Chapter 3 Flashcards
áger, ágrī
m., field, farm (agrarian, agriculture, agronomy)
agrícola, agrícolae
m., farmer (cf. ager)
amī́cus, amī́cī
m., and amī́ca, amī́cae, m., friend (amicable, amiable, amity; cf. amō)
fḗmina, fḗminae
f., woman (female, feminine, femininity)
fī́lia, fī́liae
f., dat. and abl. pl.
daughter (filiation, affiliation, affiliate, filial)
fī́lius, fī́liī
m., son (for derivatives, see fīlia)
númerus, númerī
m., number (numeral, innumerable, enumerate)
pópulus, pópulī
m., the people, a people, a nation (populace, population, popularity, popularize, populous)
púer, púerī
m., boy; pl. boys, children (puerile, puerility, puerperous)
sapiéntia, sapiéntiae
f., wisdom (sapience, sapient, sage, savant)
vir, vírī
m., man, hero (virtue, virile, triumvirate; not virulent)
avā́rus, avā́ra, avā́rum
greedy, avaricious (avarice, avariciousness, avid)
paúcī, paúcae, paúca
usually pl., few, a few (paucity, pauciloquent, poco)
Rōmā́nus, Rōmā́na, Rōmā́num
Roman (Romance, romance, romantic, romanticism, Romanesque, Romania)
prep. + abl., down from, from; concerning, about; as a prefix dē- with such meanings as down, away, aside, out, off (demote, from dē-moveō; decline, descend)
prep. + abl., in, on; also as a prefix (induce, inscribe, invoke; for dē-, in-, and other prefixes, see App., Some Etymological Aids)
adv., today (hodiernal)
adv., always (sempiternal)
hábeō, habḗre, hábuī, hábitum
to have, hold, possess; consider, regard (in-habit and in-hibit, “hold in”; ex-hibit, “hold forth”; habit, habitat)
sátiō, satiā́re, satiā́vī, satiā́tum
to satisfy, sate (satiate, insatiable, satiety, satisfaction)