Chapter 9: Campaigns And Elections Flashcards
General Elections
A regularly election to choose the US president, vice president, and senators and representative in Congress.
Special Eleaction
An election that is held at the state or local level when the voters must decide an issue before the next general election or when vacancies occurs by reason of death or resignation
Australian Ballot
A secret ballot that is prepared, distributed, and counted by government officials at public expense; used by all states in the US since 1888
Poll Watcher
A representative from one of the political parties who is allowed to monitor a polling place to make sure that the election is run fairly and that fraud does not occur
A member the electoral college
Electoral College
The group of electors who are selected by the voters in each state to officially elect the president and vice- president. The number of electors in each state is equal to the number of that state’s representative in both chambers of Congress
Winner-Take-All System
A system in which the candidate who receives the most votes win
A meeting held to choose political candidates or delegates
Nominating Convention
An official meeting of a political party to choose its candidates. Nominating conventions at the state and local levels also select delegates to represent the citizens of their geographic areas at a higher-level party convetion
A person selected to represent the people of one geographic areas at a party convetion
An election in which voters choose the candidates of their party, who will then run in the general election
Direct Primary
An election held within each of the two major parties to choose the party’s candidates for the general election
Closed Primary
A primary in which only party members can vote to choose that party’s candidate
Open Primary
A primary in which voters can vote for a party’s candidates regardless of whether they belong to the party
Credential Committee
A committee of each national political party that evaluates the claims of national party convention delegates to be the legitimate representative of their state
Political Consultant
A professional political adviser who, for a fee, works on an area of a candidate’s campaign
Campaign Strategy
The comprehensive plan developed by a candidate and his or her advisers for winning an election
Opposition Research
The attempt to learn damaging information about an opponent in a political campaign
Soft Money
Campaign contribution not regulated by federal law, such as some contribution that are made to political parties instead of to particular candidates
Independent Expenditure
An expenditure for activities that are independent from those of a political candidate or a political party