Chapter 7 Flashcards
ámor, amṓris
m., love (amorous, enamored; cf. amō, amīcus)
cármen, cárminis
n., song, poem (charm)
cī́vitās, cīvitā́tis
f., state, citizenship (city)
córpus, córporis
n., body (corps, corpse, corpuscle, corpulent, corporal, corporeal, corporate, corporation, incorporate, corsage, corset)
hómō, hóminis
m., human being, man (homicide, homage; homo sapiens, but not the prefix homo-; cf. hūmānus and vir)
lábor, labṓris
m., labor, work, toil; a work, production (laboratory, belabor, laborious, collaborate, elaborate)
líttera, lítterae
f., a letter of the alphabet; lítterae, litterā́rum, pl., a letter (epistle), literature (literal, letters, belles-lettres, illiterate, alliteration)
mōs, mṓris
m., habit, custom, manner; mṓrēs, mṓrum, pl., habits, morals, character (mores, moral, immoral, immorality, morale, morose)
nṓmen, nṓminis
n., name (nomenclature, nominate, nominative, nominal, noun, pronoun, renown, denomination, ignominy, misnomer)
pāx, pā́cis
f., peace (pacify, pacific, pacifist, appease, pay)
rēgī́na, regī́nae
f., queen (Regina, regina, reginal)
rēx, rḗgis
m., king (regal, regalia, regicide, royal; cf. rajah)
témpus, témporis
n., time; occasion, opportunity (tempo, temporary, contemporary, temporal, temporize, extempore, tense [of a verb])
térra, térrae
f., earth, ground, land, country (terrestrial, terrace, terrier, territory, inter [verb], parterre, subterranean, terra cotta)
úxor, uxṓris
f., wife (uxorial, uxorious, uxoricide)
vírgō, vírginis
f., maiden, virgin (virgin, virginal, virginity, Virginia)
vírtūs, virtū́tis
f., manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue (virtuoso, virtuosity, virtual; cf. vir)
nóvus, nóva, nóvum
new; strange (novel, novelty, novice, innovate)
prep. + acc., after, behind (posterity, posterior, posthumous, post mortem, P.M. = post meridiem, preposterous, post-as a prefix, postgraduate, postlude, postpositive, postwar, etc.)
prep. + abl. with verbs of rest, + acc. with verbs of motion, under, up under, close to; down to/into, to/at the foot of (sub- or, by ASSIMILATION, suc-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sus-, in countless compounds: subterranean, suburb, succeed, suffix, suggest, support, sustain)
aúdeō, audḗre, aúsus sum
(the unusual third principal part of this SEMI-DEPONENT verb is explained in Capvt XXXIV), to dare (audacious, audacity)
nécō, necā́re, necā́vī, necā́tum
to murder, kill (internecine; cf. nocēre, to harm)