Chapter 9: Lifespan Development Flashcards
developmental psych
study of age-related changes in physical, cognitive, and social dev - from conception to death
three domains
dev is a liflong process that can be stgudied scientifically across 3 dev domains
physical dev
growth/changes in body/brain, senses motor skills, health/wellness
cognitive dev
learning, attention, memory, lanaguage, thinking, reasoning, and creativty
psychosocial dev
emotions, personality, and social relationship
normative approach
what normal dev is
- compare indiv dev to group averages
dev milestones
specific normative events when children walk, talk, etc..
continous dev
involves gradual, ongoig changes thu out lfe span w. beh in earlier stagtes provide basis of skills/abilities required for next stages
discontinous dev
distinct and sep stages (step-wise increase) w/ diff kinds of beh occurin in each sgtage
- suggest that cdrtain abailities in eahc stage like specific emotions or ways of thinking, jave definite standing/ending point
middle ground
some characterisitics are continuous and some are discontinous
is there 1 course of dev or many
is dev essentially the same for all kids (one coujrse) or does dev follow a diff course for each kid, depending on kid’s geentics and environment (many courses)
genetic profile, biological influjeneces were born w/
environmental factors that shape dev
- not an either or; relative weight (how much determined by genes/environment)
psychosexual theory of development
personaloty is mostly estblished by age of 5
remaining preoccupied w/ issues of earlier dev stage
psychosocial theory of development is
emphasizes social nature of our dev
trust vs mistrust
cafreguvers who are responsible/sensitve help baby devllop semse of trust
autonomy vs shame/doubt
main task = working to establish independence
iniative vs guilt
initating activities and asserting control ove their world thru social interactions/play
initiative vs inferiority
begin to compare themselves to others
identiy vs confusion
main task = dev a sense of oneself
intimacy vs isolation
ready to share info w/ others
generativity vs stagnation
main task = work/contribute to dev of other thru activitieslike volunteering/mentoring
integrity vs despair
reflect on life
cogniive theory of dev
piaget’s stage theory involve changes in cognitive procxess/abilities
- cognitive dev is quantitive; think diff as we grow up
schematas AKA schemas
categories of knowledge
- help us understand/interpret world
- know what to expect (liek going to restaurant)
(cog theory of dev)
process of taking new info in our prev existing schems
- child ADDING info to schema about what they already know about dogs
(cog theory of dev)
chaning/altering our existing schemas iin light if new info
- kid have to create new schema when child leafrns that cats are not dogs
(cog theory of dev)
sensorimotor stage
birth - 2
- infant try to make sense of world
object permanence
kids undertsandinmg that ob jects continue to exist when they cant be seen/heard
(sensorimotor stage)
belief that everythinhg is alive
(sensorimotor stage)
preopeational stage
2 - 7
- langauge dev
properties of an object, such as mass and volume, stay the same even though objects appearnaces change
(preoperational stage)
inability to take on perspective of others
- donmt undertsand othersw cant see what they see/experience world differently than they do
(preoperational stage)
concrete operations
7 - 11
- kids get better ubderstanding of mentla operations (can think logically)
awareness that actions/relationships b/w mental categories can be reversed
(concrete operations)
formal operational stage
12 - adult
- think abiut abstract concepts
postformal stage
decisions made based on situations and circumstances (logic is integrated w/ emotion as adults develop principles depending on context)
lev vygotsky’s scafffolding
support for learning/problem solving that encourage independence, growth
zone of proximal dev
ZPD level at which kids almost, NOT FULLY comprehend w/out help
lawrence loldberg theory of moral reasoning: level 1- preconventional morality
dont have a personal code of morality
moral code
shpaed by standards of adults/consequences of following/breaking their rules
level 2 - conventional morality
begin to internalize moral standards of valued adult role models
level 3 -post-conventional morality
indiv judgement is based on self chosen principles and moral reasining is based on indiv rights/justice
- only 10-15% of ppl are capable of this
prenatal dev
starts at gametes
sex cells that form a new cell at conception
new cell formed by union of egg/sperm cells
germinal stage
fertilization (2 weeks)
- begins w/ conception
sperm/ovum unite in fallopian tubes
connection b/w mother and fetus
- oxygen/nourishment via umbilical cord
wht forms the embryo
inner cells
embryonic stage
2-8 weeks
- embryo
outer layer; skin, nervous system
inner layer; visversa
middle layer; muscle and bone
neural tube
later devs into cns
at 8 weeks has everythin except
sex organs
fetal stage
8 weeks - birth
- embryo know as fetus
prenatal care
medical care durin g pregnancy
harmful environmental elements that affect fetus
too young/too old pregnant
more likely to have premature/lolw ekight baby
presribed for morning sickness
-led to phocomelia
stunted growth in long bones of body
smoking reduces
oxygen to fetus
alcohol leads to
fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
- heart defects, body makforms, dev delays
- most common form of non-genetic dev delays in US
newborn reflexes
reflexive beh presented at birth
rooting reflex
touch infant on cheek they will turn and open mouth
moro reflex
if infant feels theyre flaling will arch backs, throw head back, arms out, and will bring the back to center line of body
motional tie w/ another perszon
secure base
parent presense makes kid feel comfortable eniught to explore surroundings
ainsworth’s strange situation
observe child/caregiver in diff situations
secure attach,ments
some distress on separation; happy when reunited w/ parent
avoidant attach,ment
avoid parent; no distess on leaving
ambivalent/resistant attachment
very distress when parent leaves, want to reestablish contact but is angry while doing so
disorganized attachment
confusing mix of beh (parent kis inconsisten - kids doesnt know what to expect)
self concept
sense of self as separate; ideas about the self
mirrot test
see if kid recognize itself w/ makeup on its face
how strict parent is
hgow emotionally available parent is
authorative style
hig demands, high hugh responsiveness
authoritarian style
high demands, lolw emotions (dictator)
pessimive (indulgent) style
low demands, high responsiveness
(creates a chloe = brat)
uninvolved style
low demands, low respoinsiveness
(ben from never have i ever)
transitional period b/w childhood and adulthood
- associated w/ teenage yrs
rapid physical cnhages that take place primarily in adolescence
- capable of reproduction afterwards
increase in androgen production from adrenal glands, resulting in bodily changes
maturation of the gonads
primary sexual characteristics
involve chnages directly related to reproduction
secondary sexual characteristics
involve bodil changes that make us look more male or female
1st period
1st ejaculation
growth spurt
rapid increase in height