Chapter 14: Psychoanalysis Part 2 Flashcards
What were the different factions of analysis that psychoanalysts were split into after Freud?
Anna Freud Melanie Klein Karen Horney Carl Jung Alfred Adler Abraham Maslow Carl Rogers
Who were the Neo-Freudians?
Loyalists who called for the expansion of the concept of the Ego. Ego as independent from the Id, had its own energy not derived from the Id, and had functions separate from it. Id was free of conflict produced when Id impulses press for satisfaction. Less emphasis on biological forces on personality.
What did Anna Freud dedicate her career to?
The treatment of emotionally troubled children
How did she conduct psychoanalytic therapy with children?
Took into account their immaturity and level of verbal skills. Used play materials and observed child in the home.
What was Melanie Klein’s object relations theory?
Object: refers to any person, object, or activity that can satisfy an instinct. Theory focused on interpersonal relationships with instinct satisfying objects. Argued that child needs to break free from the primary object (mother) in order to establish a strong sense of self and develop relationships with other objects (people)
What was Carl Jung’s childhood like?
Lonely, isolated, and unhappy. Turned inward to cope, focused on dreams and fantasies.
How did Jung become aware of Freud?
Through the book The Interpretation of Dreams
How was Jung’s relationship with Freud?
Jung attempted to use Freud’s techniques, but found them ineffective. Corresponded by male. Also disagreed on the sexual basis for mental illness.
Who was Sabina Spielrein?
First patient of Carl Jung’s to become psychoanalyst. Studied with Freud and Piaget. Murdered by Nazis.
What is analytical psychology?
Jung’s version of psychoanalysis. No place for Oedipus complex, sex as a small role in human motivation. Personality could be changed after 5. Libido as a generalized life energy shaped by goals, hopes and aspirations.
What are the two levels of the unconscious mind according to Jung?
Personal and collective
What is the personal unconscious?
Reservoir of material that once was conscious but has been forgotten or suppressed. Analogous to Freud’s unconscious. Some materials can be retrieved, some cannot.
What is the collective unconscious?
Deepest level of psyche which contains inherited experiences of human and pre-human species. Most controversial theory. Common experiences of humanity.
What are archetypes?
Inherited tendencies within the collective unconscious which dispose a person to behave similarly to ancestors who contronted similar situations. Linked to life events like birth, marriage, and death. Gods of the unconscious.
What is a persona?
The mask we wear when we come into contact with people which may or may not align with the actual personality. Similar to role playing.
What is anima and animus?
Each person exhibits some characteristics of the opposite sex.
Anima= feminine characteristics in men
Animus = masculine characteristics in women
What is the shadow?
Animalistic part of personality, immoral and unacceptable desires, urges us to pursue these acts.
What is the self?
The most important archetype. Unifies all aspects of the unconscious into a coherent personality. Provides stability and drives us towards self-actualization (full development of our abilities). This doesn’t occur until 30-40.
What did Jung believe about introversion and extroversion?
Opposing attitudes reflected the direction of the life energy (outward versus inward)
What are psychological types?
The functions and attitudes
What are the 4 psychological types?
Thinking: A conceptual process that provides meaning and understanding
Feeling: A subjective process of weighing and valuing
Sensing: The conscious perception of physical objects
Intuiting: Involves perceiving in an unconscious way.
What are the rational modes of responding versus the irrational?
Thinking and feeling vs sensing and intuiting.
What did Jung contribute to psychology?
Inspired historians, art, literature. Ideas lack scientific report, Developed a word association test used to study emotions. MBTI based on his ideas. Introversion-extroversion studied by Hans Eysenck. Maslow: Study of self actualization.
Who was Alfred Adler?
Read interpretation of dreams, beccame interested in psychiatry and joined Freud as one of the founding memebers of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society.
What was Adler’s version of psychoanalysis?
Individual psychology- behavior is driven by social forces and not biology. Social interest: innate potential to cooperate with other people and achieve societal goals. Develops in infancy and develops through experience. More concerned with consciousness.
What were Adler’s beliefs on personality?
There is a dynamic force driving us to superiority.
What is the inferiority complex according to Adler?
A condition that develops when a person is unable to compensate for normal inferiority feelings. Proposed that this motivates behaviour. Helplessness and dependence on other people awaken this sense in infancy.
What is the idea of compensation?
Developing other senses instead- when people are sensitive about organ weaknesses.
What is overcompensation?
Developing a weakness into a strength
What was Adler’s ideas on birth order?
Relationship between birth order and personality because of how one is treated in relation to others in the family.
What is the first born like?
Dethroned by second child, more insecure, hostile, authoritarian. More likely to be criminals and neurotics (Freud)
What is the second born like?
Ambitious, rebellious, jealous of first. Strives to be better. May have reflected Adler’s own position as a second child.
What is the youngest (third born) like?
More likely to be spoiled and experience behavioural problems.
What is the only child like?
Center of attention, creates problems relating to others later on.
How did the public view Adler?
Freud dissenters turned to him. Disatisfied with obsession with sex.
Which of Adler’s ideas had scientific support?
First borns: higher intelligence, need to achieve, more education, anxiety when sibling is born. Later borns prone to more stress.
Which of Adler’s findings did not have scientific support?
Mixed finds on second born
No support for only children belief.
What were Adler’s contributions to psychology?
Influence on psychoanalysis with many training institutes. Focus on rational and conscious processes, influenced Maslow and Rotter.
Who was Karen Horney?
Had anxiety due to lack of parental love. Depressed, marital problems, many affairs and divorce.
What did Horney agree with Freud on?
The unconscious, Proposed womb envy (instead of penis envy)
What did Horney disagree with Freud on?
The preeminence of sexual factors, concept of libido, Id, Ego, Superego.
What is the core of Horney’s system?
Basic anxiety- infants are driven by a need for safety and security. Pervasive loneliness and helplessness are feelings that give rise to neoroses.
What did Horney believe about personality?
Personality develops in early childhood, but continues to change throughout life. Development based on treatment by parents and peers, not psychosexual stages.
What are some of Horney’s neurotic needs?
Affection, achievement, and self-sufficiency.
What are the 3 personality types that neurotic needs give rise to?
- Compliant
- Detached
- Aggressive
What is the compliant personality?
Moving toward people, need for approval and affection. If I give in, I will not be hurt
What is the detached personality?
Moving away from people. A need for independence. If I withdraw, nothing can hurt me.
What is the aggressive personality?
Moving against people. Need for power and admiration. If I have power, no one can hurt me.
What are the problems that each of the 3 personality types have?
Compliant: Acceptance of being helpless to gain affection
Detached: damage of social relationships
Aggressive: leads to conflict.