Chapter 9 Flashcards
What are the 3 level labour relation decision
- Labor relation strategy
- negotiating collective agreements
-Adminstering collective agreements
What are unions
Organizations with the purpose of representing their members interest and resolving conflicts
What is a labor relation
- skills that managers and union leader can use to cultivate a good envirnoment, minimize strikes, and seek win-win solutions
What are negotiating collective agreements
- focueses on decisions about pay structure, job security, work rules, safety
Adminstering collective agreements
-day to day activities may involve handling some disagreements
4 types of unions and affiliations
- Craft unions
- Industrial unions
- Union locals
- Labor congress
Why are union memberships declining
- Change in the structure of the economy
-management efforts to control costs - human resource practices (employers are more proactive)
- Goverment regulation (ex: workplace safety)
What are the management goals
- increase profit
- low labor cost
- increase output
-limit increase in wages and benefits - retain control over rules and schedules
- maintain flexible operations to meet demands
What are the labour union goals
- obtain pay and good conditions
- give members a voice
- good benefits and compensation
- regular flow of new members
What are the Societal goals
- driving laws and regulations that affect unions
- ensure that workers have a voice
Unfair labor pratice (Management)
- interfering with the formation of a union
- discriminating based on the union membership
- intimidating employee to be part of the union
Unfair labour pratices (Union)
- trying to bargain
- persuiding employees during working hours
-illegal strikes
-failing to represent employees
What is collective bargaining
- negotiation between union leaders and management to arrive to an agreement
Steps into bargaining over new contracts 4
1- prepare bargaining by estblishing objectives, gather data
2- Union and management present proposals
3- Each side considers proposals
4- Reach an agreement
What happens when bargaining breaks down
- Strike
- Lockout
What is a Strike
- collective decision where members dont go to work or to slow down until demands are meeted
What is a Lockout
- closure of a place
-refusal by employees to work
3 alternatives to strikes or lockouts
- mediation (least formal)
- conciliation (report reasons for the dispute)
-arbitration (formal intervation)
What is the grievance procedure
- process for resolving union-management conflicts over interpretation or violation of the collective agreement
- may result in arbitration
4 Steps in grivernance procedure
1- Discuss problem
2- written grivernance is submitted
3- union appals grivernance to top line managers
4- Union decides whether is resolved or not, if not call for arbitration
What is labor management cooperation features
- employee involvement in decision making
-labor management committees
-sharing financial and business info - reducing language complexity