Chapter 6: Interest Group Flashcards
Free Rider Problem
The difficulty that exists when individuals can enjoy the outcome of an interest group’s efforts without having to contribute, such as by becoming members of the group
Purposive Incentive
A reason to join an interest group satisfaction resulting from working for a cause in which one believes
Solitary Incentive
A reason to join an interest group pleasure in associating with like minded individuals
Material Incentive
A reason to join an interest group practical benefits such as discounts, subscription, or group insurance
Pluralist Theory
A theory that views politics as a contest among various interest groups at all levels of government to gain benefits for their members
Elite Theory
Contends that, as a practical matter, the government is controlled by one or more elite groups, typically drawn from the wealthiest members of society
Type Of Interest Groups
Business, trade organizations, agriculture, labor, public sector, professional, public, ideological, environmental, single issue, governmental, etc
Trade organizations
An association formed by members of a particular industry, such as the oil industry or the trucking industry, to develop common standards and goals for the industry
Labor Union
Interest groups like the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of industrial Organizations lobby to improve working conditions and wages for union members
Public Interest Groups
An interest group formed for the purpose of working for the “public good”
Direct Technique
Any method used by an interest group to interact with government officials directly to further the group’s goals.
All the attempt by organizations or by individuals to influence the passage, defeat, or contents of legislation or to influence the administrative decisions of government
An individual who handles a particular interest group’s lobbying efforts
Indirect Technique
Any method used by interest groups to influence government officials through third parties, such as voters
Interest Group
An organized group of individuals sharing common objectives who actively attempt to influence policy makers
Political Action Committee (PAC)
A committee that is established by a corporation, labor unions, or special interest group to raise funds and make campaign contributions on the establishing organization’s behalf
Rating System
A system by which a particular interest group evaluate the performance of legislator based on how often the legislator have voted with the group’s position on particular issues
Right-To-Work Law
Ban unions from collecting dies or other fees from workers whom they represent but who have not actually joined the union
Disturbance Theory
Describes the defensive formation of interest groups
Revolving Door Syndrome
It has become increasingly common for those who leave position with the federal government to become lobbyists or consultants for the private-interest groups they helped to regulate
Amicus Curiae Briefs
Interest groups can influence of litigation without being a party to a lawsuit filling