Chapter 9 Flashcards
lócus, lócī
m., place; passage in literature; pl., lóca, locṓrum, n., places, region; lócī, locṓrum, m., passages in literature (allocate, dislocate, locality, locomotion)
mórbus, mórbī
m., disease, sickness (morbid, morbidity, morbidness, morbose)
stúdium, stúdiī
n. eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study (studio, studious; cf. studēre, to be eager for, study)
hic, haec, hoc
this; the latter; at times weakened to he, she, it, they (ad hoc)
ílle, ílla, íllud
that; the former; the famous; he, she, it, they
íste, ísta, ístud
that of yours, that; such (as you have, as you speak of); sometimes with contemptuous force, e.g., that despicable, that wretched
álius, ália, áliud
other, another; áliī… áliī, some… others (alias, alibi, alien)
álter, áltera, álterum
the other (of two), second (alter, alteration, alternate, alternative, altercation, altruism, adulterate, adultery)
neúter, neútra, neútrum
not either, neither (neutrality, neutralize, neutron)
nū́llus, nū́lla, nū́llum
not any, no, none (null, nullify, nullification, annul)
sṓlus, sṓla, sṓlum
alone, only, the only; nōn sṓlum… sed étiam, not only… but also (sole, solitary, soliloquy, solo, desolate, sullen)
tṓtus, tṓta, tṓtum
whole, entire (total, totality, factotum, in toto)
ū́llus, ū́lla, ū́llum
ū́nus, ū́na, ū́num
one, single, alone (unit, unite, union, onion, unanimous, unicorn, uniform, unique, unison, universal, university)
úter, útra, útrum
either, which (of two)
postpositive conj., for, in fact, truly
prep. + acc., into, toward; against (also in + abl., in, on, see Capvt III); in compounds in- may also appear as il-, ir-, im-; and it may have its literal meanings or have simply an intensive force (intend, invade, impugn): contrast the inseparable negative prefix in-, not, un-, in-, and for these and other prefixes, see the App., Some Etymological Aids
nímis or nímium
adv., too, too much, excessively; in a positive sense, esp. with adjectives and adverbs, exceedingly, very (nimiety)