Chapter 6 Cryptography and Symmetric Key Algorithms Flashcards
One of the earliest known cipher systems was used by Julius Caesar to communicate with Cicero in Rome while he was conquering Europe. Caesar knew that there were several risks when sending messages—one of the messengers might be an enemy spy or might be ambushed while en route to the deployed forces. For that reason, Caesar developed a cryptographic system now known as the Caesar cipher. The system is extremely simple. To encrypt a message, you simply shift each letter of the alphabet three places to the right. For example, A would become D, and B would become E. If you reach the end of the alphabet during this process, you simply wrap around to the beginning so that X becomes A, Y becomes B, and Z becomes C. For this reason, the Caesar cipher also became known as the ROT3 (or Rotate 3) cipher. The Caesar cipher is a substitution cipher that is mono-alphabetic.
commercial code machine nicknamed Enigma
This machine used a series of three to six rotors to implement an extremely complicated substitution cipher. The only possible way to decrypt the message with contemporary technology was to use a similar machine with the same rotor settings used by the transmitting device. The Germans recognized the importance of safeguarding these devices and made it extremely difficult for the Allies to acquire one.
Ultra to attack the Enigma codes
Eventually, their efforts paid off when the Polish military successfully reconstructed an Enigma prototype and shared their findings with British and American cryptology experts. The Allies, led by Alan Turing, successfully broke the Enigma code in 1940, and historians credit this triumph as playing a significant role in the eventual defeat of the Axis powers. The story of the Allies’ effort to crack the Enigma has been popularized in famous films including U-571 and The Imitation Game.
Japanese Purple Machine, during World War II
A significant American attack on this cryptosystem resulted in breaking the Japanese code prior to the end of the war. The Americans were aided by the fact that Japanese communicators used very formal message formats that resulted in a large amount of similar text in multiple messages, easing the cryptanalytic effort.
cryptographic systems to meet four fundamental goals
confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and nonrepudiation. Achieving each of these goals requires the satisfaction of a number of design requirements, and not all cryptosystems are intended to achieve all four goals. In the following sections, we’ll examine each goal in detail and give a brief description of the technical requirements necessary to achieve it.
Confidentiality ensures that data remains private in three different situations: when it is at rest, when it is in transit, and when it is in use.
Confidentiality is perhaps the most widely cited goal of cryptosystems—the preservation of secrecy for stored information or for communications between individuals and groups. Two main types of cryptosystems enforce confidentiality.
Symmetric cryptosystems use a shared secret key available to all users of the cryptosystem.
Asymmetric cryptosystems use individual combinations of public and private keys for each user of the system. Both of these concepts are explored in the section “Modern Cryptography” later in this chapter.
Data at rest
or stored data, is that which resides in a permanent location awaiting access. Examples of data at rest include data stored on hard drives, backup tapes, cloud storage services, USB devices, and other storage media.
Data in motion,
or data on the wire, is data being transmitted across a network between two systems. Data in motion might be traveling on a corporate network, a wireless network, or the public internet.
Data in use
is data that is stored in the active memory of a computer system where it may be accessed by a process running on that system.
ensures that data is not altered without authorization. If integrity mechanisms are in place, the recipient of a message can be certain that the message received is identical to the message that was sent. Similarly, integrity checks can ensure that stored data was not altered between the time it was created and the time it was accessed. Integrity controls protect against all forms of alteration, including intentional alteration by a third party attempting to insert false information, intentional deletion of portions of the data, and unintentional alteration by faults in the transmission process.
verifies the claimed identity of system users and is a major function of cryptosystems. For example, suppose that Bob wants to establish a communications session with Alice and they are both participants in a shared secret communications system. Alice might use a challenge-response authentication technique to ensure that Bob is who he claims to be.
provides assurance to the recipient that the message was originated by the sender and not someone masquerading as the sender. It also prevents the sender from claiming that they never sent the message in the first place (also known as repudiating the message). Secret key, or symmetric key, cryptosystems (such as simple substitution ciphers) do not provide this guarantee of nonrepudiation. If Jim and Bob participate in a secret key communication system, they can both produce the same encrypted message using their shared secret key. Nonrepudiation is offered only by public key, or asymmetric, cryptosystems,
keys, cryptovariables.
is nothing more than a number. It’s usually a very large binary number, but it’s a number nonetheless. Every algorithm has a specific key space. The key space is the range of values that are valid for use as a key for a specific algorithm. A key space is defined by its bit size. Bit size is nothing more than the number of binary bits (0s and 1s) in the key. The key space is the range between the key that has all 0s and the key that has all 1s. Or to state it another way, the key space is the range of numbers from 0 to 2n, where n is the bit size of the key. So, a 128-bit key can have a value from 0 to 2128 (which is roughly 3.40282367 × 1038, a very big number!). It is absolutely critical to protect the security of secret keys. In fact, all of the security you gain from cryptography rests on your ability to keep the keys used private.
All cryptography relies on algorithms. An algorithm is a set of rules, usually mathematical, that dictates how enciphering and deciphering processes are to take place. Most cryptographers follow the Kerckhoffs’s principle, a concept that makes algorithms known and public, allowing anyone to examine and test them. Specifically, the Kerckhoffs’s principle (also known as Kerckhoffs’s assumption) is that a cryptographic system should be secure even if everything about the system, except the key, is public knowledge. The principle can be summed up as “The enemy knows the system.”
The art of creating and implementing secret codes and ciphers is known as cryptography. This practice is paralleled by the art of cryptanalysis—the study of methods to defeat codes and ciphers. Together, cryptography and cryptanalysis are commonly referred to as cryptology. Specific implementations of a code or cipher in hardware and software are known as cryptosystems.
Boolean Mathematics
defines the rules used for the bits and bytes that form the nervous system of any computer. You’re most likely familiar with the decimal system. It is a base 10 system in which an integer from 0 to 9 is used in each place and each place value is a multiple of 10. It’s likely that our reliance on the decimal system has biological origins— human beings have 10 fingers that can be used to count.
The AND operation (represented by the ∧ symbol) checks to see whether two values are both true. The truth table that follows illustrates all four possible outputs for the AND function. Remember, the AND function takes only two variables as input. In Boolean math, there are only two possible values for each of these variables, leading to four possible inputs to the AND function. It’s this finite number of possibilities that makes it extremely easy for computers to implement logical functions in hardware.
The OR operation (represented by the ∨ symbol) checks to see whether at least one of the input values is true. Refer to the following truth table for all possible values of the OR function. Notice that the only time the OR function returns a false value is when both of the input values are false
The NOT operation (represented by the ∼ or ! symbol) simply reverses the value of an input variable.
Exclusive OR
The final logical function you’ll examine in this chapter is perhaps the most important and most commonly used in cryptographic applications—the exclusive OR (XOR) function. It’s referred to in mathematical literature as the XOR function and is commonly represented by the ⊕ symbol. The XOR function returns a true value when only one of the input values is true. If both values are false or both values are true, the output of the XOR function is false.
Modulo Function
The modulo function is, quite simply, the remainder value left over after a division operation is performed. The modulo function is usually represented in equations by the abbreviation mod, although it’s also sometimes represented by the % operator
One-Way Functions
a mathematical operation that easily produces output values for each possible combination of inputs but makes it impossible to retrieve the input values. Public key cryptosystems are all based on some sort of one-way function. In practice, however, it’s never been proven that any specific known function is truly one way. Cryptographers rely on functions that they believe are one way, but it’s always possible that they might be broken by future cryptanalysts.
Cryptography often gains strength by adding randomness to the encryption process. One method by which this is accomplished is through the use of a nonce. A nonce is a random number that acts as a placeholder variable in mathematical functions. When the function is executed, the nonce is replaced with a random number generated at the moment of processing for one-time use. The nonce must be a unique number each time it is used. One of the more recognizable examples of a nonce is an initialization vector (IV), a random bit string that is the same length as the block size and is XORed with the message. IVs are used to create unique ciphertext every time the same message is encrypted using the same key.
Zero-Knowledge Proof
One of the benefits of cryptography is found in the mechanism to prove your knowledge of a fact to a third party without revealing the fact itself to that third party. This is often done with passwords and other secret authenticators.
Split Knowledge
when the information or privilege required to perform an operation is divided among multiple users, no single person has sufficient privileges to compromise the security of an environment. This separation of duties and two-person control contained in a single solution is called split knowledge. The best example of split knowledge is seen in the concept of key escrow. Using key escrow, cryptographic keys, digital signatures, and even digital certificates can be stored or backed up in a special database called the key escrow database. In the event a user loses or damages their key, that key can be extracted from the backup. However, if only a single key escrow recovery agent exists, there is opportunity for fraud and abuse of this privilege. M of N Control requires that a minimum number of agents (M) out of the total number of agents (N) work together to perform high-security tasks. So, implementing three of eight controls would require three people out of the eight with the assigned work task of key escrow recovery agent to work together to pull a single key out of the key escrow database (thereby also illustrating that M is always less than or equal to N).
Work Function
You can measure the strength of a cryptography system by measuring the effort in terms of cost and/or time using a work function or work factor. Usually the time and effort required to perform a complete brute-force attack against an encryption system is what the work function represents. The security and protection offered by a cryptosystem is directly proportional to the value of the work function/factor. The size of the work function should be matched against the relative value of the protected asset. The work function need be only slightly greater than the time value of that asset. In other words, all security, including cryptography, should be cost effective and cost efficient. Spend no more effort to protect an asset than it warrants, but be sure to provide sufficient protection. Thus, if information loses its value over time, the work function needs to be only large enough to ensure protection until the value of the data is gone.
are cryptographic systems of symbols that represent words or phrases, are sometimes secret, but they are not necessarily meant to provide confidentiality. A common example of a code is the “10 system” of communications used by law enforcement agencies. Under this system, the sentence “I received your communication and understand the contents” is represented by the code phrase “10-4.” This code is commonly known by the public, but it does provide for ease of communication. Some codes are secret. They may convey confidential information using a secret codebook where the meaning of the code is known only to the sender and recipient. For example, a spy might transmit the sentence “The eagle has landed” to report the arrival of an enemy aircraft.
are always meant to hide the true meaning of a message. They use a variety of techniques to alter and/or rearrange the characters or bits of a message to achieve confidentiality. Ciphers convert messages from plaintext to ciphertext on a bit basis (that is, a single digit of a binary code), character basis (that is, a single character of an American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) message), or block basis (that is, a fixed-length segment of a message, usually expressed in number of bits).
Transposition ciphers
an encryption algorithm to rearrange the letters of a plaintext message, forming the ciphertext message. The decryption algorithm simply reverses the encryption transformation to retrieve the original message.
Substitution ciphers
use the encryption algorithm to replace each character or bit of the plaintext message with a different character. The Caesar cipher discussed in the beginning of this chapter is a good example of a substitution cipher. Now that you’ve learned a little bit about cryptographic math, we’ll take another look at the Caesar cipher. Recall that we simply shifted each letter three places to the right in the message to generate the ciphertext. However, we ran into a problem when we got to the end of the alphabet and ran out of letters. We solved this by wrapping around to the beginning of the alphabet so that the plaintext character Z became the ciphertext character C.
One-Time Pads
is an extremely powerful type of substitution cipher. One-time pads use a different substitution alphabet for each letter of the plaintext message. They can be represented by the following encryption function, where K is the encryption key used to encrypt the plaintext letter P into the ciphertext letter C
Running Key Ciphers (also known as a book cipher)
In this cipher, the encryption key is as long as the message itself and is often chosen from a common book. For example, the sender and recipient might agree in advance to use the text of a chapter from Moby-Dick, beginning with the third paragraph, as the key. They would both simply use as many consecutive characters as necessary to perform the encryption and decryption operations.
Block Ciphers
operate on “chunks,” or blocks, of a message and apply the encryption algorithm to an entire message block at the same time. The transposition ciphers are examples of block ciphers. The simple algorithm used in the challenge-response algorithm takes an entire word and reverses its letters. The more complicated columnar transposition cipher works on an entire message (or a piece of a message) and encrypts it using the transposition algorithm and a secret keyword. Most modern encryption algorithms implement some type of block cipher.
Stream Ciphers
Stream ciphers operate on one character or bit of a message (or data stream) at a time. The Caesar cipher is an example of a stream cipher. The one-time pad is also a stream cipher because the algorithm operates on each letter of the plaintext message independently. Stream ciphers can also function as a type of block cipher. In such operations there is a buffer that fills up to real-time data that is then encrypted as a block and transmitted to the recipient.
occurs when the relationship between the plaintext and the key is so complicated that an attacker can’t merely continue altering the plaintext and analyzing the resulting ciphertext to determine the key.
occurs when a change in the plaintext results in multiple changes spread throughout the ciphertext. Consider, for example, a cryptographic algorithm that first performs a complex substitution and then uses transposition to rearrange the characters of the substituted ciphertext.
private key
The term private key by itself always means the private key from the key pair of public key cryptography (aka asymmetric). However, both private key cryptography and shared private key refer to symmetric cryptography. The meaning of the word private is stretched to refer to two people sharing a secret that they keep confidential. (The true meaning of private is that only a single person has a secret that’s kept confidential.) Be sure to keep these confusing terms straight in your studies.
Symmetric key cryptography has several weaknesses
Key distribution is a major problem. Parties must have a secure method of exchanging the secret key before establishing communications with a symmetric key protocol. If a secure electronic channel is not available, an offline key distribution method must often be used (that is, out-of-band exchange).
Symmetric key cryptography does not implement nonrepudiation. Because any communicating party can encrypt and decrypt messages with the shared secret key, there is no way to prove where a given message originated.
The algorithm is not scalable. It is extremely difficult for large groups to communicate using symmetric key cryptography. Secure private communication between individuals in the group could be achieved only if each possible combination of users shared a private key.
Keys must be regenerated often. Each time a participant leaves the group, all keys known by that participant must be discarded.
Asymmetric key algorithms
also known as public key algorithms, provide a solution to the weaknesses of symmetric key encryption. In these systems, each user has two keys: a public key, which is shared with all users, and a private key, which is kept secret and known only to the user. But here’s a twist: opposite and related keys must be used in tandem to encrypt and decrypt. In other words, if the public key encrypts a message, then only the corresponding private key can decrypt it, and vice versa.
major strengths of asymmetric key cryptography
The addition of new users requires the generation of only one public-private key pair. This same key pair is used to communicate with all users of the asymmetric cryptosystem. This makes the algorithm extremely scalable.
Users can be removed far more easily from asymmetric systems. Asymmetric cryptosystems provide a key revocation mechanism that allows a key to be canceled, effectively removing a user from the system.
Key regeneration is required only when a user’s private key is compromised. If a user leaves the community, the system administrator simply needs to invalidate that user’s keys. No other keys are compromised and therefore key regeneration is not required for any other user.
Asymmetric key encryption can provide integrity, authentication, and nonrepudiation. If a user does not share their private key with other individuals, a message signed by that user can be shown to be accurate and from a specific source and cannot be later repudiated.
Key distribution is a simple process. Users who want to participate in the system simply make their public key available to anyone with whom they want to communicate. There is no method by which the private key can be derived from the public key.
No preexisting communication link needs to exist. Two individuals can begin communicating securely from the moment they start communicating. Asymmetric cryptography does not require a preexisting relationship to provide a secure mechanism for data exchange.
Message digests are summaries of a message’s content (not unlike a file checksum) produced by a hashing algorithm. It’s extremely difficult, if not impossible, to derive a message from an ideal hash function, and it’s very unlikely that two messages will produce the same hash value. Cases where a hash function produces the same value for two different methods are known as collisions, and the existence of collisions typically leads to the deprecation of a hashing algorithm.
U.S. government published the Data Encryption Standard in 1977
as a proposed standard cryptosystem for all government communications. Because of flaws in the algorithm, cryptographers and the federal government no longer consider DES secure. It is widely believed that intelligence agencies routinely decrypt DES-encrypted information. DES was superseded by the Advanced Encryption Standard in December 2001.
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
DES is a 64-bit block cipher that has five modes of operation: Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode, Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode, output feedback (OFB) mode, and Counter (CTR) mode. These modes are explained in the following sections. All of the DES modes operate on 64 bits of plaintext at a time to generate 64-bit blocks of ciphertext. The key used by DES is 56 bits long. DES uses a 56-bit key to drive the encryption and decryption process. However, you may read in some literature that DES uses a 64-bit key. This is not an inconsistency—there’s a perfectly logical explanation. The DES specification calls for a 64-bit key. However, of those 64 bits, only 56 actually contain keying information. The remaining 8 bits are supposed to contain parity information to ensure that the other 56 bits are accurate. In practice, however, those parity bits are rarely used. You should commit the 56-bit figure to memory.
Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode
is the simplest mode to understand and the least secure. Each time the algorithm processes a 64-bit block, it simply encrypts the block using the chosen secret key. This means that if the algorithm encounters the same block multiple times, it will produce the same encrypted block. If an enemy were eavesdropping on the communications, they could simply build a “code book” of all the possible encrypted values. After a sufficient number of blocks were gathered, cryptanalytic techniques could be used to decipher some of the blocks and break the encryption scheme.
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode
each block of unencrypted text is XORed with the block of ciphertext immediately preceding it before it is encrypted using the DES algorithm. The decryption process simply decrypts the ciphertext and reverses the XOR operation. CBC implements an IV and XORs it with the first block of the message, producing a unique output every time the operation is performed. The IV must be sent to the recipient, perhaps by tacking the IV onto the front of the completed ciphertext in plain form or by protecting it with ECB mode encryption using the same key used for the message. One important consideration when using CBC mode is that errors propagate—if one block is corrupted during transmission, it becomes impossible to decrypt that block and the next block as well.
Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode
is the streaming cipher version of CBC. In other words, CFB operates against data produced in real time. However, instead of breaking a message into blocks, it uses memory buffers of the same block size. As the buffer becomes full, it is encrypted and then sent to the recipients. Then the system waits for the next buffer to be filled as the new data is generated before it is in turn encrypted and then transmitted. Other than the change from preexisting data to real-time data, CFB operates in the same fashion as CBC. It uses an IV, and it uses chaining.
output feedback (OFB) mode
DES operates in almost the same fashion as it does in CFB mode. However, instead of XORing an encrypted version of the previous block of ciphertext, DES XORs the plaintext with a seed value. For the first encrypted block, an initialization vector is used to create the seed value. Future seed values are derived by running the DES algorithm on the previous seed value. The major advantages of OFB mode are that there is no chaining function and transmission errors do not propagate to affect the decryption of future blocks.
Counter (CTR) mode
DES that is run in Counter (CTR) mode uses a stream cipher similar to that used in CFB and OFB modes. However, instead of creating the seed value for each encryption/decryption operation from the results of the previous seed values, it uses a simple counter that increments for each operation. As with OFB mode, errors do not propagate in CTR mode.CTR mode allows you to break an encryption or decryption operation into multiple independent steps. This makes CTR mode well suited for use in parallel computing.
Triple DES (3DES)
uses the same algorithm to produce a more secure encryption.
There are four versions of 3DES. The first simply encrypts the plaintext three times, using three different keys: K1, K2, and K3. It is known as DES-EEE3 mode (the Es indicate that there are three encryption operations, whereas the numeral 3 indicates that three different keys are used). DES-EEE3 can be expressed using the following notation, where E(K,P) represents the encryption of plaintext P with key K E(K1,E(K2,E(K3,P)))
International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) block cipher
developed in response to complaints about the insufficient key length of the DES algorithm. Like DES, IDEA operates on 64-bit blocks of plaintext/ciphertext. However, it begins its operation with a 128-bit key. This key is broken up in a series of operations into 52 16-bit subkeys. The subkeys then act on the input text using a combination of XOR and modulus operations to produce the encrypted/decrypted version of the input message. IDEA is capable of operating in the same five modes used by DES: ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, and CTR.
Bruce Schneier’s Blowfish block cipher is another alternative to DES and IDEA. Like its predecessors, Blowfish operates on 64-bit blocks of text. However, it extends IDEA’s key strength even further by allowing the use of variable-length keys ranging from a relatively insecure 32 bits to an extremely strong 448 bits. Obviously, the longer keys will result in a corresponding increase in encryption/decryption time. However, time trials have established Blowfish as a much faster algorithm than both IDEA and DES. Also, Mr. Schneier released Blowfish for public use with no license required. Blowfish encryption is built into a number of commercial software products and operating systems. A number of Blowfish libraries are also available for software developers.
algorithm was approved for use by the U.S. government in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 185, the Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES). Like many block ciphers, Skipjack operates on 64-bit blocks of text. It uses an 80-bit key and supports the same four modes of operation supported by DES. Skipjack was quickly embraced by the U.S. government and provides the cryptographic routines supporting the Clipper and Capstone encryption chips.
Rivest Cipher 5, or RC5, is a symmetric algorithm patented by Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) Data Security, the people who developed the RSA asymmetric algorithm. RC5 is a block cipher of variable block sizes (32, 64, or 128 bits) that uses key sizes between 0 (zero) length and 2,040 bits. RC5 is an improvement on an older algorithm called RC2 that is no longer considered secure. RSA also developed a new algorithm, RC6, that built upon RC5, but it has not been widely adopted.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
In October 2000, the National Institute of Standards and Technology announced that the Rijndael (pronounced “rhine-doll”) block cipher had been chosen as the replacement for DES. In November 2001, NIST released FIPS 197, which mandated the use of AES/Rijndael for the encryption of all sensitive but unclassified data by the U.S. government.
The AES cipher allows the use of three key strengths: 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits. AES only allows the processing of 128-bit blocks, but Rijndael exceeded this specification, allowing cryptographers to use a block size equal to the key length. The number of encryption rounds depends on the key length chosen:
128-bit keys require 10 rounds of encryption.
192-bit keys require 12 rounds of encryption.
256-bit keys require 14 rounds of encryption.
The Twofish algorithm developed by Bruce Schneier (also the creator of Blowfish) was another one of the AES finalists. Like Rijndael, Twofish is a block cipher. It operates on 128-bit blocks of data and is capable of using cryptographic keys up to 256 bits in length.
Twofish uses two techniques not found in other algorithms:
Prewhitening involves XORing the plaintext with a separate subkey before the first round of encryption.
Postwhitening uses a similar operation after the 16th round of encryption.
Creation and Distribution of Symmetric Keys
one of the major problems underlying symmetric encryption algorithms is the secure distribution of the secret keys required to operate the algorithms. The three main methods used to exchange secret keys securely are offline distribution, public key encryption, and the Diffie–Hellman key exchange algorithm.
Offline Distribution
The most technically simple method involves the physical exchange of key material. One party provides the other party with a sheet of paper or piece of storage media containing the secret key. In many hardware encryption devices, this key material comes in the form of an electronic device that resembles an actual key that is inserted into the encryption device. However, every offline key distribution method has its own inherent flaws. If keying material is sent through the mail, it might be intercepted. Telephones can be wiretapped. Papers containing keys might be inadvertently thrown in the trash or lost.
Public Key Encryption
Many communicators want to obtain the speed benefits of secret key encryption without the hassles of key distribution. For this reason, many people use public key encryption to set up an initial communications link. Once the link is successfully established and the parties are satisfied as to each other’s identity, they exchange a secret key over the secure public key link. They then switch communications from the public key algorithm to the secret key algorithm and enjoy the increased processing speed. In general, secret key encryption is thousands of times faster than public key encryption.
Storage and Destruction of Symmetric Keys
Never store an encryption key on the same system where encrypted data resides. This just makes it easier for the attacker!
For sensitive keys, consider providing two different individuals with half of the key. They then must collaborate to re-create the entire key. This is known as the principle of split knowledge
Key Escrow and Recovery
Cryptography is a powerful tool. Like most tools, it can be used for a number of beneficent purposes, but it can also be used with malicious intent. To gain a handle on the explosive growth of cryptographic technologies, governments around the world have floated ideas to implement key escrow systems. These systems allow the government, under limited circumstances such as a court order, to obtain the cryptographic key used for a particular communication from a central storage facility.
Fair Cryptosystems
In this escrow approach, the secret keys used in a communication are divided into two or more pieces, each of which is given to an independent third party. Each of these pieces is useless on its own but may be recombined to obtain the secret key. When the government obtains legal authority to access a particular key, it provides evidence of the court order to each of the third parties and then reassembles the secret key.
Escrowed Encryption Standard
This escrow approach provides the government with a technological means to decrypt ciphertext. This standard is the basis behind the Skipjack algorithm discussed earlier in this chapter.
algorithm and protocol governance controls
Specifying the cryptographic algorithms (such as AES, 3DES, and RSA) acceptable for use in an organization
Identifying the acceptable key lengths for use with each algorithm based on the sensitivity of information transmitted
Enumerating the secure transaction protocols (such as SSL and TLS) that may be used
How many possible keys exist in a 4-bit key space?
C. To determine the number of keys in a key space, raise 2 to the power of the number of bits in the key space. In this example, 24 = 16.
John recently received an email message from Bill. What cryptographic goal would need to be met to convince John that Bill was actually the sender of the message?
A. Nonrepudiation prevents the sender of a message from later denying that they sent it.
What is the length of the cryptographic key used in the Data Encryption Standard (DES) cryptosystem?
56 bits
128 bits
192 bits
256 bits
A. DES uses a 56-bit key. This is considered one of the major weaknesses of this cryptosystem.
What type of cipher relies on changing the location of characters within a message to achieve confidentiality?
Stream cipher
Transposition cipher
Block cipher
Substitution cipher
B. Transposition ciphers use a variety of techniques to reorder the characters within a message.
Which one of the following is not a possible key length for the Advanced Encryption Standard Rijndael cipher?
56 bits
128 bits
192 bits
256 bits
A. The Rijndael cipher allows users to select a key length of 128, 192, or 256 bits, depending on the specific security requirements of the application.
Which one of the following cannot be achieved by a secret key cryptosystem?
Key distribution
A. Nonrepudiation requires the use of a public key cryptosystem to prevent users from falsely denying that they originated a message.
When correctly implemented, what is the only cryptosystem known to be unbreakable?
Transposition cipher
Substitution cipher
Advanced Encryption Standard
One-time pad
D. Assuming that it is used properly, the onetime pad is the only known cryptosystem that is not vulnerable to attacks.
What is the output value of the mathematical function 16 mod 3?
B. Option B is correct because 16 divided by 3 equals 5, with a remainder value of 1.
What block size is used by the 3DES encryption algorithm?
32 bits
64 bits
128 bits
256 bits
B. 3DES simply repeats the use of the DES algorithm three times. Therefore, it has the same block length as DES: 64 bits.
Which one of the following cipher types operates on large pieces of a message rather than individual characters or bits of a message?
Stream cipher
Caesar cipher
Block cipher
ROT3 cipher
C. Block ciphers operate on message “chunks” rather than on individual characters or bits. The other ciphers mentioned are all types of stream ciphers that operate on individual bits or characters of a message.
What is the minimum number of cryptographic keys required for secure two-way communications in symmetric key cryptography?
A. Symmetric key cryptography uses a shared secret key. All communicating parties utilize the same key for communication in any direction.
Dave is developing a key escrow system that requires multiple people to retrieve a key but does not depend on every participant being present. What type of technique is he using?
Split knowledge
M of N Control
Work function
Zero-knowledge proof
B. M of N Control requires that a minimum number of agents (M) out of the total number of agents (N) work together to perform high-security tasks.
Which one of the following Data Encryption Standard (DES) operating modes can be used for large messages with the assurance that an error early in the encryption/decryption process won’t spoil results throughout the communication?
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
Electronic Code Book (ECB)
Cipher Feedback (CFB)
Output feedback (OFB)
D. Output feedback (OFB) mode prevents early errors from interfering with future encryption/decryption. Cipher Block Chaining and Cipher Feedback modes will carry errors throughout the entire encryption/decryption process. Electronic Code Book (ECB) operation is not suitable for large amounts of data.
It contains diffusion.
It contains confusion.
It is a one-way function.
It complies with Kerckhoffs’s principle.
C. A one-way function is a mathematical operation that easily produces output values for each possible combination of inputs but makes it impossible to retrieve the input values.
How many keys are required to fully implement a symmetric algorithm with 10 participants?
C. The number of keys required for a symmetric algorithm is dictated by the formula (n*(n–1))/2, which in this case, where n = 10, is 45.
What block size is used by the Advanced Encryption Standard?
32 bits
64 bits
128 bits
C. The Advanced Encryption Standard uses a 128-bit block size, even though the Rijndael algorithm it is based on allows a variable block size.
What kind of attack makes the Caesar cipher virtually unusable?
Meet-in-the-middle attack
Escrow attack
Frequency analysis attack
Transposition attack
C. The Caesar cipher (and other simple substitution ciphers) are vulnerable to frequency analysis attacks that analyze the rate at which specific letters appear in the ciphertext.
What type of cryptosystem commonly makes use of a passage from a well-known book for the encryption key?
Vernam cipher
Running key cipher
Skipjack cipher
Twofish cipher
B. Running key (or “book”) ciphers often use a passage from a commonly available book as the encryption key.
Which AES finalist makes use of prewhitening and postwhitening techniques?
B. The Twofish algorithm, developed by Bruce Schneier, uses prewhitening and postwhitening.
How many encryption keys are required to fully implement an asymmetric algorithm with 10 participants?
B. In an asymmetric algorithm, each participant requires two keys: a public key and a private key.