ready processes always transition into the running state. While running, a process can transition into the stopped state if it completes or is terminated, return to the ready state for another time slice, or transition to the waiting state until its pending resource request is met. When the operating system decides which process to run next, it checks the waiting queue and the ready queue and takes the highest-priority job that’s ready to run (so that only waiting jobs whose pending requests have been serviced, or are ready to service, are eligible in this consideration). A special part of the kernel, called the program executive or the process scheduler, is always around (waiting in memory) so that when a process state transition must occur, it can step in and handle the mechanics involved.
Security Modes
Three specific elements must exist before the security modes themselves can be deployed:
A hierarchical mandatory access control (MAC) environment
Total physical control over which subjects can access the computer console
Total physical control over which subjects can enter into the same room as the computer console
Dedicated, System high, Compartmented, and Multilevel
Dedicated Mode
Dedicated mode systems are essentially equivalent to the single-state system described in the section “Processing Types” earlier in this chapter. Three requirements exist for users of dedicated systems:
Each user must have a security clearance that permits access to all information processed by the system.
Each user must have access approval for all information processed by the system.
Each user must have a valid need to know for all information processed by the system.
System High Mode
System high mode systems have slightly different requirements that must be met by users:
Each user must have a valid security clearance that permits access to all information processed by the system.
Each user must have access approval for all information processed by the system.
Each user must have a valid need to know for some information processed by the system but not necessarily all information processed by the system.
Note that the major difference between the dedicated mode and the system high mode is that all users do not necessarily have a need to know for all information processed on a system high mode computing device. Thus, although the same user could access both a dedicated mode system and a system high mode system, that user could access all data on the former but be restricted from some of the data on the latter
Compartmented mode
Compartmented mode systems weaken these requirements one step further:
Each user must have a valid security clearance that permits access to all information processed by the system.
Each user must have access approval for any information they will have access to on the system.
Each user must have a valid need to know for all information they will have access to on the system.
Notice that the major difference between compartmented mode systems and system high mode systems is that users of a compartmented mode system do not necessarily have access approval for all the information on the system. However, as with system high and dedicated systems, all users of the system must still have appropriate security clearances. In a special implementation of this mode called compartmented mode workstations (CMWs), users with the necessary clearances can process multiple compartments of data at the same time.
compartmented mode workstations (CMWs)
CMWs require that two forms of security labels be placed on objects: sensitivity levels and information labels. Sensitivity levels describe the levels at which objects must be protected. These are common among all four of the modes. Information labels prevent data overclassification and associate additional information with the objects, which assists in proper and accurate data labeling not related to access control.
Multilevel Mode, called the controlled security mode
The government’s definition of multilevel mode systems pretty much parallels the technical definition given in the previous section. However, for consistency, we’ll express it in terms of clearance, access approval, and need to know:
Some users do not have a valid security clearance for all information processed by the system. Thus, access is controlled by whether the subject’s clearance level dominates the object’s sensitivity label.
Each user must have access approval for all information they will have access to on the system.
Each user must have a valid need to know for all information they will have access to on the system.
As you look through the requirements for the various modes of operation approved by the federal government, you’ll notice that the administrative requirements for controlling the types of users that access a system decrease as you move from dedicated systems down to multilevel systems. However, this does not decrease the importance of limiting individual access so that users can obtain only the information they are legitimately entitled to access. As discussed in the previous section, it’s simply a matter of shifting the burden of enforcing these requirements from administrative personnel (who physically limit access to a computer) to the hardware and software (which control what information can be accessed by each user of a multiuser system).
Operating Modes
Modern processors and operating systems are designed to support multiuser environments in which individual computer users might not be granted access to all components of a system or all the information stored on it. For that reason, the processor itself supports two modes of operation: user mode and privileged mode. User mode, Supervisory mode, System mode, and Kernel mode.
User Mode
User mode is the basic mode used by the CPU when executing user applications. In this mode, the CPU allows the execution of only a portion of its full instruction set. This is designed to protect users from accidentally damaging the system through the execution of poorly designed code or the unintentional misuse of that code. It also protects the system and its data from a malicious user who might try to execute instructions designed to circumvent the security measures put in place by the operating system or who might mistakenly perform actions that could result in unauthorized access or damage to the system or valuable information assets.
Often processes within user mode are executed within a controlled environment called a virtual machine (VM). A virtual machine is a simulated environment created by the OS to provide a safe and efficient place for programs to execute. Each VM is isolated from all other VMs, and each VM has its own assigned memory address space that can be used by the hosted application. It is the responsibility of the elements in privileged mode (aka kernel mode) to create and support the VMs and prevent the processes in one VM from interfering with the processes in other VMs.
Privileged Mode
CPUs also support privileged mode, which is designed to give the operating system access to the full range of instructions supported by the CPU. This mode goes by a number of names, and the exact terminology varies according to the CPU manufacturer. Some of the more common monikers are included in the following list:
Privileged mode Supervisory mode System mode Kernel mode No matter which term you use, the basic concept remains the same—this mode grants a wide range of permissions to the process executing on the CPU. For this reason, well-designed operating systems do not let any user applications execute in privileged mode. Only those processes that are components of the operating system itself are allowed to execute in this mode, for both security and system integrity purposes.
Read-Only Memory
Read-only memory (ROM) works like the name implies—it’s memory the PC can read but can’t change (no writing allowed). The contents of a standard ROM chip are burned in at the factory, and the end user simply cannot alter it. ROM chips often contain “bootstrap” information that computers use to start up prior to loading an operating system from disk. This includes the familiar power-on self-test (POST) series of diagnostics that run each time you boot a PC.
ROM’s primary advantage is that it can’t be modified. There is no chance that user or administrator error will accidentally wipe out or modify the contents of such a chip. This attribute makes ROM extremely desirable for orchestrating a computer’s innermost workings.
There is a type of ROM that may be altered by administrators to some extent. It is known as programmable read-only memory (PROM), and its several subtypes are described next:
Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM)
A basic programmable read-only memory (PROM) chip is similar to a ROM chip in functionality, but with one exception. During the manufacturing process, a PROM chip’s contents aren’t “burned in” at the factory as with standard ROM chips. Instead, a PROM incorporates special functionality that allows an end user to burn in the chip’s contents later. However, the burning process has a similar outcome—once data is written to a PROM chip, no further changes are possible. After it’s burned in, a PROM chip essentially functions like a ROM chip.
PROM chips provide software developers with an opportunity to store information permanently on a high-speed, customized memory chip. PROMs are commonly used for hardware applications where some custom functionality is necessary but seldom changes once programmed.
Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM)
Combine the relatively high cost of PROM chips and software developers’ inevitable desires to tinker with their code once it’s written and you have the rationale that led to the development of erasable PROM (EPROM). There are two main subcategories of EPROM, namely UVEPROM and EEPROM (see next item). Ultraviolet EPROMs (UVEPROMs) can be erased with a light. These chips have a small window that, when illuminated with a special ultraviolet light, causes the contents of the chip to be erased. After this process is complete, end users can burn new information into the UVEPROM as if it had never been programmed before.
Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM)
A more flexible, friendly alternative to UVEPROM is electronically erasable PROM (EEPROM), which uses electric voltages delivered to the pins of the chip to force erasure.
Flash Memory
Flash memory is a derivative concept from EEPROM. It is a nonvolatile form of storage media that can be electronically erased and rewritten. The primary difference between EEPROM and flash memory is that EEPROM must be fully erased to be rewritten whereas flash memory can be erased and written in blocks or pages. The most common type of flash memory is NAND flash. It is widely used in memory cards, thumb drives, mobile devices, and SSD (solid-state drives).
Random Access Memory
Random access memory (RAM) is readable and writable memory that contains information a computer uses during processing. RAM retains its contents only when power is continuously supplied to it. Unlike with ROM, when a computer is powered off, all data stored in RAM disappears. For this reason, RAM is useful only for temporary storage. Critical data should never be stored solely in RAM; a backup copy should always be kept on another storage device to prevent its disappearance in the event of a sudden loss of electrical power. The following are types of RAM:
Real Memory
Real memory (also known as main memory or primary memory) is typically the largest RAM storage resource available to a computer. It is normally composed of a number of dynamic RAM chips and, therefore, must be refreshed by the CPU on a periodic basis (see the sidebar “Dynamic vs. Static RAM” for more information on this subject).
Cache RAM
Computer systems contain a number of caches that improve performance by taking data from slower devices and temporarily storing it in faster devices when repeated use is likely; this is cache RAM. The processor normally contains an onboard cache of extremely fast memory used to hold data on which it will operate. This can be referred to as L1, L2, L3, and even L4 cache (with the L being short for level). Many modern CPUs include up to three levels of on-chip cache, with some caches (usually L1 and/or L2) dedicated to a single processor core, while L3 may be a shared cache between cores. Some CPUs can involve L4 cache which may be located on the mainboard/motherboard or on the GPU (graphics processing unit). Likewise, real memory often contains a cache of information stored on magnetic media or SSD. This chain continues down through the memory/storage hierarchy to enable computers to improve performance by keeping data that’s likely to be used next closer at hand (be it for CPU instructions, data fetches, file access, or what have you).
There are two main types of RAM: dynamic RAM and static RAM. Most computers contain a combination of both types and use them for different purposes.
To store data, dynamic RAM uses a series of capacitors, tiny electrical devices that hold a charge. These capacitors either hold a charge (representing a 1 bit in memory) or do not hold a charge (representing a 0 bit). However, because capacitors naturally lose their charges over time, the CPU must spend time refreshing the contents of dynamic RAM to ensure that 1 bits don’t unintentionally change to 0 bits, thereby altering memory contents.
Static RAM uses more sophisticated technology—a logical device known as a flip-flop, which to all intents and purposes is simply an on/off switch that must be moved from one position to another to change a 0 to 1 or vice versa. More important, static memory maintains its contents unaltered as long as power is supplied and imposes no CPU overhead for periodic refresh operations.
Dynamic RAM is cheaper than static RAM because capacitors are cheaper than flip-flops. However, static RAM runs much faster than dynamic RAM. This creates a trade-off for system designers, who combine static and dynamic RAM modules to strike the right balance of cost versus performance.
The CPU also includes a limited amount of onboard memory, known as registers, that provide it with directly accessible memory locations that the brain of the CPU, the arithmetic-logical unit (ALU), uses when performing calculations or processing instructions. In fact, any data that the ALU is to manipulate must be loaded into a register unless it is directly supplied as part of the instruction. The main advantage of this type of memory is that it is part of the ALU itself and, therefore, operates in lockstep with the CPU at typical CPU speeds.
Memory Addressing
When using memory resources, the processor must have some means of referring to various locations in memory. The solution to this problem is known as addressing, and there are several different addressing schemes used in various circumstances. The following are five of the more common addressing schemes:
Register Addressing
As you learned in the previous section, registers are small memory locations directly in the CPU. When the CPU needs information from one of its registers to complete an operation, it uses a register address (for example, “register 1”) to access its contents.
Immediate Addressing
Immediate addressing is not a memory addressing scheme per se but rather a way of referring to data that is supplied to the CPU as part of an instruction. For example, the CPU might process the command “Add 2 to the value in register 1.” This command uses two addressing schemes. The first is immediate addressing—the CPU is being told to add the value 2 and does not need to retrieve that value from a memory location—it’s supplied as part of the command. The second is register addressing; it’s instructed to retrieve the value from register 1.
Direct Addressing
In direct addressing, the CPU is provided with an actual address of the memory location to access. The address must be located on the same memory page as the instruction being executed. Direct addressing is more flexible than immediate addressing since the contents of the memory location can be changed more readily than reprogramming the immediate addressing’s hard-coded data.
Indirect Addressing
Indirect addressing uses a scheme similar to direct addressing. However, the memory address supplied to the CPU as part of the instruction doesn’t contain the actual value that the CPU is to use as an operand. Instead, the memory address contains another memory address (perhaps located on a different page). The CPU reads the indirect address to learn the address where the desired data resides and then retrieves the actual operand from that address.
Base+Offset Addressing
Base+offset addressing uses a value stored in one of the CPU’s registers as the base location from which to begin counting. The CPU then adds the offset supplied with the instruction to that base address and retrieves the operand from that computed memory location.
Secondary Memory
Secondary memory is a term commonly used to refer to magnetic, optical, or flash-based media or other storage devices that contain data not immediately available to the CPU. For the CPU to access data in secondary memory, the data must first be read by the operating system and stored in real memory. However, secondary memory is much more inexpensive than primary memory and can be used to store massive amounts of information. In this context, hard disks, flash drives, and optical media such as compact discs (CDs), digital versatile discs (DVDs), and Blu-ray discs can all function as secondary memory.
Virtual memory
is a special type of secondary memory that the operating system manages to make look and act just like real memory. The most common type of virtual memory is the pagefile that most operating systems manage as part of their memory management functions. This specially formatted file contains data previously stored in memory but not recently used. When the operating system needs to access addresses stored in the pagefile, it checks to see whether the page is memory-resident (in which case it can access it immediately) or whether it has been swapped to disk, in which case it reads the data from disk back into real memory (this process is called paging).
Using virtual memory is an inexpensive way to make a computer operate as if it had more real memory than is physically installed. Its major drawback is that the paging operations that occur when data is exchanged between primary and secondary memory are relatively slow (memory functions in nanoseconds, disk systems in microseconds; usually, this means three orders of magnitude difference!) and consume significant computer overhead, slowing down the entire system. The need for virtual memory is reduced with larger banks of actual physical RAM, and the performance hit of virtual memory can be reduced by using a flash card or an SSD to host the virtual memory paging file.
Data storage devices make up the third class of computer system components we’ll discuss. These devices are used to store information that may be used by a computer any time after it’s written. We’ll first examine a few common terms that relate to storage devices and then cover some of the security issues related to data storage.
Primary vs. Secondary
The concepts of primary and secondary storage can be somewhat confusing, especially when compared to primary and secondary memory. There’s an easy way to keep it straight—they’re the same thing! Primary memory, also known as primary storage, is the RAM that a computer uses to keep necessary information readily available to the CPU while the computer is running. Secondary memory (or secondary storage) includes all the familiar long-term storage devices that you use every day. Secondary storage consists of magnetic and optical media such as HDD, SSDs, flash drives, magnetic tapes, CDs, DVDs, flash memory cards, and the like.
Volatile vs. Nonvolatile
You’re already familiar with the concept of volatility from our discussion of memory, although you may not have heard it described using that term before. The volatility of a storage device is simply a measure of how likely it is to lose its data when power is turned off. Devices designed to retain their data (such as magnetic media) are classified as nonvolatile, whereas devices such as static or dynamic RAM modules, which are designed to lose their data, are classified as volatile. Recall from the discussion in the previous section that sophisticated technology may sometimes be able to extract data from volatile memory after power is removed, so the lines between the two may sometimes be blurry.
Random vs. Sequential
Random access storage devices allow an operating system to read (and sometimes write) immediately from any point within the device by using some type of addressing system. Almost all primary storage devices are random access devices. You can use a memory address to access information stored at any point within a RAM chip without reading the data that is physically stored before it. Most secondary storage devices are also random access. For example, hard drives use a movable head system that allows you to move directly to any point on the disk without spinning past all the data stored on previous tracks; likewise, CD and DVD devices use an optical scanner that can position itself anywhere on the platter surface.
Sequential storage devices, on the other hand, do not provide this flexibility. They require that you read (or speed past) all the data physically stored prior to the desired location. A common example of a sequential storage device is a magnetic tape drive. To provide access to data stored in the middle of a tape, the tape drive must physically scan through the entire tape (even if it’s not necessarily processing the data that it passes in fast-forward mode) until it reaches the desired point.
data remanence
Data may remain on secondary storage devices even after it has been erased. This condition is known as data remanence. Most technically savvy computer users know that utilities are available that can retrieve files from a disk even after they have been deleted. It’s also technically possible to retrieve data from a disk that has been reformatted. If you truly want to remove data from a secondary storage device, you must use a specialized utility designed to destroy all traces of data on the device or damage or destroy it beyond possible repair (commonly called sanitizing).
SSDs present a unique problem in relation to sanitization. SSD wear leveling means that there are often blocks of data that are not marked as “live” but that hold a copy of the data when it was copied off to lower wear leveled blocks. This means that a traditional zero wipe is ineffective as a data security measure for SSDs.
Secondary storage devices are also prone to theft.
Economic loss is not the major factor (after all, how much does a backup tape or a hard drive cost?), but the loss of confidential information poses great risks. If someone copies your trade secrets onto a removable media disc and walks out the door with it, it’s worth a lot more than the cost of the disc itself. For this reason, it is important to use full disk encryption to reduce the risk of an unauthorized entity gaining access to your data. It is good security practice to encrypt SSDs prior to storing any data on them due to their wear leveling technology. This will minimize the chance of any plaintext data residing in dormant blocks. Fortunately, many HDD and SSD devices offer on-device native encryption.
Input and Output Devices
Input and output devices are often seen as basic, primitive peripherals and usually don’t receive much attention until they stop working properly. However, even these basic devices can present security risks to a system. Security professionals should be aware of these risks and ensure that appropriate controls are in place to mitigate them. The next four sections examine some of the risks posed by specific input and output devices
Monitors seem fairly innocuous. After all, they simply display the data presented by the operating system. When you turn them off, the data disappears from the screen and can’t be recovered. However, technology from a program known as TEMPEST can compromise the security of data displayed on a monitor. Generally, cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors are more prone to radiate significantly, whereas liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors leak much less (some claim not enough to reveal critical data).
is a technology that allows the electronic emanations that every monitor produces (known as Van Eck radiation) to be read from a distance (this process is known as Van Eck phreaking) and even from another location. The technology is also used to protect against such activity. Various demonstrations have shown that you can easily read the screens of monitors inside an office building using gear housed in a van parked outside on the street. Unfortunately, the protective controls required to prevent Van Eck radiation (lots and lots of copper!) are expensive to implement and cumbersome to use. It is arguable that the biggest risk with any monitor is still shoulder surfing or telephoto lenses on cameras. The concept that someone can see what is on your screen with their eyes or a video camera is known as shoulder surfing. Don’t forget shoulder surfing is a concern for desktop displays, notebook displays, tablets, and mobile phones.
Printers also may represent a security risk, albeit a simpler one. Depending on the physical security controls used at your organization, it may be much easier to walk out with sensitive information in printed form than to walk out with a flash drive or magnetic media. If printers are shared, users may forget to retrieve their sensitive printouts, leaving them vulnerable to prying eyes. Many modern printers also store data locally, often on a hard drive, and some retain copies of printouts indefinitely. Printers are usually exposed on the network for convenient access and are often not designed to be secure systems. But there are numerous configuration settings that may be available depending on the printer model that can provide some reasonable level of secure network printing services. These can include encrypted data transfer and authentication before printer interaction. These are all issues that are best addressed by an organization’s security policy.
Keyboards, mice, and similar input devices are not immune to security vulnerabilities either. All of these devices are vulnerable to TEMPEST monitoring. Also, keyboards are vulnerable to less sophisticated bugging. A simple device can be placed inside a keyboard or along its connection cable to intercept all the keystrokes that take place and transmit them to a remote receiver using a radio signal. This has the same effect as TEMPEST monitoring but can be done with much less expensive gear. Additionally, if your keyboard and mouse are wireless, including Bluetooth, their radio signals can be intercepted.
With the advent of ubiquitous broadband and wireless connectivity, modems are becoming a scarce legacy computer component. If your organization is still using older equipment, there is a chance that a modem is part of the hardware configuration. The presence of a modem on a user system is often one of the greatest woes of a security administrator. Modems allow users to create uncontrolled access points into your network. In the worst case, if improperly configured, they can create extremely serious security vulnerabilities that allow an outsider to bypass all your perimeter protection mechanisms and directly access your network resources. At best, they create an alternate egress channel that insiders can use to funnel data outside your organization. But keep in mind, these vulnerabilities can only be exploited if the modem is connected to an operational telephone landline.
You should seriously consider an outright ban on modems in your organization’s security policy unless you truly need them for business reasons. In those cases, security officials should know the physical and logical locations of all modems on the network, ensure that they are correctly configured, and make certain that appropriate protective measures are in place to prevent their illegitimate use.
Firmware (also known as microcode in some circles) is a term used to describe software that is stored in a ROM chip. This type of software is changed infrequently (actually, never, if it’s stored on a true ROM chip as opposed to an EPROM/EEPROM) and often drives the basic operation of a computing device. There are two types of firmware: BIOS on a motherboard and general internal and external device firmware.
The basic input/output system (BIOS) contains the operating system–independent primitive instructions that a computer needs to start up and load the operating system from disk. The BIOS is contained in a firmware device that is accessed immediately by the computer at boot time. In most computers, the BIOS is stored on an EEPROM chip to facilitate version updates. The process of updating the BIOS is known as “flashing the BIOS.”
There have been a few examples of malicious code embedding itself into BIOS/firmware. There is also an attack known as phlashing, in which a malicious variation of official BIOS or firmware is installed that introduces remote control or other malicious features into a device.
Since 2011, most system manufacturers have replaced the traditional BIOS system on their motherboards with Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). UEFI is a more advanced interface between hardware and the operating system, which maintains support for legacy BIOS services.
Client-Based Systems
Client-based vulnerabilities place the user, their data, and their system at risk of compromise and destruction. A client-side attack is any attack that is able to harm a client. Generally, when attacks are discussed, it’s assumed that the primary target is a server or a server-side component. A client-side or client-focused attack is one where the client itself, or a process on the client, is the target. A common example of a client-side attack is a malicious website that transfers malicious mobile code (such as an applet) to a vulnerable browser running on the client. Client-side attacks can occur over any communications protocol, not just Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Another potential vulnerability that is client based is the risk of poisoning of local caches.
Applets perform the opposite function; these code objects are sent from a server to a client to perform some action. In fact, applets are actually self-contained miniature programs that execute independently of the server that sent them. The arena of the World Wide Web is undergoing constant flux. The use of applets is not as common today as it was in the early 2010s. However, applets are not absent from the Web, and most browsers still support them (or still have add-ons present that support them). Thus, even when your organization does not use applets in your internal or public web design, your web browsers could encounter them while surfing the public Web.
Java Applets
Java is a platform-independent programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle). Java is largely superseded by modern applications, and it is no longer supported directly in most browsers. However, you should still have a basic understand of Java as it may still be in use internally or supported in the specific browser implemented by your organization. While modern web design has moved away from Java, this does not mean Java has been scrubbed off the internet. Most programming languages use compilers that produce applications custom-tailored to run under a specific operating system. This requires the use of multiple compilers to produce different versions of a single application for each platform it must support. Java overcomes this limitation by inserting the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) into the picture. Each system that runs Java code downloads the version of the JVM supported by its operating system. The JVM then takes the Java code and translates it into a format executable by that specific system. The great benefit of this arrangement is that code can be shared between operating systems without modification. Java applets are simply short Java programs transmitted over the internet to perform operations on a remote system.
ActiveX Controls
ActiveX controls were Microsoft’s answer to Sun’s Java applets. They operate in a similar fashion, but they are implemented using a variety of languages, including Visual Basic, C, C++, and Java. There are two key distinctions between Java applets and ActiveX controls. First, ActiveX controls use proprietary Microsoft technology and, therefore, can execute only on systems running Microsoft browsers. Second, ActiveX controls are not subject to the sandbox restrictions placed on Java applets. They have full access to the Windows operating environment and can perform a number of privileged actions. Therefore, you must take special precautions when deciding which ActiveX controls to download and execute. Some security administrators have taken the somewhat harsh position of prohibiting the download of any ActiveX content from all but a select handful of trusted sites.
ActiveX is still supported by Internet Explorer 11, but Microsoft’s latest browser, Edge, released with Windows 10, does not include support for ActiveX. This signals that Microsoft is phasing out ActiveX.
A local cache is anything that is temporarily stored on the client for future reuse. There are many local caches on a typical client, including Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache, Domain Name System (DNS) cache, and internet files cache. ARP cache poisoning is caused by an attack responding to ARP broadcast queries in order to send back falsified replies. If the false reply is received by the client before the valid reply, then the false reply is used to populate the ARP cache and the valid reply is discarded as being outside an open query. The dynamic content of ARP cache, whether poisoned or legitimate, will remain in cache until a timeout occurs (which is usually under 10 minutes). ARP is used to resolve an Internet Protocol (IP) address into the appropriate MAC address in order to craft the Ethernet header for data transmission. Once an IP-to-MAC mapping falls out of cache, then the attacker gains another opportunity to poison the ARP cache when the client re-performs the ARP broadcast query.
split-DNS system
Organizations should use a split-DNS system (aka split-horizon DNS, split-view DNS, and split-brain DNS). A split-DNS is deploying a DNS server for public use and a separate DNS server for internal use. All data in the zone file on the public DNS server is accessible by the public via queries or probing. However, the internal DNS is for internal use only. Only internal systems are granted access to interact with the internal DNS server. Outsiders are prohibited from accessing the internal DNS server by blocking inbound port 53 for both Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). TCP 53 is used for zone transfers (which includes most DNS server to DNS server communications), and UDP 53 is used for queries (which is any non-DNS system sending a query to a DNS server). Internal systems can be configured to only interact with the internal DNS servers, or they may be allowed to send queries to external DNS servers (which does require the firewall to be a stateful inspection firewall configured to allow responses to return to the internal system from an approved outbound query).
Data flow control.
Data flow is the movement of data between processes, between devices, across a network, or over communication channels. Management of data flow ensures not only efficient transmission with minimal delays or latency, but also reliable throughput using hashing and confidentiality protection with encryption. Data flow control also ensures that receiving systems are not overloaded with traffic, especially to the point of dropping connections or being subject to a malicious or even self-inflicted denial of service. When data overflow occurs, data may be lost or corrupted or may trigger a need for retransmission. These results are undesirable, and data flow control is often implemented to prevent these issues from occurring. Data flow control may be provided by networking devices, including routers and switches, as well as network applications and services.
load balancer
is used to spread or distribute network traffic load across several network links or network devices. A load balancer may be able to provide more control over data flow. The purpose of load balancing is to obtain more optimal infrastructure utilization, minimize response time, maximize throughput, reduce overloading, and eliminate bottlenecks. Although load balancing can be used in a variety of situations, a common implementation is spreading a load across multiple members of a server farm or cluster. A load balancer might use a variety of techniques to perform load distribution, including random choice, round robin, load/utilization monitoring, and preferencing.
Database security
is an important part of any organization that uses large sets of data as an essential asset. Without database security efforts, business tasks can be interrupted and confidential information disclosed. For the CISSP exam, it is important that you are aware of several topics in relation to database security. These include aggregation, inference, data mining, data warehousing, and data analytics.
SQL provides a number of functions that combine records from one or more tables to produce potentially useful information. This process is called aggregation. Aggregation is not without its security vulnerabilities. Aggregation attacks are used to collect numerous low-level security items or low-value items and combine them to create something of a higher security level or value.
The database security issues posed by inference attacks are similar to those posed by the threat of data aggregation. Inference attacks involve combining several pieces of nonsensitive information to gain access to information that should be classified at a higher level. However, inference makes use of the human mind’s deductive capacity rather than the raw mathematical ability of modern database platforms.
Many organizations use large databases, known as data warehouses, to store large amounts of information from a variety of databases for use with specialized analysis techniques. These data warehouses often contain detailed historical information not normally stored in production databases because of storage limitations or data security concerns.
A data dictionary is commonly used for storing critical information about data, including usage, type, sources, relationships, and formats. Database management system (DBMS) software reads the data dictionary to determine access rights for users attempting to access data.
Data mining techniques allow analysts to comb through data warehouses and look for potential correlated information. For example, an analyst might discover that the demand for lightbulbs always increases in the winter months and then use this information when planning pricing and promotion strategies. Data mining techniques result in the development of data models that can be used to predict future activity.
The activity of data mining produces metadata. Metadata is data about data or information about data. Metadata is not exclusively the result of data mining operations; other functions or services can produce metadata as well. Think of metadata from a data mining operation as a concentration of data. It can also be a superset, a subset, or a representation of a larger dataset. Metadata can be the important, significant, relevant, abnormal, or aberrant elements from a dataset.
Data analytics
Data analytics is the science of raw data examination with the focus of extracting useful information out of the bulk information set. The results of data analytics could focus on important outliers or exceptions to normal or standard items, a summary of all data items, or some focused extraction and organization of interesting information. Data analytics is a growing field as more organizations are gathering an astounding volume of data from their customers and products. The sheer volume of information to be processed has demanded a whole new category of database structures and analysis tools. It has even picked up the nickname of “big data.”
Parallel data systems or parallel computing
s a computation system designed to perform numerous calculations simultaneously. But parallel data systems often go far beyond basic multiprocessing capabilities. They often include the concept of dividing up a large task into smaller elements, and then distributing each subelement to a different processing subsystem for parallel computation. This implementation is based on the idea that some problems can be solved efficiently if broken into smaller tasks that can be worked on concurrently. Parallel data processing can be accomplished by using distinct CPUs or multicore CPUs, using virtual systems, or any combination of these. Large-scale parallel data systems must also be concerned with performance, power consumption, and reliability/stability issues.
Defense in depth
is a common security strategy used to provide a protective multilayer barrier against various forms of attack. It’s reasonable to assume that there is greater difficulty in passing bad traffic or data through a network heavily fortified by a firewall, an IDS, and a diligent administration staff than one with a firewall alone. Why shouldn’t you double up your defenses? Defense in depth (aka multilayered defense and diversity of defense) is the use of multiple types of access controls in literal or theoretical concentric circles. This form of layered security helps an organization avoid a monolithic security stance. A monolithic or fortress mentality is the belief that a single security mechanism is all that is required to provide sufficient security. Unfortunately, every individual security mechanism has a flaw or a workaround just waiting to be discovered and abused by a hacker. Only through the intelligent combination of countermeasures is a defense constructed that will resist significant and persistent attempts of compromise.
Cloud computing
Cloud computing is the popular term referring to a concept of computing where processing and storage are performed elsewhere over a network connection rather than locally. Cloud computing is often thought of as Internet-based computing or remote virtualization. Ultimately, processing and storage still occurs on computers somewhere, but the distinction is that the local operator no longer needs to have that capacity or capability locally. This also allows a larger group of users to leverage cloud resources on demand. From the end-user perspective, all the work of computing is now performed “in the cloud” and thus the complexity is isolated from them.
hypervisor, also known as the virtual machine monitor (VMM), is the component of virtualization that creates, manages, and operates the virtual machines. The computer running the hypervisor is known as the host OS, and the OSs running within a hypervisor-supported virtual machine are known as guest OSs.
A type I hypervisor is a native or bare-metal hypervisor. In this configuration, there is no host OS; instead, the hypervisor installs directly onto the hardware where the host OS would normally reside. Type 1 hypervisors are often used to support server virtualization. This allows for maximization of the hardware resources while eliminating any risks or resource reduction caused by a host OS.
A type II hypervisor is a hosted hypervisor. In this configuration, a standard regular OS is present on the hardware, and then the hypervisor is installed as another software application. Type II hypervisors are often used in relation to desktop deployments, where the guest OSs offer safe sandbox areas to test new code, allow the execution of legacy applications, support apps from alternate OSs, and provide the user with access to the capabilities of a host OS.
Cloud storage
is the idea of using storage capacity provided by a cloud vendor as a means to host data files for an organization. Cloud storage can be used as form of backup or support for online data services. Cloud storage may be cost effective, but it is not always high speed or low latency. Most do not yet consider cloud storage as a replacement for physical backup media solutions but rather as a supplement for organizational data protection. Additionally, using cloud storage may involve additional risk because your organization’s data is residing on equipment in another facility and under third-party control.
refers to the flexibility of virtualization and cloud solutions to expand or contract based on need. In relation to virtualization, host elasticity means additional hardware hosts can be booted when needed and then used to distribute the workload of the virtualized services over the newly available capacity. As the workload becomes smaller, you can pull virtualized services off unneeded hardware so it can be shut down to conserve electricity and reduce heat.
Platform as a service
Platform as a service (PaaS) is the concept of providing a computing platform and software solution stack as a virtual or cloud-based service. Essentially, this type of cloud solution provides all the aspects of a platform (that is, the operating system and complete solution package). The primary attraction of PaaS is the avoidance of having to purchase and maintain high-end hardware and software locally.
Software as a service
Software as a service (SaaS) is a derivative of PaaS. SaaS provides on-demand online access to specific software applications or suites without the need for local installation. In many cases, there are few local hardware and OS limitations. SaaS can be implemented as a subscription service (for example, Microsoft Office 365), a pay-as-you-go service, or a free service (for example, Google Docs).
Infrastructure as a service
Infrastructure as a service
on-premise solution
is the traditional deployment concept in which an organization owns the hardware, licenses the software, and operates and maintains the systems on its own usually within their own building. On-premises solutions do not have ongoing monthly subscription costs like a cloud service but may be costlier because of initial up-front costs of obtaining hardware and licensing and ongoing operational management costs. On-premises solutions offer full customization, provide local control over security, do not require internet connectivity, and provide local control over updates and changes. However, they also require significant administrative involvement for updates and changes, require local backup and management, and are more challenging to scale.
hosted solution
is a deployment concept where the organization must license software and then operates and maintains the software. The hosting provider owns, operates, and maintains the hardware that supports the organization’s software.
cloud solution
is a deployment concept where an organization contracts with a third-party cloud provider. The cloud provider owns, operates, and maintains the hardware and software. The organization pays a monthly fee (often based on a per-user multiplier) to use the cloud solution. Most on-premises environments can be crafted or re-created as a cloud-only solution.
A private cloud is a cloud service within a corporate network and isolated from the internet. The private cloud is for internal use only. A virtual private cloud is a service offered by a public cloud provider that provides an isolated subsection of a public or external cloud for exclusive use by an organization internally. In other words, an organization outsources its private cloud to an external provider.
A public cloud is a cloud service that is accessible to the general public, typically over an internet connection. Public cloud services may require some form of subscription or pay-per-use or may be offered for free. Although an organization’s or individual’s data is usually kept separated and isolated from other customers’ data in a public cloud, the overall purpose or use of the cloud is the same for all customers.
A hybrid cloud is a mixture of private and public cloud components. For example, an organization could host a private cloud for exclusive internal use but distribute some resources onto a public cloud for the public, business partners, customers, the external sales force, and so on.
A community cloud is a cloud environment maintained, used, and paid for by a group of users or organizations for their shared benefit, such as collaboration and data exchange. This may allow for some cost savings compared to accessing private or public clouds independently.
are backups of virtual machines. They offer a quick means to recover from errors or poor updates. It’s often easier and faster to make backups of entire virtual systems rather than the equivalent native hardware-installed system.
cloud access security broker (CASB)
is a security policy enforcement solution that may be installed on-premises, or it may be cloud-based. The goal of a CASB is to enforce and ensure that proper security measures are implemented between a cloud solution and a customer organization.
Security as a service (SECaaS)
is a cloud provider concept in which security is provided to an organization through or by an online entity. The purpose of SECaaS solutions are to reduce the cost and overhead of implementing and managing security locally. SECaaS often implements software-only security components that do not need dedicated on-premises hardware. SECaaS security components can include a wide range of security products, including authentication, authorization, auditing/accounting, anti-malware, intrusion detection, compliance and vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and security event management.
cloud shared responsibility model
is the concept that when an organization uses a cloud solution, there is a division of security and stability responsibility between the provider and the customer. The different forms of cloud service (such as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) may each have different levels or division points of shared responsibility. A SaaS solution places most of the management burden on the shoulders of the cloud provider, while IaaS management leans more toward the customer. When electing to use a cloud service, it is important to consider the specifics of the management, troubleshooting, and security management and how those responsibilities are assigned, divided, or shared between the cloud provider and the customer.
Grid computing is a form of parallel distributed processing that loosely groups a significant number of processing nodes to work toward a specific processing goal. Members of the grid can enter and leave the grid at random intervals. Often, grid members join the grid only when their processing capacities are not being taxed for local workloads. When a system is otherwise in an idle state, it could join a grid group, download a small portion of work, and begin calculations. When a system leaves the grid, it saves its work and may upload completed or partial work elements back to the grid. Many interesting uses of grid computing have developed, ranging from projects seeking out intelligent aliens, performing protein folding, predicting weather, modeling earthquakes, planning financial decisions, and solving for primes.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies are networking and distributed application solutions that share tasks and workloads among peers. This is similar to grid computing; the primary differences are that there is no central management system and the services provided are usually real time rather than as a collection of computational power. Common examples of P2P include many VoIP services, such as Skype, BitTorrent (for data/file distribution), and Spotify (for streaming audio/music distribution).
Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new subcategory or even a new class of smart devices that are Internet-connected in order to provide automation, remote control, or AI processing to traditional or new appliances or devices in a home or office setting. IoT devices are sometimes revolutionary adaptations of functions or operations you may have been performing locally and manually for decades, which you would not want to ever be without again. Other IoT devices are nothing more than expensive gimmicky gadgets that after the first few moments of use are forgotten about and/or discarded. The security issues related to IoT are about access and encryption. All too often an IoT device was not designed with security as a core concept or even an afterthought. This has already resulted in numerous home and office network security breaches. Additionally, once an attacker has remote access to or through an IoT device, they may be able to access other devices on the compromised network. When electing to install IoT equipment, evaluate the security of the device as well as the security reputation of the vendor. If the new device does not have the ability to meet or accept your existing security baseline, then don’t compromise your security just for a flashy gadget.
Industrial Control Systems
An industrial control system (ICS) is a form of computer-management device that controls industrial processes and machines. ICSs are used across a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, fabrication, electricity generation and distribution, water distribution, sewage processing, and oil refining. There are several forms of ICS, including distributed control systems (DCSs), programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA).
distributed control systems (DCSs)
DCS units are typically found in industrial process plans where the need to gather data and implement control over a large-scale environment from a single location is essential. An important aspect of DCS is that the controlling elements are distributed across the monitored environment, such as a manufacturing floor or a production line, and the centralized monitoring location sends commands out of those localized controllers while gathering status and performance data. A DCS might be analog or digital in nature, depending on the task being performed or the device being controlled. For example, a liquid flow value DCS would be an analog system whereas an electric voltage regulator DCS would likely be a digital system.
programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
PLC units are effectively single-purpose or focused-purpose digital computers. They are typically deployed for the management and automation of various industrial electromechanical operations, such as controlling systems on an assembly line or a large-scale digital light display (such as a giant display system in a stadium or on a Las Vegas Strip marquee).
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA).
A SCADA system can operate as a stand-alone device, be networked together with other SCADA systems, or be networked with traditional information technology (IT) systems. Most SCADA systems are designed with minimal human interfaces. Often, they use mechanical buttons and knobs or simple LCD screen interfaces (similar to what you might have on a business printer or a GPS navigation device). However, networked SCADA devices may have more complex remote-control software interfaces.
Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).
OWASP is a nonprofit security project focusing on improving security for online or web-based applications. OWASP is not just an organization—it is also a large community that works together to freely share information, methodology, tools, and techniques related to better coding practices and more secure deployment architectures.
injection attack
is any exploitation that allows an attacker to submit code to a target system in order to modify its operations and/or poison and corrupt its data set. There are a wide range of potential injection attacks. Typically, an injection attack is named after the type of backend system it takes advantage of or the type of payload delivered (injected) onto the target. Examples include Structured Query Language (SQL) injection, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), XML injection, command injection, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) injection, code injection, and file injection. A few of these are presented in more detail in this section.
SQL injection attacks
are even riskier than XSS attacks (see the following section) from an organization’s perspective because the targets of a SQL injection attack are organizational assets, whereas the targets of an XSS attack are customers or visitors to a website. SQL injection attacks use unexpected input to alter or compromise a web application. However, instead of using this input to attempt to fool a user, SQL injection attacks use it to gain unauthorized access to an underlying database and related assets.
XML injection is another variant of SQL injection, where the backend target is an XML application. Again, input sanitization is necessary to eliminate this threat.
demilitarized zone (DMZ).
What does this mean to you as a security professional? Web applications add complexity to the traditional security model. The web server, as a publicly accessible server, belongs in a separate network zone from other servers, commonly referred to as a demilitarized zone (DMZ). The database server, on the other hand, isn’t meant for public access, so it belongs on the internal network or at least a secured subnet separated from the DMZ. The web application needs access to the database, so the firewall administrator must create a rule allowing access from the web server to the database server. This rule creates a potential path for internet users to gain access to the database server.
You can use two techniques to protect your web applications against SQL injection attacks.
Perform input validation. Input validation lets you limit the types of data a user provides in a form. There are numerous variations of input injection or manipulation attacks that require a broad-spectrum defense approach, including whitelisting and blacklisting filters. The primary forms of input sanitization that should be adopted include limiting the length of input, filtering on known malicious content patterns, and escaping metacharacters.
Limit account privileges. The database account used by the web server should have the smallest set of privileges possible. If the web application needs only to retrieve data, it should have that ability only.
Metacharacters are characters that have been assigned special programmatic meaning. Thus, they have special powers that standard, normal characters do not have. There are many common metacharacters, but typical examples include single and double quotation marks; the open/close square brackets; the backslash; the semicolon; the ampersand; the caret; the dollar sign; the period, or dot; the vertical bar, or pipe symbol; the question mark; the asterisk; the plus sign; open/close curly braces; and open/close parentheses: ‘ “ [ ] \ ; & ^ $ . | ? * + { } ( )
Escaping a metacharacter is the process of marking the metacharacter as merely a normal or common character, such as a letter or number, thus removing its special programmatic powers. This is often done by adding a backslash in front of the character (\&), but there are many ways to escape metacharacters based on the programming language or execution environment.
LDAP injection
is a variation of an input injection attack; however, the focus of the attack is on the back end of an LDAP directory service rather than a database server. If a web server front end uses a script to craft LDAP statements based on input from a user, then LDAP injection is potentially a threat. Just as with SQL injection, sanitization of input and defensive coding are essential to eliminate this threat.
directory traversal
A directory traversal is an attack that enables an attacker to jump out of the web root directory structure and into any other part of the filesystem hosted by the web server’s host OS. A common, but historical, version of this attack was against IIS 4.0, hosted by Windows NT 4.0 Server. The attack used a modified URL to directory-traverse out of the web root, into the main OS folders, in order to access the command prompt executable. Here’s an example:
XML exploitation
is a form of programming attack that is used to either falsify information being sent to a visitor or cause their system to give up information without authorization. One area of growing concern in regard to XML attacks is Security Association Markup Language (SAML). SAML abuses are often focused on web-based authentication. SAML is an XML-based convention for the organization and exchange of communication authentication and authorization details between security domains, often over web protocols. SAML is often used to provide a web-based SSO (single sign-on) solution. If an attacker can falsify SAML communications or steal a visitor’s access token, they may be able to bypass authentication and gain unauthorized access to a site.
Cross-site scripting (XSS)
is a form of malicious code-injection attack in which an attacker is able to compromise a web server and inject their own malicious code into the content sent to other visitors. Hackers have discovered numerous and ingenious methods for injecting malicious code into websites via Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts, web server software vulnerabilities, SQL injection attacks, frame exploitation, DNS redirects, cookie hijacks, and many other forms of attack. A successful XSS attack can result in identity theft, credential theft, data theft, financial losses, or the planting of remote-control software on visiting clients.
Website administrators can implement prevention measures against XSRF
equiring confirmations or reauthentication whenever a sensitive or risky action is requested by a connected client. This could include requiring the user to reenter their password, sending a code to the user via text message or email that must be provided back to the website, triggering a phone call–based verification, or solving a Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) (a mechanism to differentiate between humans and software robots). Another potential protection mechanism is to add a randomization string (called a nonce) to each URL request and session establishment and to check the client HTTP request header referrer for spoofing. End users can form more secure habits, such as running anti-malware scanners; using an HIDS; running a firewall; avoiding nonmainstream websites; always logging off from sites instead of closing the browser, closing the tab, or moving on to another URL; keeping browsers patched; and clearing out temporary files and cached cookies regularly.
Full Device Encryption
Some mobile devices, including portable computers, tablets, and mobile phones, may offer device encryption. If most or all the storage media of a device can be encrypted, this is usually a worthwhile feature to enable. However, encryption isn’t a guarantee of protection for data, especially if the device is stolen while unlocked or if the system itself has a known backdoor attack vulnerability.
Voice encryption may be possible on mobile devices when Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services are used. VoIP service between computer-like devices is more likely to offer an encryption option than VoIP connections to a traditional landline phone or typical mobile phone. When a voice conversation is encrypted, eavesdropping becomes worthless because the contents of the conversation are undecipherable.
Remote Wiping
It’s becoming common for a remote wipe or remote sanitation to be performed if a device is lost or stolen. A remote wipe lets you delete all data and possibly even configuration settings from a device remotely. The wipe process can be triggered over mobile phone service or sometimes over any internet connection. However, a remote wipe isn’t a guarantee of data security. Thieves may be smart enough to prevent connections that would trigger the wipe function while they dump out the data. Additionally, a remote wipe is mostly a deletion operation. The use of an undelete or data recovery utility can often recover data on a wiped device. To ensure that a remote wipe destroys data beyond recovery, the device should be encrypted. Thus, the undelete operation would only be recovering encrypted data, which the attacker would be unable to decipher.
Lockout on a mobile device is similar to account lockout on a company workstation. When a user fails to provide their credentials after repeated attempts, the account or device is disabled (locked out) for a period of time or until an administrator clears the lockout flag.
Mobile devices may offer a lockout feature, but it’s in use only if a screen lock has been configured. Otherwise, a simple screen swipe to access the device doesn’t provide sufficient security, because an authentication process doesn’t occur. Some devices trigger ever longer delays between access attempts as a greater number of authentication failures occur. Some devices allow for a set number of attempts (such as three) before triggering a lockout that lasts minutes. Other devices trigger a persistent lockout and require the use of a different account or master password/code to regain access to the device.
Screen Locks
A screen lock is designed to prevent someone from casually picking up and being able to use your phone or mobile device. However, most screen locks can be unlocked by swiping a pattern or typing a number on a keypad display. Neither of these is truly a secure operation. Screen locks may have workarounds, such as accessing the phone application through the emergency calling feature. And a screen lock doesn’t necessarily protect the device if a hacker connects to it over Bluetooth, wireless, or a USB cable.
Screen locks are often triggered after a timeout period of nonuse. Most PCs autotrigger a password-protected screen saver if the system is left idle for a few minutes. Similarly, many tablets and mobile phones trigger a screen lock and dim or turn off the display after 30–60 seconds. The lockout feature ensures that if you leave your device unattended or it’s lost or stolen, it will be difficult for anyone else to be able to access your data or applications. To unlock the device, you must enter a password, code, or PIN; draw a pattern; offer your eyeball or face for recognition; scan your fingerprint; or use a proximity device such as a near-field communication (NFC) or radio-frequency identification (RFID) ring or tile.
Near field communication (NFC)
is a standard to establish radio communications between devices in close proximity. It lets you perform a type of automatic synchronization and association between devices by touching them together or bringing them within inches of each other. NFC is commonly found on smartphones and many mobile device accessories. It’s often used to perform device-to-device data exchanges, set up direct communications, or access more complex services such as WiFi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) encrypted wireless networks by linking with the wireless access point via NFC. Because NFC is a radio-based technology, it isn’t without its vulnerabilities. NFC attacks can include man-in-the-middle, eavesdropping, data manipulation, and replay attacks.
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Many mobile devices include a Global Positioning System (GPS) chip to support and benefit from localized services, such as navigation, so it’s possible to track those devices. The GPS chip itself is usually just a receiver of signals from orbiting GPS satellites. However, applications on the mobile device can record the GPS location of the device and then report it to an online service. You can use GPS tracking to monitor your own movements, track the movements of others (such as minors or delivery personnel), or track down a stolen device. But for GPS tracking to work, the mobile device must have internet or wireless phone service over which to communicate its location information.
Application Control
Application control is a device-management solution that limits which applications can be installed onto a device. It can also be used to force specific applications to be installed or to enforce the settings of certain applications, in order to support a security baseline or maintain other forms of compliance. Using application control can often reduce exposure to malicious applications by limiting the user’s ability to install apps that come from unknown sources or that offer non-work-related features.
Storage Segmentation
Storage segmentation is used to artificially compartmentalize various types or values of data on a storage medium. On a mobile device, the device manufacturer and/or the service provider may use storage segmentation to isolate the device’s OS and preinstalled apps from user-installed apps and user data. Some mobile device-management systems further impose storage segmentation in order to separate company data and apps from user data and apps
Asset Tracking
Asset tracking is the management process used to maintain oversight over an inventory, such as deployed mobile devices. An asset-tracking system can be passive or active. Passive systems rely on the asset itself to check in with the management service on a regular basis, or the device is detected as being present in the office each time the employee arrives at work. An active system uses a polling or pushing technology to send out queries to devices in order to elicit a response.
You can use asset tracking to verify that a device is still in the possession of the assigned authorized user. Some asset-tracking solutions can locate missing or stolen devices.
Some asset-tracking solutions expand beyond hardware inventory management and can oversee the installed apps, app usage, stored data, and data access on a device. You can use this type of monitoring to verify compliance with security guidelines or check for exposure of confidential information to unauthorized entities.
Inventory Control
The term inventory control may describe hardware asset tracking (as discussed in the previous topic). However, it can also refer to the concept of using a mobile device as a means of tracking inventory in a warehouse or storage cabinet. Most mobile devices have a camera. Using a mobile device camera, apps that can take photos or scan bar codes can be used to track physical goods. Those mobile devices with RFID or NFC capabilities may be able to interact with objects or their containers that have been electronically tagged.
Inventory Control
Mobile device management (MDM) is a software solution to the challenging task of managing the myriad mobile devices that employees use to access company resources. The goals of MDM are to improve security, provide monitoring, enable remote management, and support troubleshooting. Many MDM solutions support a wide range of devices and can operate across many service providers. You can use MDM to push or remove apps, manage data, and enforce configuration settings both over the air (across a carrier network) and over Wi-Fi connections. MDM can be used to manage company-owned devices as well as personally owned devices (such as in a bring your own device [BYOD] environment).
Device Access Control
A strong password would be a great idea on a phone or other mobile device if locking the phone provided true security. But many mobile devices aren’t secure, so even with a strong password, the device is still accessible over Bluetooth, wireless, or a USB cable. If a specific mobile device blocked access to the device when the system lock was enabled, this would be a worthwhile feature to set to trigger automatically after a period of inactivity or manual initialization. This benefit is usually obtained when you enable both a device password and storage encryption.
You should consider any means that reduces unauthorized access to a mobile device. Many MDM solutions can force screen-lock configuration and prevent a user from disabling the feature.
Removable Storage
Many mobile devices support removable storage. Some devices support microSD cards, which can be used to expand available storage on a mobile device. However, most mobile phones require the removal of a back plate and sometimes removal of the battery in order to add or remove a storage card. Larger mobile phones, tablets, and notebook computers may support an easily accessible card slot on the side of the device.
Many mobile devices also support external USB storage devices, such as flash drives and external hard drives. These may require a special on-the-go (OTG) cable.
In addition, there are mobile storage devices that can provide Bluetooth- or Wi-Fi-based access to stored data through an on-board wireless interface.
Disabling Unused Features
Although enabling security features is essential for them to have any beneficial effect, it’s just as important to remove apps and disable features that aren’t essential to business tasks or common personal use. The wider the range of enabled features and installed apps, the greater the chance that an exploitation or software flaw will cause harm to the device and/or the data it contains. Following common security practices, such as hardening, reduces the attack surface of mobile devices.
Key Management
Key management is always a concern when cryptography is involved. Most of the failures of a cryptosystem are based on the key management rather than on the algorithms. Good key selection is based on the quality and availability of random numbers. Most mobile devices must rely locally on poor random-number-producing mechanisms or access more robust random number generators (RNGs) over a wireless link. Once keys are created, they need to be stored in such a way as to minimize exposure to loss or compromise. The best option for key storage is usually removable hardware or the use of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM), but these are rarely available on mobile phones and tablets.
Credential Management
The storage of credentials in a central location is referred to as credential management. Given the wide range of internet sites and services, each with its own particular logon requirements, it can be a burden to use unique names and passwords. Credential management solutions offer a means to securely store a plethora of credential sets. Often these tools employ a master credential set (multifactor being preferred) to unlock the dataset when needed. Some credential-management options can even provide auto-login options for apps and websites.
Authentication on or to a mobile device is often fairly simple, especially for mobile phones and tablets. However, a swipe or pattern access shouldn’t be considered true authentication. Whenever possible, use a password, provide a personal identification number (PIN), offer your eyeball or face for recognition, scan your fingerprint, or use a proximity device such as an NFC or RFID ring or tile. These means of device authentication are much more difficult for a thief to bypass if properly implemented. As mentioned previously, it’s also prudent to combine device authentication with device encryption to block access to stored information via a connection cable.
Mobile devices with GPS support enable the embedding of geographical location in the form of latitude and longitude as well as date/time information on photos taken with these devices. This allows a would-be attacker (or angry ex) to view photos from social networking or similar sites and determine exactly when and where a photo was taken. This geotagging can be used for nefarious purposes, such as determining when a person normally performs routine activities.
Once a geotagged photo has been uploaded to the internet, a potential cyber-stalker may have access to more information than the uploader intended. This is prime material for security-awareness briefs for end users.
Encryption is often a useful protection mechanism against unauthorized access to data, whether in storage or in transit. Most mobile devices provide some form of storage encryption. When this is available, it should be enabled. Some mobile devices offer native support for communications encryption, but most can run add-on software (apps) that can add encryption to data sessions, voice calls, and/or video conferences.
Application Whitelisting
Application whitelisting is a security option that prohibits unauthorized software from being able to execute. Whitelisting is also known as deny by default or implicit deny. In application security, whitelisting prevents any and all software, including malware, from executing unless it’s on the preapproved exception list: the whitelist. This is a significant departure from the typical device-security stance, which is to allow by default and deny by exception (also known as blacklisting).
Due to the growth of malware, an application whitelisting approach is one of the few options remaining that shows real promise in protecting devices and data. However, no security solution is perfect, including whitelisting. All known whitelisting solutions can be circumvented with kernel-level vulnerabilities and application configuration issues.
Bring your own device (BYOD)
is a policy that allows employees to bring their own personal mobile devices into work and use those devices to connect to (or through) the company network to business resources and/or the internet. Although BYOD may improve employee morale and job satisfaction, it increases security risk to the organization. If the BYOD policy is open-ended, any device is allowed to connect to the company network. Not all mobile devices have security features, and thus such a policy allows noncompliant devices onto the production network. A BYOD policy that mandates specific devices may reduce this risk, but it may in turn require the company to purchase devices for employees who are unable to purchase their own compliant device.
company-owned, personally enabled (COPE)
The concept of company-owned, personally enabled (COPE) is for the organization to purchase devices and provide them to employees. Each user is then able to customize the device and use it for both work activities and personal activities. COPE allows the organization to select exactly which devices are to be allowed on the organizational network—specifically only those devices that can be configured into compliance with the security policy.
choose your own device (CYOD)
The concept of choose your own device (CYOD) provides users with a list of approved devices from which to select the device to implement. A CYOD can be implemented so that employees purchase their own devices from the approved list (a BYOD variant) or the company can purchase the devices for the employees (a COPE variant).
corporate-owned mobile strategy
A corporate-owned mobile strategy is when the company purchases the mobile devices that can support security compliance with the security policy. These devices are to be used exclusively for company purposes, and users should not perform any personal tasks on the devices. This often requires workers to carry a second device for personal use.
Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)
Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a means to reduce the security risk and performance requirements of end devices by hosting virtual machines on central servers that are remotely accessed by users. VDI has been adopted into mobile devices and has already been widely used in relation to tablets and notebook computers. It is a means to retain storage control on central servers, gain access to higher levels of system processing and other resources, and allow lower-end devices access to software and services behind their hardware’s capacity.
virtual mobile infrastructure (VMI)
This has led to virtual mobile infrastructure (VMI), where the operating system of a mobile device is virtualized on a central server. Thus, most of the actions and activities of the traditional mobile device are no longer occurring on the mobile device itself. This remote virtualization allows an organization greater control and security than when using a standard mobile device platform. It can also enable personally owned devices to interact with the VDI without increasing the risk profile. This concept will require a dedicated isolated wireless network to restrict BYOD devices from interacting directly with company resources other than through the VDI solution.
Data Ownership
When a personal device is used for business tasks, commingling of personal data and business data is likely to occur. Some devices can support storage segmentation, but not all devices can provide data-type isolation. Establishing data ownership can be complicated. For example, if a device is lost or stolen, the company may wish to trigger a remote wipe, clearing the device of all valuable information. However, the employee will often be resistant to this, especially if there is any hope that the device will be found or returned. A wipe may remove all business and personal data, which may be a significant loss to the individual—especially if the device is recovered, because then the wipe would seem to have been an overreaction. Clear policies about data ownership should be established. Some MDM solutions can provide data isolation/segmentation and support business data sanitization without affecting personal data.
Support Ownership
When an employee’s mobile device experiences a failure, a fault, or damage, who is responsible for the device’s repair, replacement, or technical support? The mobile device policy should define what support will be provided by the company and what support is left to the individual and, if relevant, their service provider.
Patch Management
The mobile device policy should define the means and mechanisms of patch management for a personally owned mobile device. Is the user responsible for installing updates? Should the user install all available updates? Should the organization test updates prior to on-device installation? Are updates to be handled over the air (via service provider) or over Wi-Fi? Are there versions of the mobile OS that cannot be used? What patch or update level is required?
Antivirus Management
The mobile device policy should dictate whether antivirus, anti-malware, and antispyware scanners are to be installed on mobile devices. The policy should indicate which products/apps are recommended for use, as well as the settings for those solutions.
The mobile device policy should address forensics and investigations as related to mobile devices. Users need to be aware that in the event of a security violation or a criminal activity, their devices might be involved. This would mandate gathering evidence from those devices. Some processes of evidence gathering can be destructive, and some legal investigations require the confiscation of devices.
The mobile device policy should address privacy and monitoring. When a personal device is used for business tasks, the user often loses some or all of the privacy they enjoyed prior to using their mobile device at work. Workers may need to agree to be tracked and monitored on their mobile device, even when not on company property and outside work hours. A personal device in use under BYOD should be considered by the individual to be quasi-company property.
The mobile device policy should address personal mobile device on-boarding and off-boarding procedures. Mobile device onboarding includes installing security, management, and productivity apps along with implementing secure and productive configuration settings. Mobile device off-boarding includes a formal wipe of the business data along with the removal of any business-specific applications. In some cases, a full device wipe and factory reset may be prescribed.
Adherence to Corporate Policies
A mobile device policy should clearly indicate that using a personal mobile device for business activities doesn’t exclude a worker from adhering to corporate policies. A worker should treat mobile device equipment as company property and thus stay in compliance with all restrictions, even when off premises and off hours.
User Acceptance
A mobile device policy needs to be clear and specific about all the elements of using a personal device at work. For many users, the restrictions, security settings, and MDM tracking implemented under company policy will be much more onerous than they expect. Thus, organizations should make the effort to fully explain the details of a mobile device policy prior to allowing a personal device into the production environment. Only after an employee has expressed consent and acceptance, typically through a signature, should their device be on-boarded.
Architecture/Infrastructure Considerations
When implementing mobile device policies, organizations should evaluate their network and security design, architecture, and infrastructure. If every worker brings in a personal device, the number of devices on the network may double. This requires planning to handle IP assignments, communications isolation, data-priority management, and increased intrusion detection system (IDS)/intrusion prevention system (IPS) monitoring load, as well as increased bandwidth consumption, both internally and across any internet link. Most mobile devices are wireless enabled, so this will likely require a more robust wireless network and dealing with Wi-Fi congestion and interference. A mobile device policy needs to be considered in light of the additional infrastructure costs it will trigger.
Legal Concerns
Company attorneys should evaluate the legal concerns of mobile devices. Using personal devices in the execution of business tasks probably means an increased burden of liability and risk of data leakage. Mobile devices may make employees happy, but it might not be a worthwhile or cost-effective endeavor for the organization.
Acceptable Use Policy
The mobile device policy should either reference the company acceptable use policy or include a mobile device–specific version focusing on unique issues. With the use of personal mobile devices at work, there is an increased risk of information disclosure, distraction, and access of inappropriate content. Workers should remain mindful that the primary goal when at work is to accomplish productivity tasks.
On-board Camera/Video
The mobile device policy needs to address mobile devices with on-board cameras. Some environments disallow cameras of any type. This would require that mobile devices be without a camera. If cameras are allowed, a description of when they may and may not be used should be clearly documented and explained to workers. A mobile device can act as a storage device, provide an alternate wireless connection pathway to an outside provider or service, and also be used to collect images and video that disclose confidential information or equipment.
embedded system
An embedded system is a computer implemented as part of a larger system. The embedded system is typically designed around a limited set of specific functions in relation to the larger product of which it’s a component. It may consist of the same components found in a typical computer system, or it may be a microcontroller (an integrated chip with on-board memory and peripheral ports). Examples of embedded systems include network-attached printers, smart TVs, HVAC controls, smart appliances, smart thermostats, vehicle entertainment/driver assist/self-driving systems, and medical devices.
static systems
Another similar concept to that of embedded systems are static systems (aka static environments). A static environment is a set of conditions, events, and surroundings that don’t change. In theory, once understood, a static environment doesn’t offer new or surprising elements. A static IT environment is any system that is intended to remain unchanged by users and administrators. The goal is to prevent, or at least reduce, the possibility of a user implementing change that could result in reduced security or functional operation.
Cyber-physical systems
refer to devices that offer a computational means to control something in the physical world. In the past these might have been referred to as embedded systems, but the category of cyber-physical seems to focus more on the physical world results rather than the computational aspects. Cyber-physical devices and systems are essentially key elements in robotics and sensor networks. Basically, any computational device that can cause a movement to occur in the real world is considered a robotic element, whereas any such device that can detect physical conditions (such as temperature, light, movement, and humidity) is a sensor. Examples of cyber-physical systems include prosthetics to provide human augmentation or assistance, collision avoidance in vehicles, air traffic control coordination, precision in robot surgery, remote operation in hazardous conditions, and energy conservation in vehicles, equipment, mobile devices, and buildings.
high-end computer systems used to perform highly complex calculations and provide bulk data processing. Older mainframes may be considered static environments because they were often designed around a single task or supported a single mission-critical application. These configurations didn’t offer significant flexibility, but they did provide for high stability and long-term operation. Many mainframes were able to operate for decades.
Modern mainframes
are much more flexible and are often used to provide high-speed computation power in support of numerous virtual machines. Each virtual machine can be used to host a unique OS and in turn support a wide range of applications. If a modern mainframe is implemented to provide fixed or static support of one OS or application, it may be considered a static environment.
Network Segmentation
Network segmentation involves controlling traffic among networked devices. Complete or physical network segmentation occurs when a network is isolated from all outside communications, so transactions can only occur between devices within the segmented network. You can impose logical network segmentation with switches using virtual local area networks (VLANs), or through other traffic-control means, including MAC addresses, IP addresses, physical ports, TCP or UDP ports, protocols, or application filtering, routing, and access control management. Network segmentation can be used to isolate static environments in order to prevent changes and/or exploits from reaching them.
Security Layers
Security layers exist where devices with different levels of classification or sensitivity are grouped together and isolated from other groups with different levels. This isolation can be absolute or one-directional. For example, a lower level may not be able to initiate communication with a higher level, but a higher level may initiate with a lower level. Isolation can also be logical or physical. Logical isolation requires the use of classification labels on data and packets, which must be respected and enforced by network management, OSs, and applications. Physical isolation requires implementing network segmentation or air gaps between networks of different security levels.
Application Firewalls
An application firewall is a device, server add-on, virtual service, or system filter that defines a strict set of communication rules for a service and all users. It’s intended to be an application-specific server-side firewall to prevent application-specific protocol and payload attacks.
A network firewall is a hardware device, typically called an appliance, designed for general network filtering. A network firewall is designed to provide broad protection for an entire network.
Both of these types of firewalls are important and may be relevant in many situations. Every network needs a network firewall. Many application servers need an application firewall. However, the use of an application firewall generally doesn’t negate the need for a network firewall. You should use both firewalls in a series to complement each other, rather than seeing them as competitive solutions.
Manual Updates
Manual updates should be used in static environments to ensure that only tested and authorized changes are implemented. Using an automated update system would allow for untested updates to introduce unknown security reductions.
Firmware Version Control
Similar to manual software updates, strict control over firmware in a static environment is important. Firmware updates should be implemented on a manual basis, only after testing and review. Oversight of firmware version control should focus on maintaining a stable operating platform while minimizing exposure to downtime or compromise.
A wrapper is something used to enclose or contain something else. Wrappers are well known in the security community in relation to Trojan horse malware. A wrapper of this sort is used to combine a benign host with a malicious payload.
Wrappers are also used as encapsulation solutions. Some static environments may be configured to reject updates, changes, or software installations unless they’re introduced through a controlled channel. That controlled channel can be a specific wrapper. The wrapper may include integrity and authentication features to ensure that only intended and authorized updates are applied to the system
Even embedded and static systems should be monitored for performance, violations, compliance, and operational status. Some of these types of devices can perform on-device monitoring, auditing, and logging, while others may require external systems to collect activity data. Any and all devices, equipment, and computers within an organization should be monitored to ensure high performance, minimal downtime, and detecting and stopping violations and abuse.
By layering processes, you implement a structure similar to the ring model used for operating modes (and discussed earlier in this chapter) and apply it to each operating system process. It puts the most sensitive functions of a process at the core, surrounded by a series of increasingly larger concentric circles with correspondingly lower sensitivity levels (using a slightly different approach, this is also sometimes explained in terms of upper and lower layers, where security and privilege decrease when climbing up from lower to upper layers). In discussions of OS architectures, the protected ring concept is common, and it is not exclusive. There are other ways of representing the same basic ideas with levels rather than rings. In such a system, the highest level is the most privileged, while the lowest level is the least privileged.
Abstraction is one of the fundamental principles behind the field known as object-oriented programming. It is the “black-box” doctrine that says that users of an object (or operating system component) don’t necessarily need to know the details of how the object works; they need to know just the proper syntax for using the object and the type of data that will be returned as a result (that is, how to send input and receive output). This is very much what’s involved in mediated access to data or services, such as when user mode applications use system calls to request administrator mode services or data (and where such requests may be granted or denied depending on the requester’s credentials and permissions) rather than obtaining direct, unmediated access.
Data Hiding
Data hiding is an important characteristic in multilevel secure systems. It ensures that data existing at one level of security is not visible to processes running at different security levels. The key concept behind data hiding is a desire to make sure those who have no need to know the details involved in accessing and processing data at one level have no way to learn or observe those details covertly or illicitly. From a security perspective, data hiding relies on placing objects in security containers that are different from those that subjects occupy to hide object details from those with no need to know about them.
Process Isolation
Process isolation requires that the operating system provide separate memory spaces for each process’s instructions and data. It also requires that the operating system enforce those boundaries, preventing one process from reading or writing data that belongs to another process. There are two major advantages to using this technique:
It prevents unauthorized data access. Process isolation is one of the fundamental requirements in a multilevel security mode system.
It protects the integrity of processes. Without such controls, a poorly designed process could go haywire and write data to memory spaces allocated to other processes, causing the entire system to become unstable rather than affecting only the execution of the errant process. In a more malicious vein, processes could attempt (and perhaps even succeed at) reading or writing to memory spaces outside their scope, intruding on or attacking other processes.
Hardware Segmentation
Hardware segmentation is similar to process isolation in purpose—it prevents the access of information that belongs to a different process/security level. The main difference is that hardware segmentation enforces these requirements through the use of physical hardware controls rather than the logical process isolation controls imposed by an operating system. Such implementations are rare, and they are generally restricted to national security implementations where the extra cost and complexity is offset by the sensitivity of the information involved and the risks inherent in unauthorized access or disclosure.
Principle of Least Privilege
his principle is also important to the design of computers and operating systems, especially when applied to system modes. When designing operating system processes, you should always ensure that they run in user mode whenever possible. The greater the number of processes that execute in privileged mode, the higher the number of potential vulnerabilities that a malicious individual could exploit to gain supervisory access to the system. In general, it’s better to use APIs to ask for supervisory mode services or to pass control to trusted, well-protected supervisory mode processes as they’re needed from within user mode applications than it is to elevate such programs or processes to supervisory mode altogether.
Separation of Privilege
The principle of separation of privilege builds on the principle of least privilege. It requires the use of granular access permissions; that is, different permissions for each type of privileged operation. This allows designers to assign some processes rights to perform certain supervisory functions without granting them unrestricted access to the system. It also allows individual requests for services or access to resources to be inspected, checked against access controls, and granted or denied based on the identity of the user making the requests or on the basis of groups to which the user belongs or security roles that the user occupies.
Accountability is an essential component in any security design. Many high-security systems contain physical devices (such as paper-and-pen visitor logs and nonmodifiable audit trails) that enforce individual accountability for privileged functionality. In general, however, such capabilities rely on a system’s ability to monitor activity on and interactions with a system’s resources and configuration data and to protect resulting logs from unwanted access or alteration so that they provide an accurate and reliable record of activity and interaction that documents every user’s (including administrators or other trusted individuals with high levels of privilege) history on that system. In addition to the need for reliable auditing and monitoring systems to support accountability, there must be a resilient authorization system and an impeccable authentication system.
A covert channel is a method that is used to pass information over a path that is not normally used for communication. Because the path is not normally used for communication, it may not be protected by the system’s normal security controls. Using a covert channel provides a means to violate, bypass, or circumvent a security policy undetected. Covert channels are one of the important examples of vulnerabilities of security architectures.
Covert Timing Channel A covert timing channel conveys information by altering the performance of a system component or modifying a resource’s timing in a predictable manner. Using a covert timing channel is generally a method to secretly transfer data and is very difficult to detect.
Covert Storage Channel A covert storage channel conveys information by writing data to a common storage area where another process can read it. When assessing the security of software, be diligent for any process that writes to any area of memory that another process can read.
Trusted Recovery
When an unprepared system crashes and subsequently recovers, two opportunities to compromise its security controls may arise. Many systems unload security controls as part of their shutdown procedures. Trusted recovery ensures that all security controls remain intact in the event of a crash. During a trusted recovery, the system ensures that there are no opportunities for access to occur when security controls are disabled. Even the recovery phase runs with all controls intact.
Input and Parameter Checking
One of the most notorious security violations is a buffer overflow. This violation occurs when programmers fail to validate input data sufficiently, particularly when they do not impose a limit on the amount of data their software will accept as input. Because such data is usually stored in an input buffer, when the normal maximum size of the buffer is exceeded, the extra data is called overflow. Thus, the type of attack that results when someone attempts to supply malicious instructions or code as part of program input is called a buffer overflow. Unfortunately, in many systems such overflow data is often executed directly by the system under attack at a high level of privilege or at whatever level of privilege attaches to the process accepting such input. For nearly all types of operating systems, including Windows, Unix, Linux, and others, buffer overflows expose some of the most glaring and profound opportunities for compromise and attack of any kind of known security vulnerability.
Maintenance hooks
are entry points into a system that are known only by the developer of the system. Such entry points are also called back doors. Although the existence of maintenance hooks is a clear violation of security policy, they still pop up in many systems. The original purpose of back doors was to provide guaranteed access to the system for maintenance reasons or if regular access was inadvertently disabled. The problem is that this type of access bypasses all security controls and provides free access to anyone who knows that the back doors exist. It is imperative that you explicitly prohibit such entry points and monitor your audit logs to uncover any activity that may indicate unauthorized administrator access
Data diddling
occurs when an attacker gains access to a system and makes small, random, or incremental changes to data during storage, processing, input, output, or transaction rather than obviously altering file contents or damaging or deleting entire files. Such changes can be difficult to detect unless files and data are protected by encryption or unless some kind of integrity check (such as a checksum or message digest) is routinely performed and applied each time a file is read or written. Encrypted file systems, file-level encryption techniques, or some form of file monitoring (which includes integrity checks like those performed by applications such as Tripwire and other file integrity monitoring [FIM] tools) usually offer adequate guarantees that no data diddling is under way. Data diddling is often considered an attack performed more often by insiders rather than outsiders (in other words, external intruders). It should be obvious that since data diddling is an attack that alters data, it is considered an active attack.
salami attack
is more mythical by all published reports. The name of the attack refers to a systematic whittling at assets in accounts or other records with financial value, where very small amounts are deducted from balances regularly and routinely. Metaphorically, the attack may be explained as stealing a very thin slice from a salami each time it’s put on the slicing machine when it’s being accessed by a paying customer. In reality, though no documented examples of such an attack are available, most security experts concede that salami attacks are possible, especially when organizational insiders could be involved. Only by proper separation of duties and proper control over code can organizations completely prevent or eliminate such an attack. Setting financial transaction monitors to track very small transfers of funds or other items of value should help to detect such activity; regular employee notification of the practice should help to discourage attempts at such attacks.
The time of check (TOC) is the time at which the subject checks on the status of the object. There may be several decisions to make before returning to the object to access it. When the decision is made to access the object, the procedure accesses it at the time of use (TOU). The difference between the TOC and the TOU is sometimes large enough for an attacker to replace the original object with another object that suits their own needs. Time of check to time of use (TOCTTOU) attacks are often called race conditions because the attacker is racing with the legitimate process to replace the object before it is used.
A classic example of a TOCTTOU attack is replacing a data file after its identity has been verified but before data is read. By replacing one authentic data file with another file of the attacker’s choosing and design, an attacker can potentially direct the actions of a program in many ways. Of course, the attacker would have to have in-depth knowledge of the program and system under attack.
TOCTTOU attacks, race condition exploits, and communication disconnects are known as state attacks because they attack timing, data flow control, and transition between one system state to another.
service-oriented architecture (SOA)
As systems are integrated, attention should be paid to potential single points of failure as well as to emergent weaknesses in service-oriented architecture (SOA). An SOA constructs new applications or functions out of existing but separate and distinct software services. The resulting application is often new; thus, its security issues are unknown, untested, and unprotected. All new deployments, especially new applications or functions, need to be thoroughly vetted before they are allowed to go live into a production network or the public internet.
The process of communicating with other machines or peripheral equipment creates emanations that can be intercepted. It’s even possible to re-create keyboard input or monitor output by intercepting and processing electromagnetic radiation from the keyboard and computer monitor. You can also detect and read network packets passively (that is, without actually tapping into the cable) as they pass along a network segment. These emanation leaks can cause serious security issues but are generally easy to address.
The easiest way to eliminate electromagnetic radiation interception is to reduce emanation through cable shielding or conduit and block unauthorized personnel and devices from getting too close to equipment or cabling by applying physical security controls. By reducing the signal strength and increasing the physical buffer around sensitive equipment, you can dramatically reduce the risk of signal interception.
Many PC operating systems provide functionality that enables them to support the simultaneous execution of multiple applications on single-processor systems. What term is used to describe this capability?
C. Multitasking is processing more than one task at the same time. In most cases, multitasking is simulated by the operating system even when not supported by the processor.
What technology provides an organization with the best control over BYOD equipment?
Application whitelisting
Mobile device management
Encrypted removable storage
B. Mobile device management (MDM) is a software solution to the challenging task of managing the myriad mobile devices that employees use to access company resources. The goals of MDM are to improve security, provide monitoring, enable remote management, and support troubleshooting. Not all mobile devices support removable storage, and even fewer support encrypted removable storage. Geotagging is used to mark photos and social network posts, not for BYOD management. Application whitelisting may be an element of BYOD management but is only part of a full MDM solution.
You have three applications running on a single-core single-processor system that supports multitasking. One of those applications is a word processing program that is managing two threads simultaneously. The other two applications are using only one thread of execution. How many application threads are running on the processor at any given time?
A. A single-processor system can operate on only one thread at a time. There would be a total of four application threads (ignoring any threads created by the operating system), but the operating system would be responsible for deciding which single thread is running on the processor at any given time.
What type of federal government computing system requires that all individuals accessing the system have a need to know all of the information processed by that system?
System high
A. In a dedicated system, all users must have a valid security clearance for the highest level of information processed by the system, they must have access approval for all information processed by the system, and they must have a valid need to know of all information processed by the system.
What is a security risk of an embedded system that is not commonly found in a standard PC?
Software flaws
Access to the internet
Control of a mechanism in the physical world
Power loss
C. Because an embedded system is in control of a mechanism in the physical world, a security breach could cause harm to people and property. This typically is not true of a standard PC. Power loss, internet access, and software flaws are security risks of both embedded systems and standard PCs.
Which of the following describes a community cloud?
A cloud environment maintained, used, and paid for by a group of users or organizations for their shared benefit, such as collaboration and data exchange
A cloud service within a corporate network and isolated from the internet
A cloud service that is accessible to the general public typically over an internet connection
A cloud service that is partially hosted within an organization for private use and that uses external services to offer resources to outsiders
A. A community cloud is a cloud environment maintained, used, and paid for by a group of users or organizations for their shared benefit, such as collaboration and data exchange. A private cloud is a cloud service within a corporate network and isolated from the internet. A public cloud is a cloud service that is accessible to the general public typically over an internet connection. A hybrid cloud is a cloud service that is partially hosted within an organization for private use and that uses external services to offer recourses to outsiders.
What is the concept of a computer implemented as part of a larger system that is typically designed around a limited set of specific functions (such as management, monitoring, and control) in relation to the larger product of which it’s a component?
Application appliance
Embedded system
D. An embedded system is a computer implemented as part of a larger system. The embedded system is typically designed around a limited set of specific functions in relation to the larger product of which it’s a component. It may consist of the same components found in a typical computer system, or it may be a microcontroller.
Which one of the following types of memory might retain information after being removed from a computer and, therefore, represent a security risk?
Static RAM
Dynamic RAM
Secondary memory
Real memory
C. Secondary memory is a term used to describe magnetic, optical, or flash media. These devices will retain their contents after being removed from the computer and may later be read by another user.
What is the most effective means of reducing the risk of losing the data on a mobile device, such as a notebook computer?
Defining a strong logon password
Minimizing sensitive data stored on the mobile device
Using a cable lock
Encrypting the hard drive
B. The risk of a lost or stolen notebook is the data loss, not the loss of the system itself. Thus, keeping minimal sensitive data on the system is the only way to reduce the risk. Hard drive encryption, cable locks, and strong passwords, although good ideas, are preventive tools, not means of reducing risk. They don’t keep intentional and malicious data compromise from occurring; instead, they encourage honest people to stay honest.
What type of electrical component serves as the primary building block for dynamic RAM chips?
A. Dynamic RAM chips are built from a large number of capacitors, each of which holds a single electrical charge. These capacitors must be continually refreshed by the CPU in order to retain their contents. The data stored in the chip is lost when power is removed.
Which one of the following storage devices is most likely to require encryption technology in order to maintain data security in a networked environment?
Hard disk
Backup tape
Removable drives
C. Removable drives are easily taken out of their authorized physical location, and it is often not possible to apply operating system access controls to them. Therefore, encryption is often the only security measure short of physical security that can be afforded to them. Backup tapes are most often well controlled through physical security measures. Hard disks and RAM chips are often secured through operating system access controls.
In which of the following security modes can you be assured that all users have access permissions for all information processed by the system but will not necessarily need to know of all that information?
System high
B. In system high mode, all users have appropriate clearances and access permissions for all information processed by the system but need to know only some of the information processed by that system.
The most commonly overlooked aspect of mobile phone eavesdropping is related to which of the following?
Storage device encryption
Screen locks
Overhearing conversations
Wireless networking
C. The most commonly overlooked aspect of mobile phone eavesdropping is related to people in the vicinity overhearing conversations (at least one side of them). Organizations frequently consider and address issues of wireless networking, storage device encryption, and screen locks.
What type of memory device is usually used to contain a computer’s motherboard BIOS?
B. BIOS and device firmware are often stored on EEPROM chips to facilitate future firmware updates.
What type of memory is directly available to the CPU and is often part of the CPU?
Register memory
Virtual memory
C. Registers are small memory locations that are located directly on the CPU chip itself. The data stored within them is directly available to the CPU and can be accessed extremely quickly.
You are the IT security manager for a retail merchant organization that is just going online with an e-commerce website. You hired several programmers to craft the code that is the backbone of your new web sales system. However, you are concerned that while the new code functions well, it might not be secure. You begin to review the code, the systems design, and the services architecture to track down issues and concerns. Which of the following do you hope to find in order to prevent or protect against XSS? (Select all that apply)
Input validation
Defensive coding
Allowing script input
Escaping metacharacters
A, B, and D. A programmer can implement the most effective way to prevent XSS by validating input, coding defensively, escaping metacharacters, and rejecting all scriptlike input.
What form of attack abuses a program’s lack of length limitation on the data it receives before storing the input in memory, which can lead to arbitrary code execution?
ARP poisoning
Domain hijacking
Buffer overflow
D. A buffer overflow attack occurs when an attacker submits data to a process that is larger than the input variable is able to contain. Unless the program is properly coded to handle excess input, the extra data is dropped into the system’s execution stack and may execute as a fully privileged operation.
What security principle helps prevent users from accessing memory spaces assigned to applications being run by other users?
Separation of privilege
Process isolation
Least privilege
C. Process isolation provides separate memory spaces to each process running on a system. This prevents processes from overwriting each other’s data and ensures that a process can’t read data from another process.
Which security principle mandates that only a minimum number of operating system processes should run in supervisory mode?
Data hiding
Least privilege
D. The principle of least privilege states that only processes that absolutely need kernel-level access should run in supervisory mode. The remaining processes should run in user mode to reduce the number of potential security vulnerabilities.
Which security principle takes the concept of process isolation and implements it using physical controls?
Hardware segmentation
Data hiding
A. Hardware segmentation achieves the same objectives as process isolation but takes them to a higher level by implementing them with physical controls in hardware.