chapter 9 Flashcards
Mental representations
includes images, ideas, concepts and principals
Adaptive functions of language
- Language use evolved as humans adopted a more socially orientated lifestyle and formed larger social units (flinn)
- Language made it easier for humans to adapt to these environmental demands
Hierachal structure of language:
- phoneme
- morphemes
- discourse
the smallest unit of speech sound in a language that can signal a difference in meaning
the smallest unit of meaning in a language
in which sentences are combined into paragraphs, articles, books and conversations and so forth
the meaning of words and sentences
means that the symbols of language can be combined to generate an infinite number of messages that have a novel meaning
Bottom up processing:
Individual elements of a stimulus are analysed and then combined to form a unified perception
Top down processing:
Sensory information is interpreted in light of existing knowledge, concepts, ideas, and expectations
Speech segmentation:
- perceiving where each word within a spoken sentence begins and ends
- auditory breaks in speech
a knowledge of the practical aspects of using language
- depends of the aspects of the social context
- type of top down processing
Brocas area
speech production
Werinkers area
speech comprehension ‘
an impairment in speech comprehension and or production that can be permanent or temporary
what Susan Rossel find
men and woman language task in which words and non words were presented on each side of a computer screen. Men exhibited greater left hemisphere activation during the language task where as womans brain activation occurred in both the left and right hemipsheres
- proposed that from out birth our genetic endowment innately led us to interpret part of the environment as linguistic experience
- we were born pre wired to understand the general grammatical rules common to all languages
- unfolding of a biologically primed process within a social learning environment