Chapter 6 Flashcards
déus, -ī
m., voc. sg. deus, nom. pl. dī, dat. and abl. pl. dīs (the plurals deī and deīs became common during the Augustan Period), god, and déa, déae, f., dat. and abl. pl. deābus, goddess (adieu, deify, deity)
discípulus, discípulī
m., and discípula, discípulae, f., learner, pupil, student (disciple, discipline, disciplinary)
īnsídiae, īnsídiā́rum
f. pl., ambush, plot, treachery (insidious)
líber, líbrī
m., book (library, librarian, libretto); not to be confused with līber, free
tyránnus, tyránnī
m., absolute ruler, tyrant (tyrannical, tyrannous, tyrannicide)
vítium, vítiī
n., fault, crime, vice (vitiate, vicious, vituperate; but not “vice versa”)
Graécus, Graéca, Graécum
Greek; Graécus, Graécī, m., a Greek
perpétuus, perpétua, perpétuum
perpetual, lasting, uninterrupted, continuous (perpetuate, perpetuity)
plḗnus, plḗna, plḗnum
full, abundant, generous (plenary, plenteous, plentiful, plenitude, plenty, replenish, plenipotentiary)
sálvus, sálva, sálvum
safe, sound (cf. salveō)
secúndus, secúnda, secúndum
second; favorable (secondary)
véster, véstra, véstrum
your (pl., i.e., used in addressing more than one person, vs. tuus, -a, -um), yours
(essentially = “suffixed”) conj., and; appended to the second of two words to be joined: fāma glōriaque, fame and glory
(1) rel. adv. and conj., where, when; (2) interrog. adv. and conj., where? (ubiquitous, ubiquity)
adv., there (ib. or ibid.)
adv., now, at present (quidnunc)
adv., lit. because of which thing (quā rē), but more commonly therefore, wherefore, why
póssum, pósse, pótuī
to be able, can, could, have power (posse, possible, potent, potentate, potential, omnipotent)
tólerō, tolerā́re, tolerā́vī, tolerā́tum
to bear, endure (tolerate, toleration, tolerable, intolerable, intolerance)