Chapter 4 Flashcards
bā́sium, bā́siī
n., kiss (basiate)
béllum, béllī
n., war (bellicose, belligerent, rebel, rebellion, revel)
cōnsílium, cōnsíliī
n., plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgment, wisdom (counsel, counselor, consiliate, reconcile)
cū́ra, cū́rae
f., care, attention, caution, anxiety (cure, curator, curious, curiosity, curio, curettage, sinecure)
dṓnum, dṓnī
n., gift, present (donate, donation, condone; cf. dō)
exítium, exítiī
n., destruction, ruin (exit)
magíster, magístrī
m., and magístra, magístrae, f., schoolmaster or schoolmistress, teacher, master or mistress (magistrate, magistracy, magisterial, maestro, mastery, mister, miss; cf. magnus)
móra, mórae
f., delay (moratorium, demur)
indeclinable, n., nothing (nihilist, annihilate)
óculus, óculī
m., eye (ocular, oculist, binoculars, monocle)
offícium, offíciī
n., duty, service (office, officer, official, officious)
ṓtiī, n., leisure, peace (otiose, negotiate)
perī́culum, perī́culī
n., danger, risk (peril, perilous, imperil, parlous)
remédium, remédiī
n., cure, remedy (remedial, irremediable, remediation)
béllus, bélla, béllum
pretty, handsome, charming (belle, beau, beauty, embellish, belladonna, belles-lettres). Do not confuse with bellum, war.
bónus, bóna, bónum
good, kind (bonus, bonanza, bonny, bounty, bona fide)
hūmā́nus, hūmā́na, hūmā́num
pertaining to man, human; humane, kind; refined, cultivated (humanity, humanitarian, humanism, the humanities, humanist, inhuman, superhuman)
málus, mála, málum
bad, wicked, evil (malice, malicious, malign, malignant, malaria, malady, malefactor, malfeasance, malevolent; mal-, a prefix as in maladjustment, malnutrition, maltreat, malapropos)
párvus, párva, párvum
small, little (parvovirus, parvule, parvicellular)
stúltus, stúlta, stúltum
foolish; stúltus, stúltī, m., a fool (stultify, stultification)
vḗrus, vḗra, vḗrum
true, real, proper (verify, verisimilitude, very, veracity)
iúvō (or ádiuvō), iuvā́re, iū́vī, iū́tum
to help, aid, assist; please (adjutant, coadjutant, aid, aide-de-camp)
sum, ésse, fúī, futū́rum
to be, exist (essence, essential, future, futurity)