Chapter 4: States of Consciousness Flashcards
consciousness is
our awareness of internal/external stimuli
sleep is
state marked by relatively low levels of physical activity/reduced sensory awareness
wakefulness is
characterized by high levels of sensory awareness, thought, beh
biological rhythms are
internal rhythms of biological activity
circadian rhythm is
what people often refer to as your body’s internal, biological clock
- the typical human circadian rhythm occurs on a cycle of about 24 hours
- functions on BODY TEMP (body increases in the morning/throughout the day but decreases in the evening/at night)
biological clock is a process that …
process which facilitates sleeping, aging, fertility, other physiological activities
triggered by darkness/causes drowsines
pineal gland
brightness supresses release of melatonin from this gland (feel more awake in daytime)
homestasis is
maintaining of balance/optimal level w/in a biological system
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
brain’s clock mechanism; located in hypothalamus
sleep regulation
brain’s control of switching between sleep/wakefulness, coordinatig this cycle w/ outside world
jet lag is
systoms that result from mismatch b/w our internal circadian cycle and our environment
- fatigue, insomnia, sluggy, irritable
consistent difficulty in falling alseep/staying awake for at least 3 nights a week over a months time
rotating shift work
work schedule that changes from early to late on a daily/weekly basis
sleep debt
negative outcomes associated w/ sleep deprivation
recommended hours of sleep
0-1 years: 14-17
6-13 years: 9-11
14-17 years: 8-10
24-64 years: 7-9
65+ years: 7-8 years:
sleep dep causes
weight gain, risk for high blood pressure, heart problems, worse immune system
sleep rebound
a sleep-dep person will tent to take a shorter amount of time to fall asleep during opporutinies for sleep
evolutionary psych says
studies show hpw universal patterns of beh/cognitive processes have evolved over time
- hypothesis 1: sleep restores resources that are expended
- hypothesis 2: sleep patterns evolved as an adaptive response to predators
benefits of sleep
healthy weight, low stress, high motor cordination, benefits of cognition/memory function
the bad effects of not getting enough sleep cause cognitive functions like …
sleep dep results in disruption in cognitive memory deficits , which lead to impaired ability to make good decisions, have good long term memory
rapid eye movement (rem)
darting movements of eyes under closed eyelids
non-rem (nrem)
has 4 stages that are distinguished from each other and wakefulness by characteristic patterns of brain waves
stage 1 sleep
phase b/w wakefulness and sleep
- slowed heartbeat/breathing
- muscle tension + body temp lowered
alpha waves
low freuncy, high amplitude
(relaxed yet awake person)
theta waves
lower frequency, higher amplitude than alpha
stage 2
state of deep relaxation
- theta waves interupted by brief sleep spindles
sleep spindle
rapid burst of higher frequency brain waves that may be important for learning/memory
very high amplitute pattern of brain activity that may occur in repsosne to environmental stimuli; might serve as bridge to higher levels of arousal in repsonse to whats going on in our environment
stage 3/4
deep-sleep/slow-wave sleep
- low frequency, high amp delta waves
delta waves
lowest frequency/highest amp of sleeping waves
during rem, the brain waves are similar to those of an __ person… + this is where __ occurs
awake; dreaming
- dreams also iccur for longer than a few seconds
paradoxical sleep
combo of high brain activity/lack of muscle tone (movement)
rem rebound
people deprived of rem sleep who are then allowed to sleep w/o disturbance will spend more time in rem to recover lost time in rem
freud thoguht __ provide access to unconsciousness
- said they represented what the unconscious wanted in disguised form
manifest content
actual content/storyline
latent content
hidden meaning
jung believed dreams allowed us to tap into __
collective unconscious
collective unconscious
a store of info he believed everyone was born with
activation-synthesis theory
developed by alan hobson/robert mccarley and sais that dreams reflect sleeping brain’s attempt to make sense of random/internally generated neural signals during rem sleep
cartwright’s neurocognitive theory of dreaming
dreams are reflections of waking lif/meaningful product of our cognitive capacities
insomnia caused by
stress, relationship problems, medications, illness, caffeine, napping during day, etc…
acts like fully awake person
- 15-30% of children
- 4-5% of adults
rem sleep behavior disorder
physicallt act out vivid/unpleasant dreams w/ vocal sounds/sudden violent arm/leg movement
night terrors
diff from nightmares
- waking up in intense terror w/ no memory of dream/reason why (hard to soothe)
sleep apnea
prob breathing during sleep
obstructuve sleep apnia
airways repatedly partially/completely blocked during sleep
central sleep apnia
brain forgets to tell you to breathe b/c of issues w/ respiratory control center
infant stops breathing/dies
- lay baby on back when sleeping w/ no items in crib to prevent this
sudden sleep lasting from few seconds to several minutes (not common-as long as an hour)
loss of muscle tone
- mucles become limp and can occur to healthy people during rem sleep`
psychoactive drugs
chemicals similar to those found naturallt in our brains that alter consciousness by chaing chem processes in neurons
often uses more substance than originally intended
physicla dependence
take drug to avoid withdrawl symptoms
psychological depence
motivated by intense cravings
need to sonsume higher amound to achive intoxation
symptoms cuased by stopping/reducing intake of drug
suprress cns activity
low amounts= relax/good mood/lots of talking/impaired judgement
high amounts= slowed thinking/bad coordination/possible increase in aggression
increase overall levels of neural activity
snorting/injection/smoking = blocks dopamine neurotransmitter by blocking reuptake of dopamine
anti[hetamine that increses wakefulness/p. e./rapid heartbeat/high blood pressure
- decreases pain
(body makes neurotransmitters like these in small amount to decrease oain naturally)
focus on 1 thing to increase awareness of the moment