Chapter 9: Behaviorism Antecedents Flashcards
iHow did psychology evolve since it’s inception?
Introspection less prominent, existence of mental elements questioned, debates on whether psychology should remain a pure science.
What were John B. Watson’s ideas on behaviorism?
Focus is on actions that can be seen, heard, or touched. Actions (or responses) driven by stimuli rather than conscious thought. Basic tenets a mix of objectivism, mechanism, animal psych and functional psych.
How did Rene Descartes influence behaviorism?
Provided mechanistic explanations for the operations of the human body
Reflex action theory as a precursor to ideas behind stimulus-response.
How did Auguste Comte contribute to behaviorism?
Positivism: The only valid sources of knowledge are that which are objectively observable.
What is animal psychology?
Aimed to demonstrate the existence of the mind in animals and establish similarities to the human mind. Initially “anecdotal relationships”
Why was it difficult to be an animal psychologist at the time?
Not well respected in academia, therefor always concerned with funding and poor career prospects.
Who was Jacques Loeb?
Physiologist and zoologist, argued against introspection by analogy
What is Loeb’s idea of tropism?
Animal theory of behavior based on an involuntary forced movement. Animals react to a stimulus directly and automatically- reactions not tied to any sense of consciousness (but didn’t reject consciousness outright).
How did Loeb believe animal consciousness functioned?
Revealed through associative memory- animals learn to react to certain stimuli in a desirable way.
Who wanted to study with Loeb?
Watson, but was dissuaded.
Who was Willard Small?
First to use the rat maze to assess how rats learned their surroundings- hungry rat placed in a maze and wandered freely until it found food. Interpreted rat’s ideas as mental immages. Briefly influenced Watson.
What did Watson write about for his dissertation?
The conscious experience of sensation in rats.
Who was Charles H. Turner?
Studied insect behavior of ant and honeybees. Watson reviewed and praised this paper and then used behavior for the first time in print.
Who was Margaret F. Washburn?
Wrote The Animal Mind. Most comprehensive overview of animal psychology, but the last to use the approach of inferring mental states from behavior.
Who was Wilhelm von Osten?
Wanted to prove that animals were intelligennt beings- tried to (unsuccessfully) teach a cat and a bear the fundamentals of human intelligence. Successfully (?) taught Clever Hans
What were some of the things that Clever Hans was supposedly able to do?
Add and Subtract, use fractions and decimals, read, spell, and memorize sentences, identify coins and play cards, recognize objects, discriminate between colours and shades. Judged to have a reasoning ability equivalent to a 14 year old boy.
Was Hans really that clever?
Oskar Pfungst investigated and found that Hans was receiving unintentional cues from his owner and the audience. Correct responses were reinforced with carrots and sugar cubes.