Chapter 7 PKI and Cryptographic Applications Flashcards
Every user maintains both a public key and a private key. As the names imply, public key cryptosystem users make their public keys freely available to anyone with whom they want to communicate. The mere possession of the public key by third parties does not introduce any weaknesses into the cryptosystem. The private key, on the other hand, is reserved for the sole use of the individual who owns the keys. It is never shared with any other cryptosystem user.
The most famous public key cryptosystem is named after its creators. In 1977, Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman proposed the RSA public key algorithm that remains a worldwide standard today. They patented their algorithm and formed a commercial venture known as RSA Security to develop mainstream implementations of their security technology. Today, the RSA algorithm has been released into the public domain and is widely used for secure communication.
The length of the cryptographic key is perhaps the most important security parameter that can be set at the discretion of the security administrator. It’s important to understand the capabilities of your encryption algorithm and choose a key length that provides an appropriate level of protection. This judgment can be made by weighing the difficulty of defeating a given key length (measured in the amount of processing time required to defeat the cryptosystem) against the importance of the data.
In 1985, Dr. T. El Gamal published an article describing how the mathematical principles behind the Diffie–Hellman key exchange algorithm could be extended to support an entire public key cryptosystem used for encrypting and decrypting messages.
At the time of its release, one of the major advantages of El Gamal over the RSA algorithm was that it was released into the public domain. Dr. El Gamal did not obtain a patent on his extension of Diffie-Hellman, and it is freely available for use, unlike the then-patented RSA technology. (RSA released its algorithm into the public domain in 2000.)
However, El Gamal also has a major disadvantage—the algorithm doubles the length of any message it encrypts. This presents a major hardship when encrypting long messages or data that will be transmitted over a narrow bandwidth communications circuit.
Also in 1985, two mathematicians, Neal Koblitz from the University of Washington and Victor Miller from IBM, independently proposed the application of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) theory to develop secure cryptographic systems.
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3, are government standard hash functions promoted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and are specified in an official government publication—the Secure Hash Standard (SHS), also known as Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 180.
takes an input of virtually any length (in reality, there is an upper bound of approximately 2,097,152 terabytes on the algorithm) and produces a 160-bit message digest. The SHA-1 algorithm processes a message in 512-bit blocks. Therefore, if the message length is not a multiple of 512, the SHA algorithm pads the message with additional data until the length reaches the next highest multiple of 512. Cryptanalytic attacks demonstrated that there are weaknesses in the SHA-1 algorithm. This led to the creation of SHA-2, which has four variants:
SHA-256 produces a 256-bit message digest using a 512-bit block size.
SHA-224 uses a truncated version of the SHA-256 hash to produce a 224-bit message digest using a 512-bit block size.
SHA-512 produces a 512-bit message digest using a 1,024-bit block size.
SHA-384 uses a truncated version of the SHA-512 hash to produce a 384-bit digest using a 1,024-bit block size.
Message Digest 2 (MD2) hash algorithm
was developed by Ronald Rivest (the same Rivest of Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman fame) in 1989 to provide a secure hash function for 8-bit processors. MD2 pads the message so that its length is a multiple of 16 bytes. It then computes a 16-byte checksum and appends it to the end of the message. A 128-bit message digest is then generated by using the entire original message along with the appended checksum.
Cryptanalytic attacks exist against the MD2 algorithm. Specifically, Nathalie Rogier and Pascal Chauvaud discovered that if the checksum is not appended to the message before digest computation, collisions may occur. Frederic Mueller later proved that MD2 is not a one-way function. Therefore, it should no longer be used.
Message Digest 4 (MD4) hash algorithm
In 1990, Rivest enhanced his message digest algorithm to support 32-bit processors and increase the level of security. This enhanced algorithm is known as MD4. It first pads the message to ensure that the message length is 64 bits smaller than a multiple of 512 bits. For example, a 16-bit message would be padded with 432 additional bits of data to make it 448 bits, which is 64 bits smaller than a 512-bit message.
The MD4 algorithm then processes 512-bit blocks of the message in three rounds of computation. The final output is a 128-bit message digest.
Message Digest 5 (MD5) hash algorithm
In 1991, Rivest released the next version of his message digest algorithm, which he called MD5. It also processes 512-bit blocks of the message, but it uses four distinct rounds of computation to produce a digest of the same length as the MD2 and MD4 algorithms (128 bits). MD5 has the same padding requirements as MD4—the message length must be 64 bits less than a multiple of 512 bits.
MD5 implements additional security features that reduce the speed of message digest production significantly. Unfortunately, recent cryptanalytic attacks demonstrated that the MD5 protocol is subject to collisions, preventing its use for ensuring message integrity. Specifically, Arjen Lenstra and others demonstrated in 2005 that it is possible to create two digital certificates from different public keys that have the same MD5 hash.
Digital Signatures
Digitally signed messages assure the recipient that the message truly came from the claimed sender. They enforce nonrepudiation (that is, they preclude the sender from later claiming that the message is a forgery).
Digitally signed messages assure the recipient that the message was not altered while in transit between the sender and recipient. This protects against both malicious modification (a third party altering the meaning of the message) and unintentional modification (because of faults in the communications process, such as electrical interference).
hashed message authentication code (HMAC) algorithm
implements a partial digital signature—it guarantees the integrity of a message during transmission, but it does not provide for nonrepudiation. HMAC can be combined with any standard message digest generation algorithm, such as SHA-3, by using a shared secret key. Therefore, only communicating parties who know the key can generate or verify the digital signature. If the recipient decrypts the message digest but cannot successfully compare it to a message digest generated from the plaintext message, that means the message was altered in transit. Because HMAC relies on a shared secret key, it does not provide any nonrepudiation functionality (as previously mentioned). However, it operates in a more efficient manner than the digital signature standard described in the following section and may be suitable for applications in which symmetric key cryptography is appropriate. In short, it represents a halfway point between unencrypted use of a message digest algorithm and computationally expensive digital signature algorithms based on public key cryptography.
Encryption, decryption, message signing, and signature verification all use the same algorithm with different key inputs
If you want to encrypt a message, use the recipient’s public key.
If you want to decrypt a message sent to you, use your private key.
If you want to digitally sign a message you are sending to someone else, use your private key.
If you want to verify the signature on a message sent by someone else, use the sender’s public key
Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
The National Institute of Standards and Technology specifies the digital signature algorithms acceptable for federal government use in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 186-4. his document specifies that all federally approved digital signature algorithms must use the SHA-3 hashing functions.
DSS also specifies the encryption algorithms that can be used to support a digital signature infrastructure. There are three currently approved standard encryption algorithms:
The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) as specified in FIPS 186-4
The Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) algorithm as specified in ANSI X9.31
The Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) as specified in ANSI X9.62
public key infrastructure (PKI) hierarchy of trust relationships
These trusts permit combining asymmetric cryptography with symmetric cryptography along with hashing and digital certificates, giving us hybrid cryptography.
provide communicating parties with the assurance that the people they are communicating with truly are who they claim to be. Digital certificates are essentially endorsed copies of an individual’s public key. When users verify that a certificate was signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA), they know that the public key is legitimate.
Digital certificates contain specific identifying information, and their construction is governed by an international standard—X.509.
X.509 contain the following data
Version of X.509 to which the certificate conforms
Serial number (from the certificate creator)
Signature algorithm identifier (specifies the technique used by the certificate authority to digitally sign the contents of the certificate)
Issuer name (identification of the certificate authority that issued the certificate)
Validity period (specifies the dates and times—a starting date and time and an ending date and time—during which the certificate is valid)
Subject’s name (contains the distinguished name, or DN, of the entity that owns the public key contained in the certificate)
Subject’s public key (the meat of the certificate—the actual public key the certificate owner used to set up secure communications)
Certificate authorities (CAs)
the glue that binds the public key infrastructure together. These neutral organizations offer notarization services for digital certificates. To obtain a digital certificate from a reputable CA, you must prove your identity to the satisfaction of the CA. The following list includes some of the major CAs that provide widely accepted digital certificates. Nothing is preventing any organization from simply setting up shop as a CA. However, the certificates issued by a CA are only as good as the trust placed in the CA that issued them. This is an important item to consider when receiving a digital certificate from a third party. If you don’t recognize and trust the name of the CA that issued the certificate, you shouldn’t place any trust in the certificate at all. PKI relies on a hierarchy of trust relationships. If you configure your browser to trust a CA, it will automatically trust all of the digital certificates issued by that CA. Browser developers preconfigure browsers to trust the major CAs to avoid placing this burden on users.
Registration authorities (RAs)
assist CAs with the burden of verifying users’ identities prior to issuing digital certificates. They do not directly issue certificates themselves, but they play an important role in the certification process, allowing CAs to remotely validate user identities.
certificate path validation (CPV)
means that each certificate in a certificate path from the original start or root of trust down to the server or client in question is valid and legitimate. CPV can be important if you need to verify that every link between “trusted” endpoints remains current, valid, and trustworthy.
This issue arises from time to time when intermediary systems’ certificates expire or are replaced; this can break the chain of trust or the verification path. By forcing a reverification of all stages of trust, you can reestablish all trust links and prove that the assumed trust remains assured.
When you want to obtain a digital certificate, you must first prove your identity to the CA in some manner; this process is called enrollment. As mentioned in the previous section, this sometimes involves physically appearing before an agent of the certification authority with the appropriate identification documents. Some certificate authorities provide other means of verification, including the use of credit report data and identity verification by trusted community leaders.
Once you’ve satisfied the certificate authority regarding your identity, you provide them with your public key. The CA next creates an X.509 digital certificate containing your identifying information and a copy of your public key. The CA then digitally signs the certificate using the CA’s private key and provides you with a copy of your signed digital certificate. You may then safely distribute this certificate to anyone with whom you want to communicate securely.
When you receive a digital certificate from someone with whom you want to communicate, you verify the certificate by checking the CA’s digital signature using the CA’s public key. Next, you must check and ensure that the certificate was not revoked using a certificate revocation list (CRL) or the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). At this point, you may assume that the public key listed in the certificate is authentic, provided that it satisfies the following requirements:
The digital signature of the CA is authentic.
You trust the CA.
The certificate is not listed on a CRL.
The certificate actually contains the data you are trusting.
Occasionally, a certificate authority needs to revoke a certificate. This might occur for one of the following reasons:
The certificate was compromised (for example, the certificate owner accidentally gave away the private key).
The certificate was erroneously issued (for example, the CA mistakenly issued a certificate without proper verification).
The details of the certificate changed (for example, the subject’s name changed).
The security association changed (for example, the subject is no longer employed by the organization sponsoring the certificate).
Certificate Revocation Lists
maintained by the various certificate authorities and contain the serial numbers of certificates that have been issued by a CA and have been revoked along with the date and time the revocation went into effect. The major disadvantage to certificate revocation lists is that they must be downloaded and cross-referenced periodically, introducing a period of latency between the time a certificate is revoked and the time end users are notified of the revocation. However, CRLs remain the most common method of checking certificate status in use today.
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
This protocol eliminates the latency inherent in the use of certificate revocation lists by providing a means for real-time certificate verification. When a client receives a certificate, it sends an OCSP request to the CA’s OCSP server. The server then responds with a status of valid, invalid, or unknown.
Hardware security modules (HSMs)
provide an effective way to manage encryption keys. These hardware devices store and manage encryption keys in a secure manner that prevents humans from ever needing to work directly with the keys. HSMs range in scope and complexity from very simple devices, such as the YubiKey, that store encrypted keys on a USB drive for personal use to more complex enterprise products that reside in a data center. Cloud providers, such as Amazon and Microsoft, also offer cloud-based HSMs that provide secure key management for IaaS services.
Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
The TPM is a chip that resides on the motherboard of the device. The TPM serves a number of purposes, including the storage and management of keys used for full disk encryption (FDE) solutions. The TPM provides the operating system with access to the keys, preventing someone from removing the drive from one device and inserting it into another device to access the drive’s data.
We have mentioned several times that security should be cost effective. When it comes to email, simplicity is the most cost-effective option, but sometimes cryptography functions provide specific security services that you can’t avoid using. Since ensuring security is also cost effective, here are some simple rules about encrypting email:
If you need confidentiality when sending an email message, encrypt the message.
If your message must maintain integrity, you must hash the message.
If your message needs authentication, integrity and/or nonrepudiation, you should digitally sign the message.
If your message requires confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and nonrepudiation, you should encrypt and digitally sign the message.
Pretty Good Privacy
secure email system appeared on the computer security scene in 1991. It combines the CA hierarchy described earlier in this chapter with the “web of trust” concept—that is, you must become trusted by one or more PGP users to begin using the system. You then accept their judgment regarding the validity of additional users and, by extension, trust a multilevel “web” of users descending from your initial trust judgments.
PGP initially encountered a number of hurdles to widespread use. The most difficult obstruction was the U.S. government export regulations, which treated encryption technology as munitions and prohibited the distribution of strong encryption technology outside the United States. Fortunately, this restriction has since been repealed, and PGP may be freely distributed to most countries.
The Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) protocol has emerged as a de facto standard for encrypted email. S/MIME uses the RSA encryption algorithm and has received the backing of major industry players, including RSA Security. S/MIME has already been incorporated in a large number of commercial products, including these:
Microsoft Outlook and Office 365 Mozilla Thunderbird Mac OS X Mail GSuite Enterprise edition S/MIME relies on the use of X.509 certificates for exchanging cryptographic keys. The public keys contained in these certificates are used for digital signatures and for the exchange of symmetric keys used for longer communications sessions. RSA is the only public key cryptographic protocol supported by S/MIME. The protocol supports the AES and 3DES symmetric encryption algorithms.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
relies on the exchange of server digital certificates to negotiate encryption/decryption parameters between the browser and the web server. SSL’s goal is to create secure communications channels that remain open for an entire web browsing session. It depends on a combination of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. When a user accesses a website, the browser retrieves the web server’s certificate and extracts the server’s public key from it.
The browser then creates a random symmetric key, uses the server’s public key to encrypt it, and then sends the encrypted symmetric key to the server.
The server then decrypts the symmetric key using its own private key, and the two systems exchange all future messages using the symmetric encryption key.
In 2014, an attack known as the Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption (POODLE)
demonstrated a significant flaw in the SSL 3.0 fallback mechanism of TLS. In an effort to remediate this vulnerability, many organizations completely dropped SSL support and now rely solely on TLS security.
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
In 1999, security engineers proposed TLS as a replacement for the SSL standard, which was at the time in its third version. As with HTTPS over SSL, HTTPS over TLS uses TCP port 443. Based on SSL technology, TLS incorporated many security enhancements and was eventually adopted as a replacement for SSL in most applications. Early versions of TLS supported downgrading communications to SSL v3.0 when both parties did not support TLS. However, in 2011, TLS v1.2 dropped this backward compatibility. Even though TLS has been in existence for more than a decade, many people still mistakenly call it SSL. For this reason, TLS has gained the nickname SSL 3.1.
the art of using cryptographic techniques to embed secret messages within another message. Steganographic algorithms work by making alterations to the least significant bits of the many bits that make up image files. The changes are so minor that there is no appreciable effect on the viewed image. This technique allows communicating parties to hide messages in plain sight—for example, they might embed a secret message within an illustration on an otherwise innocent web page.
Digital rights management (DRM) software
uses encryption to enforce copyright restrictions on digital media. Over the past decade, publishers attempted to deploy DRM schemes across a variety of media types, including music, movies, and books. In many cases, particularly with music, opponents met DRM deployment attempts with fierce opposition, arguing that the use of DRM violated their rights to freely enjoy and make backup copies of legitimately licensed media files.
High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP)
Provides DRM protection for content sent over digital connections including HDMI, DisplayPort, and DVI interfaces. While this technology is still found in many implementations, hackers released an HDCP master key in 2010, rendering the protection completely ineffective.
Advanced Access Content System (AACS)
Protects the content stored on Blu-Ray and HD DVD media. Hackers have demonstrated attacks that retrieved AACS encryption keys and posted them on the internet.
Industry publishers and hackers continue the cat-and-mouse game today; media companies try to protect their content and hackers seek to gain continued access to unencrypted copies.
Circuit Encryption
Link encryption protects entire communications circuits by creating a secure tunnel between two points using either a hardware solution or a software solution that encrypts all traffic entering one end of the tunnel and decrypts all traffic entering the other end of the tunnel. For example, a company with two offices connected via a data circuit might use link encryption to protect against attackers monitoring at a point in between the two offices.
End-to-end encryption protects communications between two parties (for example, a client and a server) and is performed independently of link encryption. An example of end-to-end encryption would be the use of TLS to protect communications between a user and a web server. This protects against an intruder who might be monitoring traffic on the secure side of an encrypted link or traffic sent over an unencrypted link.
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) standard
provides a complete infrastructure for secured network communications. IPsec has gained widespread acceptance and is now offered in a number of commercial operating systems out of the box. IPsec relies on security associations, and there are two main components:
The Authentication Header (AH) provides assurances of message integrity and nonrepudiation. AH also provides authentication and access control and prevents replay attacks.
The Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) provides confidentiality and integrity of packet contents. It provides encryption and limited authentication and prevents replay attacks.
Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)
security associations (SAs) are managed through the use of ISAKMP. There are four basic requirements for ISAKMP, as set forth in Internet RFC 2408:
Authenticate communicating peers
Create and manage security associations
Provide key generation mechanisms
Protect against threats (for example, replay and denial-of-service attacks)
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
provides 64- and 128-bit encryption options to protect communications within the wireless LAN. WEP is described in IEEE 802.11 as an optional component of the wireless networking standard. Cryptanalysis has conclusively demonstrated that significant flaws exist in the WEP algorithm, making it possible to completely undermine the security of a WEP-protected network within seconds. You should never use WEP encryption to protect a wireless network. In fact, the use of WEP encryption on a store network was the root cause behind the TJX security breach that was widely publicized in 2007. Again, you should never use WEP encryption on a wireless network.
WiFi Protected Access (WPA)
improves on WEP encryption by implementing the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), eliminating the cryptographic weaknesses that undermined WEP. A further improvement to the technique, dubbed WPA2, adds AES cryptography. WPA2 provides secure algorithms appropriate for use on modern wireless networks.
Analytic Attack
This is an algebraic manipulation that attempts to reduce the complexity of the algorithm. Analytic attacks focus on the logic of the algorithm itself.
Implementation Attack
This is a type of attack that exploits weaknesses in the implementation of a cryptography system. It focuses on exploiting the software code, not just errors and flaws but the methodology employed to program the encryption system.
Statistical Attack
A statistical attack exploits statistical weaknesses in a cryptosystem, such as floating-point errors and inability to produce truly random numbers. Statistical attacks attempt to find a vulnerability in the hardware or operating system hosting the cryptography application.
Brute Force
Brute-force attacks are quite straightforward. Such an attack attempts every possible valid combination for a key or password. They involve using massive amounts of processing power to methodically guess the key used to secure cryptographic communications.
For a nonflawed protocol, the average amount of time required to discover the key through a brute-force attack is directly proportional to the length of the key. A brute-force attack will always be successful given enough time. Every additional bit of key length doubles the time to perform a brute-force attack because the number of potential keys doubles.
There are two modifications that attackers can make to enhance the effectiveness of a brute-force attack:
Rainbow tables provide precomputed values for cryptographic hashes. These are commonly used for cracking passwords stored on a system in hashed form.
Specialized, scalable computing hardware designed specifically for the conduct of brute-force attacks may greatly increase the efficiency of this approach.
cryptographic salt
The cryptographic salt is a random value that is added to the end of the password before the operating system hashes the password. The salt is then stored in the password file along with the hash. When the operating system wishes to compare a user’s proffered password to the password file, it first retrieves the salt and appends it to the password. It feeds the concatenated value to the hash function and compares the resulting hash with the one stored in the password file.
Specialized password hashing functions, such as PBKDF2, bcrypt, and scrypt, allow for the creation of hashes using salts and also incorporate a technique known as key stretching that makes it more computationally difficult to perform a single password guess.
The use of salting, especially when combined with key stretching, dramatically increases the difficulty of brute-force attacks. Anyone attempting to build a rainbow table must build a separate table for each possible value of the cryptographic salt.
Known Plaintext
In the known plaintext attack, the attacker has a copy of the encrypted message along with the plaintext message used to generate the ciphertext (the copy). This knowledge greatly assists the attacker in breaking weaker codes. For example, imagine the ease with which you could break the Caesar cipher described in Chapter 6 if you had both a plaintext copy and a ciphertext copy of the same message.
Chosen Ciphertext
In a chosen ciphertext attack, the attacker has the ability to decrypt chosen portions of the ciphertext message and use the decrypted portion of the message to discover the key.
Chosen Plaintext
In a chosen plaintext attack, the attacker has the ability to encrypt plaintext messages of their choosing and can then analyze the ciphertext output of the encryption algorithm.
Meet in the Middle
Attackers might use a meet-in-the-middle attack to defeat encryption algorithms that use two rounds of encryption. This attack is the reason that Double DES (2DES) was quickly discarded as a viable enhancement to the DES encryption (it was replaced by Triple DES, or 3DES).
In the meet-in-the-middle attack, the attacker uses a known plaintext message. The plain text is then encrypted using every possible key (k1), and the equivalent ciphertext is decrypted using all possible keys (k2). When a match is found, the corresponding pair (k1, k2) represents both portions of the double encryption. This type of attack generally takes only double the time necessary to break a single round of encryption (or 2n rather than the anticipated 2n * 2n), offering minimal added protection.
Man in the Middle
In the man-in-the-middle attack, a malicious individual sits between two communicating parties and intercepts all communications (including the setup of the cryptographic session). The attacker responds to the originator’s initialization requests and sets up a secure session with the originator. The attacker then establishes a second secure session with the intended recipient using a different key and posing as the originator. The attacker can then “sit in the middle” of the communication and read all traffic as it passes between the two parties.
The birthday attack, also known as a collision attack or reverse hash matching (see the discussion of brute-force and dictionary attacks in Chapter 14, “Controlling and Monitoring Access”), seeks to find flaws in the one-to-one nature of hashing functions. In this attack, the malicious individual seeks to substitute in a digitally signed communication a different message that produces the same message digest, thereby maintaining the validity of the original digital signature.
The replay attack is used against cryptographic algorithms that don’t incorporate temporal protections. In this attack, the malicious individual intercepts an encrypted message between two parties (often a request for authentication) and then later “replays” the captured message to open a new session. This attack can be defeated by incorporating a time stamp and expiration period into each message.
Brian computes the digest of a single sentence of text using a SHA-2 hash function. He then changes a single character of the sentence and computes the hash value again. Which one of the following statements is true about the new hash value?
The new hash value will be one character different from the old hash value.
The new hash value will share at least 50% of the characters of the old hash value.
The new hash value will be unchanged.
The new hash value will be completely different from the old hash value.
D. It is not possible to determine the degree of difference between two inputs by comparing their hash values. Changing even a single character in the input to a hash function will result in completely different output.
Which cryptographic algorithm forms the basis of the El Gamal cryptosystem?
B. The El Gamal cryptosystem extends the functionality of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol to support the encryption and decryption of messages.
If Richard wants to send an encrypted message to Sue using a public key cryptosystem, which key does he use to encrypt the message?
Richard’s public key
Richard’s private key
Sue’s public key
Sue’s private key
C. Richard must encrypt the message using Sue’s public key so that Sue can decrypt it using her private key. If he encrypted the message with his own public key, the recipient would need to know Richard’s private key to decrypt the message. If he encrypted it with his own private key, any user could decrypt the message using Richard’s freely available public key. Richard could not encrypt the message using Sue’s private key because he does not have access to it. If he did, any user could decrypt it using Sue’s freely available public key.
If a 2,048-bit plaintext message were encrypted with the El Gamal public key cryptosystem, how long would the resulting ciphertext message be?
1,024 bits
2,048 bits
4,096 bits
8,192 bits
C. The major disadvantage of the El Gamal cryptosystem is that it doubles the length of any message it encrypts. Therefore, a 2,048-bit plain-text message would yield a 4,096-bit ciphertext message when El Gamal is used for the encryption process.
Acme Widgets currently uses a 1,024-bit RSA encryption standard companywide. The company plans to convert from RSA to an elliptic curve cryptosystem. If it wants to maintain the same cryptographic strength, what ECC key length should it use?
160 bits
512 bits
1,024 bits
2,048 bits
A. The elliptic curve cryptosystem requires significantly shorter keys to achieve encryption that would be the same strength as encryption achieved with the RSA encryption algorithm. A 1,024-bit RSA key is cryptographically equivalent to a 160-bit elliptic curve cryptosystem key.
John wants to produce a message digest of a 2,048-byte message he plans to send to Mary. If he uses the SHA-1 hashing algorithm, what size will the message digest for this particular message be?
160 bits
512 bits
1,024 bits
2,048 bits
A. The SHA-1 hashing algorithm always produces a 160-bit message digest, regardless of the size of the input message. In fact, this fixed-length output is a requirement of any secure hashing algorithm.
Which one of the following technologies is considered flawed and should no longer be used?
C. The WEP algorithm has documented flaws that make it trivial to break. It should never be used to protect wireless networks.
What encryption technique does WPA use to protect wireless communications?
A. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) uses the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) to protect wireless communications. WPA2 uses AES encryption.
Richard received an encrypted message sent to him from Sue. Which key should he use to decrypt the message?
Richard’s public key
Richard’s private key
Sue’s public key
Sue’s private key
B. Sue would have encrypted the message using Richard’s public key. Therefore, Richard needs to use the complementary key in the key pair, his private key, to decrypt the message.
Richard wants to digitally sign a message he’s sending to Sue so that Sue can be sure the message came from him without modification while in transit. Which key should he use to encrypt the message digest?
Richard’s public key
Richard’s private key
Sue’s public key
Sue’s private key
B. Richard should encrypt the message digest with his own private key. When Sue receives the message, she will decrypt the digest with Richard’s public key and then compute the digest herself. If the two digests match, she can be assured that the message truly originated from Richard.
Which one of the following algorithms is not supported by the Digital Signature Standard?
Digital Signature Algorithm
El Gamal DSA
Elliptic Curve DSA
C. The Digital Signature Standard allows federal government use of the Digital Signature Algorithm, RSA, or the Elliptic Curve DSA in conjunction with the SHA-1 hashing function to produce secure digital signatures.
Which International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standard governs the creation and endorsement of digital certificates for secure electronic communication?
B. X.509 governs digital certificates and the public-key infrastructure (PKI). It defines the appropriate content for a digital certificate and the processes used by certificate authorities to generate and revoke certificates.
What cryptosystem provides the encryption/decryption technology for the commercial version of Phil Zimmerman’s Pretty Good Privacy secure email system?
El Gamal
B. Pretty Good Privacy uses a “web of trust” system of digital signature verification. The encryption technology is based on the IDEA private key cryptosystem.
What TCP/IP communications port is used by Transport Layer Security traffic?
C. Transport Layer Security uses TCP port 443 for encrypted client-server communications.
What type of cryptographic attack rendered Double DES (2DES) no more effective than standard DES encryption?
Birthday attack
Chosen ciphertext attack
Meet-in-the-middle attack
Man-in-the-middle attack
C. The meet-in-the-middle attack demonstrated that it took relatively the same amount of computation power to defeat 2DES as it does to defeat standard DES. This led to the adoption of Triple DES (3DES) as a standard for government communication.
Which of the following tools can be used to improve the effectiveness of a brute-force password cracking attack?
Rainbow tables
Hierarchical screening
Random enhancement
A. Rainbow tables contain precomputed hash values for commonly used passwords and may be used to increase the efficiency of password cracking attacks.
Which of the following links would be protected by WPA encryption?
Firewall to firewall
Router to firewall
Client to wireless access point
Wireless access point to router
C. The Wi-Fi Protected Access protocol encrypts traffic passing between a mobile client and the wireless access point. It does not provide end-to-end encryption.
What is the major disadvantage of using certificate revocation lists?
Key management
Record keeping
Vulnerability to brute-force attacks
B. Certificate revocation lists (CRLs) introduce an inherent latency to the certificate expiration process due to the time lag between CRL distributions.
Which one of the following encryption algorithms is now considered insecure?
El Gamal
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Merkle-Hellman Knapsack
D. The Merkle-Hellman Knapsack algorithm, which relies on the difficulty of factoring super-increasing sets, has been broken by cryptanalysts.
What does IPsec define?
All possible security classifications for a specific configuration
A framework for setting up a secure communication channel
The valid transition states in the Biba model
TCSEC security categories
B. IPsec is a security protocol that defines a framework for setting up a secure channel to exchange information between two entities.