Chapter 5 Flashcards
adulēscéntia, adulēscéntiae
f., youth, young manhood; youthfulness (adolescence, adolescent)
ánimus, ánimī
m., soul, spirit, mind; ánimī, ánimṓrum, high spirits, pride, courage (animus, animosity, magnanimous, unanimous, pusillanimous)
caélum, caélī
n., sky, heaven (ceiling, celestial, Celeste, cerulean)
cúlpa, cúlpae
f., fault, blame (cf. culpō below; culpable, culprit, exculpate, inculpate)
glṓria, glṓriae
f., glory, fame (glorify, glorification, glorious, inglorious)
vérbum, vérbī
n., word (verb, adverb, verbal, verbiage, verbose, proverb)
abl. and acc. sg., you; yourself; cf. mēl
ī́ber, lī́bera, lī́berum
free (liberal, liberality, libertine)
nóster, nóstra, nóstrum
our, ours (nostrum, paternoster)
púlcher, púlchra, púlchrum
beautiful, handsome; fine (pulchritude, pulchritudinous)
sā́nus, sā́na, sā́num
sound, healthy, sane (sanity, sanitary, sanitation, sanitarium, insane)
conj., postpositive, therefore, consequently
interrog. suffix attached to the first word of a sentence, typically the verb or another word on which the question hinges, to introduce a question whose answer is uncertain. (For other types of direct questions, see nōnne and num in Capvt XL.)
prep. + acc., on account of, because of (post hoc, ergo propter hoc, “after this, therefore on account of this”—a type of fallacious argument in logic)
adv., tomorrow (procrastinate, procrastination)