Chapter 10 Physical Security Requirements Flashcards
A secure facility plan outlines the security needs of your organization and emphasizes methods or mechanisms to employ to provide security. Such a plan is developed through a process known as critical path analysis. Critical path analysis is a systematic effort to identify relationships between mission-critical applications, processes, and operations and all the necessary supporting elements. For example, an e-commerce server used to sell products over the web relies on internet access, computer hardware, electricity, temperature control, storage facility, and so on.
Technology convergence
is the tendency for various technologies, solutions, utilities, and systems to evolve and merge over time. Often this results in multiple systems performing similar or redundant tasks or one system taking over the feature and abilities of another. While in some instances this can result in improved efficiency and cost savings, it can also represent a single point of failure and become a more valuable target for hackers and intruders. For example, if voice, video, fax, and data traffic all share a single connection path rather than individual paths, a single act of sabotage to the main connection is all that is required for intruders or thieves to sever external communications.
Site selection should be based on the security needs of the organization. Cost, location, and size are important, but addressing the requirements of security should always take precedence. When choosing a site on which to build a facility or selecting a preexisting structure, be sure to examine every aspect of its location carefully.
Securing assets depends largely on site security, which involves numerous considerations and situational elements. Site location and construction play a crucial role in the overall site selection process. Susceptibility to riots, looting, break-ins, and vandalism or location within a high-crime area are obviously all poor choices but cannot always be dictated or controlled. Environmental threats such as fault lines, tornado/hurricane regions, and close proximity to other natural disasters present significant issues for the site selection process as well because you can’t always avoid such threats.
Another element of visibility is related to the area monitored by a security camera. Be sure the locations and capabilities of the security cameras are coordinated with the interior and exterior design of the facility. Cameras should be positioned to have clear site lines of all exterior walls, entrance and exit points, and interior hallways.
Another concern is the potential impact that natural disasters could make in the area. Is it prone to earthquakes, mudslides, sinkholes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, falling rocks, snow, rainfall, ice, humidity, heat, extreme cold, and so on? You must prepare for natural disasters and equip your IT environment to either survive an event or be replaced easily.
When designing the construction of a facility, you must understand the level of security that your organization needs. A proper level of security must be planned and designed before construction begins.
Important issues to consider include combustibility, fire rating, construction materials, load rating, placement, and control of items such as walls, doors, ceilings, flooring, HVAC, power, water, sewage, gas, and so on. Forced intrusion, emergency access, resistance to entry, direction of entries and exits, use of alarms, and conductivity are other important aspects to evaluate. Every element within a facility should be evaluated in terms of how it could be used for and against the protection of the IT infrastructure and personnel (for example, positive flows for air and water from inside a facility to outside its boundaries).
The security controls implemented to manage physical security can be divided into three groups:
administrative, technical, and physical. Administrative physical security controls include facility construction and selection, site management, personnel controls, awareness training, and emergency response and procedures. Technical physical security controls include access controls; intrusion detection; alarms; closed-circuit television (CCTV); monitoring; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) power supplies; and fire detection and suppression. Physical controls for physical security include fencing, lighting, locks, construction materials, mantraps, dogs, and guards.
When designing physical security for an environment, focus on the functional order in which controls should be used. The order is as follows:
Security controls should be deployed so that initial attempts to access physical assets are deterred (boundary restrictions accomplish this). If deterrence fails, then direct access to physical assets should be denied (for example, locked vault doors). If denial fails, your system needs to detect intrusion (for example, using motion sensors), and the intruder should be delayed sufficiently in their access attempts to enable authorities to respond (for example, a cable lock on the asset). It’s important to remember this order when deploying physical security controls: first deterrence, then denial, then detection, then delay.
scheduled for replacement and/or repair
The schedule for such operations should be based on the mean time to failure (MTTF) and mean time to repair (MTTR) estimates established for each device or on prevailing best organizational practices for managing the hardware lifecycle. MTTF is the expected typical functional lifetime of the device given a specific operating environment. MTTR is the average length of time required to perform a repair on the device. A device can often undergo numerous repairs before a catastrophic failure is expected. Be sure to schedule all devices to be replaced before their MTTF expires. An additional measurement is that of the mean time between failures (MTBF). This is an estimation of the time between the first and any subsequent failures. If the MTTF and MTBF values are the same or fairly similar, manufacturers often only list the MTTF to represent both values.
is where the networking cables for a whole building or just a floor are connected to other essential equipment, such as patch panels, switches, routers, local area network (LAN) extenders, and backbone channels. Other more technical names for wiring closets include premises wire distribution room andintermediate distribution facilities (IDF). It is fairly common to have one or more racks of interconnection devices stationed in a wiring closet
cable plant management policy.
A cable plant is the collection of interconnected cables and intermediary devices (such as cross-connects, patch panels, and switches) that establish the physical network. Elements of a cable plant include the following:
Entrance facility: Also known as the demarcation point, this is the entrance point to the building where the cable from the provider connects the internal cable plant.
Equipment room: This is the main wiring closet for the building, often connected to or adjacent to the entrance facility.
Backbone distribution system: This provides wired connections between the equipment room and the telecommunications rooms, including cross-floor connections.
Telecommunications room: Also known as the wiring closet, this serves the connection needs of a floor or a section of a large building by providing space for networking equipment and cabling systems. It also serves as the interconnection point between the backbone distribution system and the horizontal distribution system.
Horizontal distribution system: This provides the connection between the telecommunication room and work areas, often including cabling, cross-connection blocks, patch panels, and supporting hardware infrastructure (such as cable trays, cable hangers, and conduits).
Server rooms, data centers, communications rooms, wiring closets, server vaults, and IT closets are enclosed, restricted, and protected rooms where your mission-critical servers and network devices are housed. Centralized server rooms need not be human compatible. In fact, the more human incompatible a server room is, the more protection it will offer against casual and determined attacks. Server rooms should be located at the core of the building. Try to avoid locating these rooms on the ground floor, on the top floor, and in the basement whenever possible. Additionally, the server room should be located away from water, gas, and sewage lines. These pose too large a risk of leakage or flooding, which can cause serious damage and downtime.
Smartcards are credit-card-sized IDs, badges, or security passes with an embedded magnetic strip, bar code, or integrated circuit chip. They contain information about the authorized bearer that can be used for identification and/or authentication purposes. Some smartcards can even process information or store reasonable amounts of data in a memory chip. A smartcard may be known by several phrases or terms:
An identity token containing integrated circuits (ICs)
A processor IC card
An IC card with an ISO 7816 interface
are often viewed as a complete security solution, but they should not be considered complete by themselves. As with any single security mechanism, smartcards are subject to weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Smartcards can fall prey to physical attacks, logical attacks, Trojan horse attacks, or social-engineering attacks. In most cases, a smartcard is used in a multifactor configuration. Thus, theft or loss of a smartcard does not result in easy impersonation. The most common form of multifactor used in relation to a smartcard is the requirement of a PIN.
Memory cards
are machine-readable ID cards with a magnetic strip. Like a credit card, debit card, or ATM card, memory cards can retain a small amount of data but are unable to process data like a smartcard. Memory cards often function as a type of two-factor control: the card is “something you have” and its personal identification number (PIN) is “something you know.” However, memory cards are easy to copy or duplicate and are insufficient for authentication purposes in a secure environment.
Proximity Readers
A proximity reader can be a passive device, a field-powered device, or a transponder. The proximity device is worn or held by the authorized bearer. When it passes a proximity reader, the reader is able to determine who the bearer is and whether they have authorized access. A passive device reflects or otherwise alters the electromagnetic field generated by the reader. This alteration is detected by the reader.
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs)
are systems—automated or manual—designed to detect an attempted intrusion, breach, or attack; the use of an unauthorized entry/point; or the occurrence of some specific event at an unauthorized or abnormal time. Intrusion detection systems used to monitor physical activity may include security guards, automated access controls, and motion detectors as well as other specialty monitoring techniques.
Access Abuses
Examples of abuses of physical access controls are propping open secured doors and bypassing locks or access controls. Masquerading is using someone else’s security ID to gain entry into a facility. Piggybacking is following someone through a secured gate or doorway without being identified or authorized personally. Detecting abuses like these can be done by creating audit trails and retaining access logs.
Emanation Security
Many electrical devices emanate electrical signals or radiation that can be intercepted by unauthorized individuals. These signals may contain confidential, sensitive, or private data. Obvious examples of emanation devices are wireless networking equipment and mobile phones, but many other devices are vulnerable to interception. Other examples include monitors, modems, and internal or external media drives (hard drives, USB thumb drives, CDs, and so on). With the right equipment, unauthorized users can intercept electromagnetic or radio frequency signals (collectively known as emanations) from these devices and interpret them to extract confidential data.
TEMPEST countermeasures.
TEMPEST was originally a government research study aimed at protecting electronic equipment from the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) emitted during nuclear explosions. It has since expanded to a general study of monitoring emanations and preventing their interception. Thus, TEMPEST is now a formal name for a broad category of activities.
TEMPEST countermeasures include Faraday cages, white noise, and control zones.
Faraday Cage
A Faraday cage is a box, mobile room, or entire building designed with an external metal skin, often a wire mesh that fully surrounds an area on all sides (in other words, front, back, left, right, top, and bottom). This metal skin acts as an electromagnetic interference (EMI)-absorbing capacitor (which is why it’s named after Michael Faraday, a pioneer in the field of electromagnetism) that prevents electromagnetic signals (emanations) from exiting or entering the area that the cage encloses. Faraday cages are quite effective at blocking EM signals. In fact, inside an active Faraday cage, mobile phones do not work, and you can’t pick up broadcast radio or television stations.
White Noise
White noise simply means broadcasting false traffic at all times to mask and hide the presence of real emanations. White noise can consist of a real signal from another source that is not confidential, a constant signal at a specific frequency, a randomly variable signal (such as the white noise heard between radio stations or television stations), or even a jam signal that causes interception equipment to fail. White noise is most effective when created around the perimeter of an area so that it is broadcast outward to protect the internal area where emanations may be needed for normal operations.
Control Zone
A third type of TEMPEST countermeasure, a control zone, is simply the implementation of either a Faraday cage or white noise generation or both to protect a specific area in an environment; the rest of the environment is not affected. A control zone can be a room, a floor, or an entire building. Control zones are those areas where emanation signals are supported and used by necessary equipment, such as wireless networking, mobile phones, radios, and televisions. Outside the control zones, emanation interception is blocked or prevented through the use of various TEMPEST countermeasures.
Evidence storage is quickly becoming a necessity for all businesses, not just law enforcement–related organizations. As cybercrime events continue to increase, it is important to retain logs, audit trails, and other records of digital events. It also may be necessary to retain image copies of drives or snapshots of virtual machines for future comparison. This may be related to internal corporate investigations or to law enforcement–based forensic analysis. In either case, preserving datasets that might be used as evidence is essential to the favorable conclusion to a corporate internal investigation or a law enforcement investigation of cybercrime.
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF)
A SCIF is often used by government and military contractors to provide a secure environment for highly sensitive data storage and computation. The purpose of a SCIF is to store, view, and update sensitive compartmented information (SCI), which is a type of classified information. A SCIF has restricted access to limit entrance to those individuals with a specific business need and authorization to access the data contained within. This is usually determined by the individual’s clearance level and SCI approval level. In most cases, a SCIF has restrictions against using or possessing photography, video, or other recording devices while in the secured area. A SCIF can be established in a ground-based facility, an aircraft, or floating platform. A SCIF can be a permanent installation or a temporary establishment. A SCIF is typically located within a structure, although an entire structure can be implemented as a SCIF.
uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a type of self-charging battery that can be used to supply consistent clean power to sensitive equipment. A UPS functions by taking power in from the wall outlet, storing it in a battery, pulling power out of the battery, and then feeding that power to whatever devices are connected to it. By directing current through its battery, it is able to maintain a consistent clean power supply. This concept is known as a double conversion UPS. A UPS has a second function, one that is often used as a selling point: it provides continuous power even after the primary power source fails. A UPS can continue to supply power for minutes or hours, depending on its capacity and how much power the equipment attached to it needs. The switching from power grid to battery-supplied power occurs instantaneously with no interruption of power supplied to the equipment.
Another form of UPS is the line-interactive UPS. This type of system has a surge protector, battery charger/inverter, and voltage regulator positioned between the grid power source and the equipment. The battery is not in-line under normal conditions. If the grid fails, the power is pulled from the battery inverter and voltage regulator to provide uninterrupted power to the equipment.
battery backup or fail-over battery
A battery backup or fail-over battery is not a form of UPS as there is usually a period of time (even if just a moment) of complete power loss to the equipment as the grid source of power fails and a switching event occurs to retrieve power from a battery.
Another means to ensure that equipment is not harmed by power fluctuations requires use of power strips with surge protectors. A surge protector includes a fuse that will blow before power levels change enough to cause damage to equipment. However, once a surge protector’s fuse or circuit is tripped, current flow is completely interrupted. Surge protectors should be used only when instant termination of electricity will not cause damage or loss to the equipment. Otherwise, a UPS should be employed instead.
If maintaining operations for a considerable time in spite of a brownout or blackout is a necessity, onsite electric generators are required. Such generators turn on automatically when a power failure is detected. Most generators operate using a fuel tank of liquid or gaseous propellant that must be maintained to ensure reliability. Electric generators are considered alternate or backup power sources.
problems with power
Fault: A momentary loss of power
Blackout: A complete loss of power
Sag: Momentary low voltage
Brownout: Prolonged low voltage
Spike: Momentary high voltage
Surge: Prolonged high voltage
Inrush: An initial surge of power usually associated with connecting to a power source, whether primary or alternate/secondary
Noise: A steady interfering power disturbance or fluctuation
Transient: A short duration of line noise disturbance
Clean: Nonfluctuating pure power
Ground: The wire in an electrical circuit that is grounded
When experiencing a power issue, it is important to determine where the fault is occurring. If the issue takes place outside your meter then it is to be repaired by the power company, whereas any internal issues are your responsibility.
Noise can cause more than just problems with how equipment functions; it can also interfere with the quality of communications, transmissions, and playback. Noise generated by electric current can affect any means of data transmission that relies on electromagnetic transport mechanisms, such as telephone, cellular, television, audio, radio, and network mechanisms.
electromagnetic interference (EMI)
There are two types of electromagnetic interference (EMI): common mode and traverse mode. Common mode noise is generated by a difference in power between the hot and ground wires of a power source or operating electrical equipment. Traverse mode noise is generated by a difference in power between the hot and neutral wires of a power source or operating electrical equipment.
Radio-frequency interference (RFI)
Radio-frequency interference (RFI) is another source of noise and interference that can affect many of the same systems as EMI. A wide range of common electrical appliances generate RFI, including fluorescent lights, electrical cables, electric space heaters, computers, elevators, motors, and electric magnets, so it’s important to locate all such equipment when deploying IT systems and infrastructure elements.
maintaining the environment involves control
Rooms intended primarily to house computers should generally be kept between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (15 and 23 degrees Celsius). However, there are some extreme environments that run their equipment as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit and others that run above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity in a computer room should be maintained between 40 and 60 percent. Too much humidity can cause corrosion. Too little humidity causes static electricity. Even on antistatic carpeting, if the environment has low humidity it is still possible to generate 20,000-volt static discharges.
Different suppression mediums address different aspects of the fire:
Water suppresses the temperature.
Soda acid and other dry powders suppress the fuel supply.
CO2 suppresses the oxygen supply.
Halon substitutes and other nonflammable gases interfere with the chemistry of combustion and/or suppress the oxygen supply.
The four primary stages of fire
Stage 1: The Incipient Stage At this stage, there is only air ionization but no smoke.
Stage 2: The Smoke Stage In Stage 2, smoke is visible from the point of ignition.
Stage 3: The Flame Stage This is when a flame can be seen with the naked eye.
Stage 4: The Heat Stage At Stage 4, the fire is considerably further down the timescale to the point where there is an intense heat buildup and everything in the area burns.
earlier a fire is detected
One of the basics of fire management is proper personnel awareness training. Everyone should be thoroughly familiar with the fire suppression mechanisms in their facility. Everyone should also be familiar with at least two evacuation routes from their primary work area and know how to locate evacuation routes elsewhere in the facility. Personnel should be trained in the location and use of fire extinguishers. Other items to include in fire or general emergency-response training include cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), emergency shutdown procedures, and a pre-established rendezvous location or safety verification mechanism (such as voicemail).
Fire extinguisher classes
A Common combustibles Water, soda acid (a dry powder or liquid chemical)
B Liquids CO2, halon, soda acid
C Electrical CO2, halon
D Metal Dry powder
Fire Detection Systems
Fixed-temperature detection systems trigger suppression when a specific temperature is reached. The trigger is usually a metal or plastic component that is in the sprinkler head and melts at a specific temperature. There is also a version with a small glass vial containing chemicals that vaporize to overpressurize the container at a specific temperature. Rate-of-rise detection systems trigger suppression when the speed at which the temperature changes reaches a specific level. Flame-actuated systems trigger suppression based on the infrared energy of flames. Smoke-actuated systems use photoelectric or radioactive ionization sensors as triggers. Incipient smoke detection systems, also known as aspirating sensors, are able to detect the chemicals typically associated with the very early stages of combustion before a fire is otherwise detectible via other means.
There are four main types of water suppression systems:
A wet pipe system (also known as a closed head system) is always full of water. Water discharges immediately when suppression is triggered.
A dry pipe system contains compressed air. Once suppression is triggered, the air escapes, opening a water valve that in turn causes the pipes to fill and discharge water into the environment.
A deluge system is another form of dry pipe system that uses larger pipes and therefore delivers a significantly larger volume of water. Deluge systems are inappropriate for environments that contain electronics and computers.
A preaction system is a combination dry pipe/wet pipe system. The system exists as a dry pipe until the initial stages of a fire (smoke, heat, and so on) are detected, and then the pipes are filled with water. The water is released only after the sprinkler head activation triggers are melted by sufficient heat. If the fire is quenched before sprinklers are triggered, pipes can be manually emptied and reset. This also allows manual intervention to stop the release of water before sprinkler triggering occurs.
Gas Discharge Systems
Gas discharge systems are usually more effective than water discharge systems. However, gas discharge systems should not be used in environments in which people are located. Gas discharge systems usually remove the oxygen from the air, thus making them hazardous to personnel. They employ a pressurized gaseous suppression medium, such as CO2, halon, or FM-200 (a halon replacement).
EPA-approved substitutes for halon
FM-200 (HFC-227ea) CEA-410 or CEA-308 NAF-S-III (HCFC Blend A) FE-13 (HCFC-23) Argon (IG55) or Argonite (IG01) Inergen (IG541) Aero-K (microscopic potassium compounds in aerosol form)
A fence is a perimeter-defining device. Fences are used to clearly differentiate between areas that are under a specific level of security protection and those that aren’t. Fencing can include a wide range of components, materials, and construction methods. It can consist of stripes painted on the ground, chain link fences, barbed wire, concrete walls, and even invisible perimeters using laser, motion, or heat detectors. Various types of fences are effective against different types of intruders:
Fences 3 to 4 feet high deter casual trespassers.
Fences 6 to 7 feet high are too hard to climb easily and deter most intruders, except determined ones.
Fences 8 or more feet high with three strands of barbed wire deter even determined intruders.
A gate is a controlled exit and entry point in a fence. The deterrent level of a gate must be equivalent to the deterrent level of the fence to sustain the effectiveness of the fence as a whole. Hinges and locking/closing mechanisms should be hardened against tampering, destruction, or removal. When a gate is closed, it should not offer any additional access vulnerabilities. Keep the number of gates to a minimum. They can be monitored by guards. When they’re not protected by guards, use of dogs or CCTV is recommended.
A turnstile (see Figure 10.4) is a form of gate that prevents more than one person at a time from gaining entry and often restricts movement in one direction. It is used to gain entry but not to exit, or vice versa. A turnstile is basically the fencing equivalent of a secured revolving door.
A mantrap is a double set of doors that is often protected by a guard (also shown in Figure 10.4) or some other physical layout that prevents piggybacking and can trap individuals at the discretion of security personnel. The purpose of a mantrap is to immobilize a subject until their identity and authentication is verified. If a subject is authorized for entry, the inner door opens, allowing entry into the facility or onto the premises. If a subject is not authorized, both doors remain closed and locked until an escort (typically a guard or a police officer) arrives to escort the subject off the property or arrest the subject for trespassing (this is called a delay feature). Often a mantrap includes a scale to prevent piggybacking or tailgating.
Lighting is a commonly used form of perimeter security control. The primary purpose of lighting is to discourage casual intruders, trespassers, prowlers, or would-be thieves who would rather perform their misdeeds in the dark. However, lighting is not a strong deterrent. It should not be used as the primary or sole protection mechanism except in areas with a low threat level.
Security Guards and Dogs
All physical security controls, whether static deterrents or active detection and surveillance mechanisms, ultimately rely on personnel to intervene and stop actual intrusions and attacks. Security guards exist to fulfill this need. Guards can be posted around a perimeter or inside to monitor access points or watch detection and surveillance monitors. The real benefit of guards is that they are able to adapt and react to various conditions or situations. Guards can learn and recognize attack and intrusion activities and patterns, can adjust to a changing environment, and can make decisions and judgment calls. Security guards are often an appropriate security control when immediate situation handling and decision making onsite is necessary.
electronic access control (EAC) lock
incorporates three elements: an electromagnet to keep the door closed, a credential reader to authenticate subjects and to disable the electromagnet, and a sensor to reengage the electromagnet when the door is closed.
Badges, identification cards, and security IDs are forms of physical identification and/or electronic access control devices. A badge can be as simple as a name tag indicating whether you are a valid employee or a visitor. Or it can be as complex as a smartcard or token device that employs multifactor authentication to verify and prove your identity and provide authentication and authorization to access a facility, specific rooms, or secured workstations. Badges often include pictures, magnetic strips with encoded data, and personal details to help a security guard verify identity. Badges can also serve in environments guarded by scanning devices rather than security guards. In such conditions, a badge can be used either for identification or for authentication. When a badge is used for identification, it is swiped in a device, and then the badge owner must provide one or more authentication factors, such as a password, passphrase, or biological trait (if a biometric device is used). When a badge is used for authentication, the badge owner provides an ID, username, and so on and then swipes the badge to authenticate.
A motion detector, or motion sensor, is a device that senses movement or sound in a specific area. Many types of motion detectors exist, including infrared, heat, wave pattern, capacitance, photoelectric, and passive audio.
An infrared motion detector monitors for significant or meaningful changes in the infrared lighting pattern of a monitored area.
A heat-based motion detector monitors for significant or meaningful changes in the heat levels and patterns in a monitored area.
A wave pattern motion detector transmits a consistent low ultrasonic or high microwave frequency signal into a monitored area and monitors for significant or meaningful changes or disturbances in the reflected pattern.
A capacitance motion detector senses changes in the electrical or magnetic field surrounding a monitored object.
A photoelectric motion detector senses changes in visible light levels for the monitored area. Photoelectric motion detectors are usually deployed in internal rooms that have no windows and are kept dark.
A passive audio motion detector listens for abnormal sounds in the monitored area.
Deterrent Alarms
Alarms that trigger deterrents may engage additional locks, shut doors, and so on. The goal of such an alarm is to make further intrusion or attack more difficult.
Repellant Alarms
Alarms that trigger repellants usually sound an audio siren or bell and turn on lights. These kinds of alarms are used to discourage intruders or attackers from continuing their malicious or trespassing activities and force them off the premises.
Notification Alarms
Alarms that trigger notification are often silent from the intruder/attacker perspective but record data about the incident and notify administrators, security guards, and law enforcement. A recording of an incident can take the form of log files and/or CCTV tapes. The purpose of a silent alarm is to bring authorized security personnel to the location of the intrusion or attack in hopes of catching the person(s) committing the unwanted or unauthorized acts.
Alarms are also categorized by where they are located: local, centralized or proprietary, or auxiliary.
Local Alarm System
Local alarm systems must broadcast an audible (up to 120 decibel [db]) alarm signal that can be easily heard up to 400 feet away. Additionally, they must be protected from tampering and disablement, usually by security guards. For a local alarm system to be effective, there must be a security team or guards positioned nearby who can respond when the alarm is triggered.
Central Station System
The alarm is usually silent locally, but offsite monitoring agents are notified so they can respond to the security breach. Most residential security systems are of this type. Most central station systems are well-known or national security companies, such as Brinks and ADT. A proprietary system is similar to a central station system, but the host organization has its own onsite security staff waiting to respond to security breaches.
Auxiliary Station
Auxiliary alarm systems can be added to either local or centralized alarm systems. When the security perimeter is breached, emergency services are notified to respond to the incident and arrive at the location. This could include fire, police, and medical services.
Two or more of these types of intrusion and alarm systems can be incorporated in a single solution.
Secondary Verification Mechanisms
When motion detectors, sensors, and alarms are used, secondary verification mechanisms should be in place. As the sensitivity of these devices increases, false triggers occur more often. Innocuous events such as the presence of animals, birds, bugs, or authorized personnel can trigger false alarms. Deploying two or more detection and sensor systems and requiring two or more triggers in quick succession to occur before an alarm is issued may significantly reduce false alarms and increase the likelihood that alarms indicate actual intrusions or attacks.
occupant emergency plans (OEPs)
Many organizations adopt occupant emergency plans (OEPs) to guide and assist with sustaining personnel safety in the wake of a disaster. The OEP provides guidance on how to minimize threats to life, prevent injury, manage duress, handle travel, provide for safety monitoring, and protect property from damage due to a destructive physical event. The OEP does not address IT issues or business continuity, just personnel and general property. The business continuity plan (BCP) and disaster recovery plan (DRP) address IT and business continuity and recovery issues.
Which of the following is the most important aspect of security?
Physical security
Intrusion detection
Logical security
Awareness training
A. Physical security is the most important aspect of overall security. Without physical security, none of the other aspects of security are sufficient.
What method can be used to map out the needs of an organization for a new facility?
Log file audit
Critical path analysis
Risk analysis
B. Critical path analysis can be used to map out the needs of an organization for a new facility. A critical path analysis is the process of identifying relationships between mission-critical applications, processes, and operations and all of the supporting elements.
What infrastructure component is often located in the same position across multiple floors in order to provide a convenient means of linking floor-based networks together?
Server room
Wiring closet
Media cabinets
B. A wiring closet is the infrastructure component often located in the same position across multiple floors in order to provide a convenient means of linking floor-based networks together.
Which of the following is not a security-focused design element of a facility or site?
Separation of work and visitor areas
Restricted access to areas with higher value or importance
Confidential assets located in the heart or center of a facility
Equal access to all locations within a facility
D. Equal access to all locations within a facility is not a security-focused design element. Each area containing assets or resources of different importance, value, and confidentiality should have a corresponding level of security restriction placed on it.
Which of the following does not need to be true in order to maintain the most efficient and secure server room?
It must be human compatible.
It must include the use of nonwater fire suppressants.
The humidity must be kept between 40 and 60 percent.
The temperature must be kept between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
A. A computer room does not need to be human compatible to be efficient and secure. Having a human-incompatible server room provides a greater level of protection against attacks.
Which of the following is not a typical security measure implemented in relation to a media storage facility containing reusable removable media?
Employing a librarian or custodian
Using a check-in/check-out process
Using sanitization tools on returned media
C. Hashing is not a typical security measure implemented in relation to a media storage facility containing reusable removable media. Hashing is used when it is necessary to verify the integrity of a dataset, while data on reusable removable media should be removed and not retained. Usually the security features for a media storage facility include using a librarian or custodian, using a check-in/check-out process, and using sanitization tools on returned media.
Which of the following is a double set of doors that is often protected by a guard and is used to contain a subject until their identity and authentication are verified?
Proximity detector
C. A mantrap is a double set of doors that is often protected by a guard and used to contain a subject until their identity and authentication is verified.
What is the most common form of perimeter security devices or mechanisms?
Security guards
D. Lighting is the most common form of perimeter security device or mechanism. Your entire site should be clearly lit. This provides for easy identification of personnel and makes it easier to notice intrusions.
Which of the following is not a disadvantage of using security guards?
Security guards are usually unaware of the scope of the operations within a facility.
Not all environments and facilities support security guards.
Not all security guards are themselves reliable.
Prescreening, bonding, and training do not guarantee effective and reliable security guards.
A. Security guards are usually unaware of the scope of the operations within a facility, which supports confidentiality of those operations and thus helps reduce the possibility that a security guard will be involved in the disclosure of confidential information.
What is the most common cause of failure for a water-based fire suppression system?
Water shortage
Ionization detectors
Placement of detectors in drop ceilings
B. The most common cause of failure for a water-based system is human error. If you turn off the water source after a fire and forget to turn it back on, you’ll be in trouble for the future. Also, pulling an alarm when there is no fire will trigger damaging water release throughout the office.
What is the most common and inexpensive form of physical access control device?
Security guard
Key locks
C. Key locks are the most common and inexpensive form of physical access control device. Lighting, security guards, and fences are all much more costly.
What type of motion detector senses changes in the electrical or magnetic field surrounding a monitored object?
D. A capacitance motion detector senses changes in the electrical or magnetic field surrounding a monitored object.
Which of the following is not a typical type of alarm that can be triggered for physical security?
A. There is no such thing as a preventive alarm. Alarms are always triggered in response to a detected intrusion or attack.
No matter what form of physical access control is used, a security guard or other monitoring system may be deployed to prevent all but which of the following?
B. No matter what form of physical access control is used, a security guard or other monitoring system must be deployed to prevent abuse, masquerading, and piggybacking. Espionage cannot be prevented by physical access controls.
What is the most important goal of all security solutions?
Prevention of disclosure
Maintaining integrity
Human safety
Sustaining availability
C. Human safety is the most important goal of all security solutions.
What is the ideal humidity range for a computer room?
20–40 percent
40–60 percent
60–75 percent
80–95 percent
B. The humidity in a computer room should ideally be from 40 to 60 percent.
Which of the following statements are not true in regards to static electricity?
Electrostatic discharge can damage most computing components.
Static charge accumulation is more prevalent when there is high humidity.
Static discharge from a person to a metal object can be over 1,000 volts.
Static electricity is not managed by the deployment of a UPS.
B. Static charge accumulation is more prevalent when there is low humidity. High humidity is the cause of condensation, not static charge accumulation.
A Type B fire extinguisher may use all except which of the following suppression mediums?
Halon or an acceptable halon substitute
Soda acid
A. Water is never the suppression medium in Type B fire extinguishers because they are used on liquid fires.
What is the best type of water-based fire suppression system for a computer facility?
Wet pipe system
Dry pipe system
Preaction system
Deluge system
C. A preaction system is the best type of water-based fire suppression system for a computer facility.
What is the best type of water-based fire suppression system for a computer facility?
Wet pipe system
Dry pipe system
Preaction system
Deluge system
D. Light is usually not damaging to most computer equipment, but fire, smoke, and the suppression medium (typically water) are very destructive.