Chapter 2 Personnel Security and Risk Management Concepts Flashcards
Separation of duties
is the security concept in which critical, significant, and sensitive work tasks are divided among several individual administrators or high-level operators. This prevents any one person from having the ability to undermine or subvert vital security mechanisms. Think of separation of duties as the application of the principle of least privilege to administrators. Prevents collusion which is the occurrence of negative activity undertaken by two or more people, often for the purposes of fraud, theft, or espionage.
Job Responsibilities
access should be assigned according to the principle of least privilege. The principle of least privilege states that in a secured environment, users should be granted the minimum amount of access necessary for them to complete their required work tasks or job responsibilities.
Job Rotation
rotation serves two functions. First, it provides a type of knowledge redundancy. When multiple employees are all capable of performing the work tasks required by several job positions, the organization is less likely to experience serious downtime or loss in productivity if an illness or other incident keeps one or more employees out of work for an extended period of time.
is the process of adding new employees to the identity and access management (IAM) system of an organization. Also used when an employee’s role or position changes or when that person is awarded additional levels of privilege or access.
the removal of an employee’s identity from the IAM system once that person has left the organization. This can include disabling and/or deleting the user account, revoking certificates, canceling access codes, and terminating other specifically granted privileges. This may also include informing security guards and other physical access management personnel to disallow entry into the building to the person in the future.
should take place with at least one witness, preferably a higher-level manager and/or a security guard. Once the employee has been informed of their release, they should be escorted off the premises and not allowed to return to their work area without an escort for any reason. Before the employee is released, all organization-specific identification, access, or security badges as well as cards, keys, and access tokens should be collected
Exit interview
is to review the liabilities and restrictions placed on the former employee based on the employment agreement, nondisclosure agreement, and any other security-related documentation.
Service-level agreement (SLA).
vendor, consultant, and contractor controls are used to define the levels of performance, expectation, compensation, and consequences for entities, persons, or organizations that are external to the primary organization.
is the act of conforming to or adhering to rules, policies, regulations, standards, or requirements. Is related to whether individual employees follow company policy and perform their job tasks in accordance to defined procedures. Many organizations rely on employee compliance in order to maintain high levels of quality, consistency, efficiency, and cost savings.
Personally identifiable information (PII).
is any data item that can be easily and/or obviously traced back to the person of origin or concern. A phone number, email address, mailing address, social security number, and name are all PII. A MAC address, Internet Protocol (IP) address, OS type, favorite vacation spot, name of high school mascot, and so forth are not typically considered to be PII.
Security governance
is the collection of practices related to supporting, defining, and directing the security efforts of an organization.
Third-party governance
is the system of oversight that may be mandated by law, regulation, industry standards, contractual obligation, or licensing requirements. The actual method of governance may vary, but it generally involves an outside investigator or auditor. These auditors might be designated by a governing body or might be consultants hired by the target organization.
Documentation review
is the process of reading the exchanged materials and verifying them against standards and expectations. The documentation review is typically performed before any on-site inspection takes place. If the exchanged documentation is sufficient and meets expectations (or at least requirements), then an on-site review will be able to focus on compliance with the stated documentation.
is anything within an environment that should be protected. It is anything used in a business process or task. It can be a computer file, a network service, a system resource, a process, a program, a product, an IT infrastructure, a database, a hardware device, furniture, product recipes/formulas, intellectual property, personnel, software, facilities, and so on. If an organization places any value on an item under its control and deems that item important enough to protect, it is labeled an asset for the purposes of risk management and analysis.
Asset Valuation
a dollar value assigned to an asset based on actual cost and nonmonetary expenses. These can include costs to develop, maintain, administer, advertise, support, repair, and replace an asset; they can also include more elusive values, such as public confidence, industry support, productivity enhancement, knowledge equity, and ownership benefits
Any potential occurrence that may cause an undesirable or unwanted outcome for an organization or for a specific asset. Any action or inaction that could cause damage, destruction, alteration, loss, or disclosure of assets or that could block access to or prevent maintenance of assets. Threat agents are usually people, but they could also be programs, hardware, or systems. Threat events are accidental and intentional exploitations of vulnerabilities. They can also be natural or man-made. Threat events include fire, earthquake, flood, system failure, human error (due to a lack of training or ignorance), and power outage.
is the occurrence of a security mechanism being bypassed or thwarted by a threat agent. When a breach is combined with an attack, a penetration, or intrusion, can result. A penetration is the condition in which a threat agent has gained access to an organization’s infrastructure through the circumvention of security controls and is able to directly imperil assets.
is the exploitation of a vulnerability by a threat agent. In other words, an attack is any intentional attempt to exploit a vulnerability of an organization’s security infrastructure to cause damage, loss, or disclosure of assets. An attack can also be viewed as any violation or failure to adhere to an organization’s security policy.
security control, or countermeasure is anything that removes or reduces a vulnerability or protects against one or more specific threats. A safeguard can be installing a software patch, making a configuration change, hiring security guards, altering the infrastructure, modifying processes, improving the security policy, training personnel more effectively, electrifying a perimeter fence, installing lights, and so on. It is any action or product that reduces risk through the elimination or lessening of a threat or a vulnerability anywhere within an organization.
risk = threat * vulnerability. is the possibility or likelihood that a threat will exploit a vulnerability to cause harm to an asset. It is an assessment of probability, possibility, or chance. The more likely it is that a threat event will occur, the greater the risk. Every instance of exposure is a risk..When a risk is realized, a threat agent, a threat actor, or a threat event has taken advantage of a vulnerability and caused harm to or disclosure of one or more assets. The whole purpose of security is to prevent risks from becoming realized by removing vulnerabilities and blocking threat agents and threat events from jeopardizing assets. As a risk management tool, security is the implementation of safeguards.
is being susceptible to asset loss because of a threat; there is the possibility that a vulnerability can or will be exploited by a threat agent or event. Exposure doesn’t mean that a realized threat (an event that results in loss) is actually occurring (the exposure to a realized threat is called experienced exposure). It just means that if there is a vulnerability and a threat that can exploit it, there is the possibility that a threat event, or potential exposure, can occur. Another way of thinking about exposure is to answer the question “What is the worst that could happen?” You are not stating that harm has occurred or that it will actually occur, only that there is the potential for harm and how extensive or serious that harm might be. The quantitative risk analysis value of exposure factor (EF) is derived from this concept.
The weakness in an asset or the absence or the weakness of a safeguard or countermeasure is a vulnerability.
In other words, a vulnerability is a flaw, loophole, oversight, error, limitation, frailty, or susceptibility in the IT infrastructure or any other aspect of an organization. If a vulnerability is exploited, loss or damage to assets can occur.
Quantitative Risk Analysis
The quantitative method results in concrete probability percentages. That means the end result is a report that has dollar figures for levels of risk, potential loss, cost of countermeasures, and value of safeguards. This report is usually fairly easy to understand, especially for anyone with knowledge of spreadsheets and budget reports. Think of quantitative analysis as the act of assigning a quantity to risk—in other words, placing a dollar figure on each asset and threat. However, a purely quantitative analysis is not sufficient; not all elements and aspects of the analysis can be quantified because some are qualitative, subjective, or intangible.
The six major steps or phases in quantitative risk analysis
- Inventory assets, and assign a value (asset value, or AV). (Asset value is detailed further in a later section of this chapter named “Asset Valuation.”)
- Research each asset, and produce a list of all possible threats of each individual asset. For each listed threat, calculate the exposure factor (EF) and single loss expectancy (SLE).
- Perform a threat analysis to calculate the likelihood of each threat being realized within a single year—that is, the annualized rate of occurrence (ARO).
- Derive the overall loss potential per threat by calculating the annualized loss expectancy (ALE).
- Research countermeasures for each threat, and then calculate the changes to ARO and ALE based on an applied countermeasure.
- Perform a cost/benefit analysis of each countermeasure for each threat for each asset. Select the most appropriate response to each threat.
Exposure Factor
The exposure factor (EF) represents the percentage of loss that an organization would experience if a specific asset were violated by a realized risk. The EF can also be called the loss potential. In most cases, a realized risk does not result in the total loss of an asset. The EF simply indicates the expected overall asset value loss because of a single realized risk. The EF is usually small for assets that are easily replaceable, such as hardware. It can be very large for assets that are irreplaceable or proprietary, such as product designs or a database of customers. The EF is expressed as a percentage.
Single Loss Expectancy
The EF is needed to calculate the SLE. The single loss expectancy (SLE) is the cost associated with a single realized risk against a specific asset. It indicates the exact amount of loss an organization would experience if an asset were harmed by a specific threat occurring.
The SLE is calculated using the following formula:
SLE = asset value (AV) * exposure factor (EF)
or more simply:
The SLE is expressed in a dollar value. For example, if an asset is valued at $200,000 and it has an EF of 45 percent for a specific threat, then the SLE of the threat for that asset is $90,000.
Annualized Rate of Occurrence
The annualized rate of occurrence (ARO) is the expected frequency with which a specific threat or risk will occur (that is, become realized) within a single year. The ARO can range from a value of 0.0 (zero), indicating that the threat or risk will never be realized, to a very large number, indicating that the threat or risk occurs often. Calculating the ARO can be complicated. It can be derived from historical records, statistical analysis, or guesswork. ARO calculation is also known as probability determination. The ARO for some threats or risks is calculated by multiplying the likelihood of a single occurrence by the number of users who could initiate the threat. For example, the ARO of an earthquake in Tulsa may be .00001, whereas the ARO of an earthquake in San Francisco may be .03 (for a 6.7+ magnitude), or you can compare the ARO of an earthquake in Tulsa of .00001 to the ARO of an email virus in an office in Tulsa of 10,000,000.
Annualized Loss Expectancy
is the possible yearly cost of all instances of a specific realized threat against a specific asset.
The ALE is calculated using the following formula:
ALE = single loss expectancy (SLE) * annualized rate of occurrence (ARO)
Or more simply:
For example, if the SLE of an asset is $90,000 and the ARO for a specific threat (such as total power loss) is .5, then the ALE is $45,000. On the other hand, if the ARO for a specific threat (such as compromised user account) is 15, then the ALE would be $1,350,000.
Calculating Safeguard Cost/Benefit
One of the final computations in this process is the cost/benefit calculation or cost/benefit analysis to determine whether a safeguard actually improves security without costing too much. To make the determination of whether the safeguard is financially equitable, use the following formula:
ALE before safeguard – ALE after implementing the safeguard – annual cost of safeguard (ACS) = value of the safeguard to the company
three elements of cost/benefit analysis of a safeguard
The pre-countermeasure ALE for an asset-and-threat pairing
The post-countermeasure ALE for an asset-and-threat pairing
The ACS (annual cost of the safeguard)
With those elements, you can finally obtain a value for the cost/benefit formula for this specific safeguard against a specific risk against a specific asset:
(pre-countermeasure ALE – post-countermeasure ALE) – ACS
Or, even more simply:
(ALE1 – ALE2) – ACS
The countermeasure with the greatest resulting value from this cost/benefit formula makes the most economic sense to deploy against the specific asset-and-threat pairing.
Qualitative Risk Analysis
is more scenario based than it is calculator based. Rather than assigning exact dollar figures to possible losses, you rank threats on a scale to evaluate their risks, costs, and effects. Since a purely quantitative risk assessment is not possible, balancing the results of a quantitative analysis is essential. The method of combining quantitative and qualitative analysis into a final assessment of organizational risk is known as hybrid assessment or hybrid analysis. The process of performing qualitative risk analysis involves judgment, intuition, and experience.
A scenario is a written description of a single major threat. The description focuses on how a threat would be instigated and what effects its occurrence could have on the organization, the IT infrastructure, and specific assets. Generally, the scenarios are limited to one page of text to keep them manageable. For each scenario, one or more safeguards are described that would completely or partially protect against the major threat discussed in the scenario. The analysis participants then assign to the scenario a threat level, a loss potential, and the advantages of each safeguard. These assignments can be grossly simple—such as High, Medium, and Low or a basic number scale of 1 to 10—or they can be detailed essay responses.
Delphi Technique
is simply an anonymous feedback-and-response process used to enable a group to reach an anonymous consensus. Its primary purpose is to elicit honest and uninfluenced responses from all participants. The participants are usually gathered into a single meeting room. To each request for feedback, each participant writes down their response on paper anonymously. The results are compiled and presented to the group for evaluation. The process is repeated until a consensus is reached.
Both the quantitative and qualitative risk analysis mechanisms offer useful results. However, each technique involves a unique method of evaluating the same set of assets and risks. Prudent due care requires that both methods be employed.
Risk Mitigation
Reducing risk, or risk mitigation, is the implementation of safeguards and countermeasures to eliminate vulnerabilities or block threats. Picking the most cost-effective or beneficial countermeasure is part of risk management, but it is not an element of risk assessment. In fact, countermeasure selection is a post-risk-assessment or post-risk-analysis activity. Another potential variation of risk mitigation is risk avoidance. The risk is avoided by eliminating the risk cause. A simple example is removing the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) protocol from a server to avoid FTP attacks, and a larger example is to move to an inland location to avoid the risks from hurricanes.
Risk Assignment
Assigning risk or transferring risk is the placement of the cost of loss a risk represents onto another entity or organization. Purchasing insurance and outsourcing are common forms of assigning or transferring risk.
Risk Acceptance
Accepting risk, risk tolerance, or acceptance of risk is the result after a cost/benefit analysis shows countermeasure costs would outweigh the possible cost of loss due to a risk. It also means that management has agreed to accept the consequences and the loss if the risk is realized. In most cases, accepting risk requires a clearly written statement that indicates why a safeguard was not implemented, who is responsible for the decision, and who will be responsible for the loss if the risk is realized, usually in the form of a sign-off letter. An organization’s decision to accept risk is based on its risk tolerance. This is also known as risk tolerance or risk appetite which is the ability of an organization to absorb the losses associated with realized risks.
Risk Deterrence
Risk deterrence is the process of implementing deterrents to would-be violators of security and policy. Some examples include implementation of auditing, security cameras, security guards, instructional signage, warning banners, motion detectors, strong authentication, and making it known that the organization is willing to cooperate with authorities and prosecute those who participate in cybercrime
Risk Avoidance
is the process of selecting alternate options or activities that have less associated risk than the default, common, expedient, or cheap option. For example, choosing to fly to a destination instead of driving to it is a form of risk avoidance. Another example is to locate a business in Arizona instead of Florida to avoid hurricanes
Risk Rejection
A final but unacceptable possible response to risk is to reject risk or ignore risk. Denying that a risk exists and hoping that it will never be realized are not valid or prudent due-care responses to risk.
Once countermeasures are implemented, the risk that remains is known as residual risk. Residual risk comprises threats to specific assets against which upper management chooses not to implement a safeguard. In other words, residual risk is the risk that management has chosen to accept rather than mitigate. In most cases, the presence of residual risk indicates that the cost/benefit analysis showed that the available safeguards were not cost-effective deterrents.
Total risk is the amount of risk an organization would face if no safeguards were implemented. A formula for total risk is as follows:
threats * vulnerabilities * asset value = total risk
total risk – controls gap = residual risk
Technical Controls
logical controls involve the hardware or software mechanisms used to manage access and to provide protection for resources and systems. As the name implies, it uses technology. Examples of logical or technical controls include authentication methods (such as usernames, passwords, smartcards, and biometrics), encryption, constrained interfaces, access control lists, protocols, firewalls, routers, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), and clipping levels.
Administrative Controls
are the policies and procedures defined by an organization’s security policy and other regulations or requirements. They are sometimes referred to as management controls. These controls focus on personnel and business practices. Examples of administrative controls include policies, procedures, hiring practices, background checks, data classifications and labeling, security awareness and training efforts, vacation history, reports and reviews, work supervision, personnel controls, and testing.
Physical Controls
are items you can physically touch. They include physical mechanisms deployed to prevent, monitor, or detect direct contact with systems or areas within a facility. Examples of physical controls include guards, fences, motion detectors, locked doors, sealed windows, lights, cable protection, laptop locks, badges, swipe cards, guard dogs, video cameras, mantraps, and alarms.
Deterrent control
is deployed to discourage violation of security policies. Deterrent and preventive controls are similar, but deterrent controls often depend on individuals deciding not to take an unwanted action. In contrast, a preventive control actually blocks the action. Some examples include policies, security-awareness training, locks, fences, security badges, guards, mantraps, and security cameras
Preventive control
is deployed to thwart or stop unwanted or unauthorized activity from occurring. Examples of preventive controls include fences, locks, biometrics, mantraps, lighting, alarm systems, separation of duties, job rotation, data classification, penetration testing, access-control methods, encryption, auditing, presence of security cameras or closed-circuit television (CCTV), smartcards, callback procedures, security policies, security-awareness training, antivirus software, firewalls, and intrusion prevention systems (IPSs).
Detective control
is deployed to discover or detect unwanted or unauthorized activity. Detective controls operate after the fact and can discover the activity only after it has occurred. Examples of detective controls include security guards, motion detectors, recording and reviewing of events captured by security cameras or CCTV, job rotation, mandatory vacations, audit trails, honeypots or honeynets, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), violation reports, supervision and reviews of users, and incident investigations.
compensation control
is deployed to provide various options to other existing controls to aid in enforcement and support of security policies. They can be any controls used in addition to, or in place of, another control. For example, an organizational policy may dictate that all PII must be encrypted. A review discovers that a preventive control is encrypting all PII data in databases, but PII transferred over the network is sent in cleartext. A compensation control can be added to protect the data in transit.
corrective control
modifies the environment to return systems to normal after an unwanted or unauthorized activity has occurred. It attempts to correct any problems that occurred as a result of a security incident. Corrective controls can be simple, such as terminating malicious activity or rebooting a system. They also include antivirus solutions that can remove or quarantine a virus, backup and restore plans to ensure that lost data can be restored, and active IDs that can modify the environment to stop an attack in progress. The control is deployed to repair or restore resources, functions, and capabilities after a violation of security policies.
Recovery controls
are an extension of corrective controls but have more advanced or complex abilities. Examples of recovery controls include backups and restores, fault-tolerant drive systems, system imaging, server clustering, antivirus software, and database or virtual machine shadowing. In relation to business continuity and disaster recovery, recovery controls can include hot sites, warm sites, cold sites, alternate processing facilities, service bureaus, reciprocal agreements, cloud providers, rolling mobile operating centers, and multisite solutions
directive control
is deployed to direct, confine, or control the actions of subjects to force or encourage compliance with security policies. Examples of directive controls include security policy requirements or criteria, posted notifications, escape route exit signs, monitoring, supervision, and procedures.
security control assessment (SCA)
is the formal evaluation of a security infrastructure’s individual mechanisms against a baseline or reliability expectation. The SCA can be performed in addition to or independently of a full security evaluation, such as a penetration test or vulnerability assessment.
The goals of an SCA are to ensure the effectiveness of the security mechanisms, evaluate the quality and thoroughness of the risk management processes of the organization, and produce a report of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the deployed security infrastructure.
Risk reporting
involves the production of a risk report and a presentation of that report to the interested/relevant parties. For many organizations, risk reporting is an internal concern only, whereas other organizations may have regulations that mandate third-party or public reporting of their risk findings.
A risk report should be accurate, timely, comprehensive of the entire organization, clear and precise to support decision making, and updated on a regular basis.
risk framework
includes security categorization, security control selection, security control implementation, security control assessment, information system authorization, and security control monitoring. The RMF promotes the concept of near real-time risk management and ongoing information system authorization through the implementation of robust continuous monitoring processes, provides senior leaders the necessary information to make cost-effective, risk-based decisions with regard to the organizational information systems supporting their core missions and business functions, and integrates information security into the enterprise architecture and systems development lifecycle (SDLC). Applying the RMF within enterprises links risk management processes at the information system level to risk management processes at the organization level through a risk executive (function) and establishes lines of responsibility and accountability for security controls deployed within organizational information systems and inherited by those systems (i.e., common controls).
The RMF steps
- Categorize the information system and the information processed, stored, and transmitted by that system based on an impact analysis.
- Select an initial set of baseline security controls for the information system based on the security categorization; tailoring and supplementing the security control baseline as needed based on an organizational assessment of risk and local conditions.
- Implement the security controls and describe how the controls are employed within the information system and its environment of operation.
- Assess the security controls using appropriate assessment procedures to determine the extent to which the controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting the security requirements for the system.
- Authorize information system operation based on a determination of the risk to organizational operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation resulting from the operation of the information system and the decision that this risk is acceptable.
- Monitor the security controls in the information system on an ongoing basis including assessing control effectiveness, documenting changes to the system or its environment of operation, conducting security impact analyses of the associated changes, and reporting the security state of the system to designated organizational officials.”
Behavior modification
involves some level of learning on the part of the user. To develop and manage security education, training, and awareness, all relevant items of knowledge transference must be clearly identified and programs of presentation, exposure, synergy, and implementation crafted.
to bring security to the forefront and make it a recognized entity for users. Awareness establishes a common baseline or foundation of security understanding across the entire organization and focuses on key or basic topics and issues related to security that all employees must understand and comprehend. Awareness is not exclusively created through a classroom type of exercise but also through the work environment
teaching employees to perform their work tasks and to comply with the security policy. Training is typically hosted by an organization and is targeted to groups of employees with similar job functions. All new employees require some level of training so they will be able to comply with all standards, guidelines, and procedures mandated by the security policy. New users need to know how to use the IT infrastructure, where data is stored, and how and why resources are classified. Many organizations choose to train new employees before they are granted access to the network, whereas others will grant new users limited access until their training in their specific job position is complete. Training is an ongoing activity that must be sustained throughout the lifetime of the organization for every employee. It is considered an administrative security control.
is a more detailed endeavor in which students/users learn much more than they actually need to know to perform their work tasks. Education is most often associated with users pursuing certification or seeking job promotion. It is typically a requirement for personnel seeking security professional positions. A security professional requires extensive knowledge of security and the local environment for the entire organization and not just their specific work tasks.
Which of the following is the weakest element in any security solution?
A. Software products
B. Internet connections
C. Security policies
D. Humans
D. Regardless of the specifics of a security solution, humans are the weakest element.
When seeking to hire new employees, what is the first step?
A. Create a job description.
B. Set position classification.
C. Screen candidates.
D. Request résumés.
A. The first step in hiring new employees is to create a job description. Without a job description, there is no consensus on what type of individual needs to be found and hired.
Which of the following is a primary purpose of an exit interview?
A. To return the exiting employee’s personal belongings
B. To review the nondisclosure agreement
C. To evaluate the exiting employee’s performance
D. To cancel the exiting employee’s network access accounts
B. The primary purpose of an exit interview is to review the nondisclosure agreement (NDA) and other liabilities and restrictions placed on the former employee based on the employment agreement and any other security-related documentation.
When an employee is to be terminated, which of the following should be done?
A. Inform the employee a few hours before they are officially terminated.
B. Disable the employee’s network access just as they are informed of the termination.
C. Send out a broadcast email informing everyone that a specific employee is to be terminated.
D. Wait until you and the employee are the only people remaining in the building before announcing the termination.
B. You should remove or disable the employee’s network user account immediately before or at the same time they are informed of their termination.
If an organization contracts with outside entities to provide key business functions or services, such as account or technical support, what is the process called that is used to ensure that these entities support sufficient security?
A. Asset identification
B. Third-party governance
C. Exit interview
D. Qualitative analysis
B. Third-party governance is the application of security oversight on third parties that your organization relies on.
A portion of the __________________ is the logical and practical investigation of business processes and organizational policies. This process/policy review ensures that the stated and implemented business tasks, systems, and methodologies are practical, efficient, and cost-effective, but most of all (at least in relation to security governance) that they support security through the reduction of vulnerabilities and the avoidance, reduction, or mitigation of risk.
A. Hybrid assessment
B. Risk aversion process
C. Countermeasure selection
D. Documentation review
D. A portion of the documentation review is the logical and practical investigation of business processes and organizational policies.
Which of the following statements is not true?
A. IT security can provide protection only against logical or technical attacks.
B. The process by which the goals of risk management are achieved is known as risk analysis.
C. Risks to an IT infrastructure are all computer based.
D. An asset is anything used in a business process or task.
C. Risks to an IT infrastructure are not all computer based. In fact, many risks come from noncomputer sources. It is important to consider all possible risks when performing risk evaluation for an organization. Failing to properly evaluate and respond to all forms of risk, a company remains vulnerable.
Which of the following is not an element of the risk analysis process?
A. Analyzing an environment for risks
B. Creating a cost/benefit report for safeguards to present to upper management
C. Selecting appropriate safeguards and implementing them
D. Evaluating each threat event as to its likelihood of occurring and cost of the resulting damage
C. Risk analysis includes analyzing an environment for risks, evaluating each threat event as to its likelihood of occurring and the cost of the damage it would cause, assessing the cost of various countermeasures for each risk, and creating a cost/benefit report for safeguards to present to upper management. Selecting safeguards is a task of upper management based on the results of risk analysis. It is a task that falls under risk management, but it is not part of the risk analysis process.
Which of the following would generally not be considered an asset in a risk analysis?
A. A development process
B. An IT infrastructure
C. A proprietary system resource
D. Users’ personal files
D. The personal files of users are not usually considered assets of the organization and thus are not considered in a risk analysis.
Which of the following represents accidental or intentional exploitations of vulnerabilities?
A. Threat events
B. Risks
C. Threat agents
D. Breaches
A. Threat events are accidental or intentional exploitations of vulnerabilities.
When a safeguard or a countermeasure is not present or is not sufficient, what remains?
A. Vulnerability
B. Exposure
C. Risk
D. Penetration
A. A vulnerability is the absence or weakness of a safeguard or countermeasure.
Which of the following is not a valid definition for risk?
A. An assessment of probability, possibility, or chance
B. Anything that removes a vulnerability or protects against one or more specific threats
C. Risk = threat * vulnerability
D. Every instance of exposure
B. Anything that removes a vulnerability or protects against one or more specific threats is considered a safeguard or a countermeasure, not a risk.
When evaluating safeguards, what is the rule that should be followed in most cases?
A. The expected annual cost of asset loss should not exceed the annual costs of safeguards.
B. The annual costs of safeguards should equal the value of the asset.
C. The annual costs of safeguards should not exceed the expected annual cost of asset loss.
D. The annual costs of safeguards should not exceed 10 percent of the security budget.
C. The annual costs of safeguards should not exceed the expected annual cost of asset loss.
How is single loss expectancy (SLE) calculated?
A. Threat + vulnerability
B. Asset value ($) * exposure factor
C. Annualized rate of occurrence * vulnerability
D. Annualized rate of occurrence * asset value * exposure factor
B. SLE is calculated using the formula SLE = asset value ($) * exposure factor (SLE = AV * EF).
How is the value of a safeguard to a company calculated?
A. ALE before safeguard – ALE after implementing the safeguard – annual cost of safeguard
B. ALE before safeguard * ARO of safeguard
C. ALE after implementing safeguard + annual cost of safeguard – controls gap
D. Total risk – controls gap
A. The value of a safeguard to an organization is calculated by ALE before safeguard – ALE after implementing the safeguard – annual cost of safeguard [(ALE1 – ALE2) – ACS].
What security control is directly focused on preventing collusion?
A. Principle of least privilege
B. Job descriptions
C. Separation of duties
D. Qualitative risk analysis
C. The likelihood that a co-worker will be willing to collaborate on an illegal or abusive scheme is reduced because of the higher risk of detection created by the combination of separation of duties, restricted job responsibilities, and job rotation.
What process or event is typically hosted by an organization and is targeted to groups of employees with similar job functions?
A. Education
B. Awareness
C. Training
D. Termination
C. Training is teaching employees to perform their work tasks and to comply with the security policy. Training is typically hosted by an organization and is targeted to groups of employees with similar job functions.
Which of the following is not specifically or directly related to managing the security function of an organization?
A. Worker job satisfaction
B. Metrics
C. Information security strategies
D. Budget
A. Managing the security function often includes assessment of budget, metrics, resources, and information security strategies, and assessing the completeness and effectiveness of the security program.
While performing a risk analysis, you identify a threat of fire and a vulnerability because there are no fire extinguishers. Based on this information, which of the following is a possible risk?
A. Virus infection
B. Damage to equipment
C. System malfunction
D. Unauthorized access to confidential information
B. The threat of a fire and the vulnerability of a lack of fire extinguishers lead to the risk of damage to equipment.
You’ve performed a basic quantitative risk analysis on a specific threat/vulnerability/risk relation. You select a possible countermeasure. When performing the calculations again, which of the following factors will change?
A. Exposure factor
B. Single loss expectancy (SLE)
C. Asset value
D. Annualized rate of occurrence
D. A countermeasure directly affects the annualized rate of occurrence, primarily because the countermeasure is designed to prevent the occurrence of the risk, thus reducing its frequency per year.