Chapter 9 - Medical Words Flashcards
Colourless, odorless, tasteless gas essential to respiration in animals
Condition of a blue colour to the skin and mucous membranes caused by oxygen deficiency in the blood
Process of high blood pressure
Surgical procedure to assist blood flow to the myocardium by bypass or re-routing of blood around an obstructed coronary artery
coronary artery bypass graft (aka. CABG)
Process of an abnormal fluttering of the heart that is felt by the patient and may be felt by the physician during an exam
Most common form of heart disease; falls into acute coronary syndrome. A progressive disease that increases the risk of myocardial infarction
coronary artery disease (aka. CAD)
Medical device used by trained medical professionals to restore a normal heart rhythm by delivering an electronic shock to the heart
Condition caused by obstruction of a blood vessel by foreign substance or a blood clot, clot may move throughout the body
Relaxation phase of the heartbeat
Process of moving blood through the veins and arteries throughout the body
Process of narrowing of a blood vessel
Process of closing of a vessel, or blockage of a vessel
Measuring the oxygen saturation of blood
Condition in which there is a lack of oxygen due to decreased blood supply to the heard caused by an obstruction of a blood vessel
An abnormal sound heard on auscultation of the heart and/or blood vessels
Process of an area of the heart muscle death or damage because of an inadequate supply of oxygen to that area; also known as a heart attack
myocardial infarction
Pertaining to the process of the circulation of the blood outside the body via a heart-lung machine
extracorporeal circulation (aka. ECC)
Condition in which the heart loses its ability to pump blood efficiently
heart failure