Chapter 8-Rules of Conduct Flashcards
Contact with Others
Explorers will be courteous to the public, Advisors, members of the Department, and each other
at all times. They will be orderly, attentive, and will exercise patience and discretion in dealing
with others. While in public, Explorers will not refer to their Advisors or other Department
members by first name. In situations such as ride-a-longs, Advisors should use discretion when
allowing Explorers to refer to them by first name.
Compliance with Orders
Explorers will promptly obey all lawful orders from a ranking Explorer, Advisor, or
commissioned officer. Any Explorer who refuses to obey a lawful order or who does not carry
out any lawful order in a prompt fashion will be considered insubordinate and will be subject to
disciplinary action
Conflict of Orders
If an Explorer is given a lawful order from a ranking Explorer, Advisor, or Department member,
it is the Explorer’s duty to carry that order out. If, however, the Explorer is later given another
order by someone else which contradicts the previous order, the Explorer will bring the conflict
to the attention of the person giving the second order. If the person giving the second order still
wishes for that order to be carried out, the Explorer will do so without question
Explorers Misconduct
The duties performed by this department are vital to the safety and well being of the community.
It is essential that the Department set and maintain high standards of conduct among its personnel
and Explorers. Misconduct by Explorers will not be tolerated because it weakens the
Department’s effectiveness, erodes public trust, and can endanger members of this Department
Gifts, Gratitude, Privileges
Explorers will not directly or indirectly solicit or accept any gratuities, loans, gifts, merchandise,
meals, beverages, or any other thing of value in connection with, or, resulting from their official
position. Explorers will not use their official position to obtain privileges not otherwise available
to them
No Explorer will accept or solicit any fee or compensation originating from the performance of
official duties without permission of the Post Advisor.
Explorers are allowed to solicit donations for the Post with prior approval from the
Fundraising Committee. Citizens requesting information from an Explorer on how to
donate money to the Program should be advised to contact the Fundraising Committee
Advisor. The Explorer should obtain the citizen’s name and phone number and advise
them that an Advisor will contact them
Members will not knowingly associate with persons of bad character, except to accomplish a police
assignment. Persons of bad character include anyone where association with the person would tend
to bring the employee or department into public discredit and/or would have the potential to inhibit
the department’s ability to accomplish its vision and mission
Strictly prohibited. Fraternization is not morally appropriate and is against the policies of the LVMPD and the Boy Scouts of
America. Explorers and their adult leaders are prohibited from interacting on a social level
beyond that of typical Explorer Post activities.
Use of Explorers in Covert Activities
The National Law Enforcement Exploring Committee and LVMPD prohibit Explorers from
performing any Covert Act or Acts which might undermine the role of Law Enforcement
Exploring in the community.
Firearms Training Program
The Department and the Boy Scouts of America encourage a firearm training program to be
conducted in accordance with the Explorer Handgun Shooting-Range Operation Outline. All
instruction and training will be conducted under the supervision of a Department qualified
firearms instructor. Prior to training, a lesson plan shall be submitted to the supervisor of the
Firearms Training and Tactics Unit for approval
Adult Leadership/Outings
At least two adult leaders, both of whom must be 21 years of age or older, are required for all
trips and outings. Adult female leadership is required at all functions where female Explorers are
expected to participate; however, this does not apply to ride-a-longs
Personally Owned Firearms
Explorers are not forbidden from lawfully owning personal weapons, however, Explorers are
strictly forbidden from having these weapons or any other sort of weapon/handgun with them
while participating in any type of Explorer function or ride along. Explorers found in violation
of this policy will be terminated from the Program and may be prosecuted.
Impersonating a Police Officer
Explorers are reminded that they are not police officers and have no police powers. Explorers
who represent themselves as a police officer, for whatever reason, will be terminated.
Criminal charges may be filed depending upon the situation.
Use of LVMPD Uniforms and Insignia
Explorers will not wear their department issued uniforms except in the commission of official
Explorer duties. This includes weekly meetings, sanctioned events, Exploring conferences, and
any other situation in which the Advisors authorize the wearing of uniforms. Explorers are
forbidden from having LVMPD insignia showing when not authorized to do so
When are Explorers not allowed to have insignia showing?
before meetings, ride-a-longs, events, etc. when an Explorer is en route to the location where they will be wearing their uniform or afterwards when they are en
route home
Explorers are forbidden from using their LVMPD issued Explorer I.D. cards for anything other
than authorized purposes.
Allowed Use of LVMPD ID
1) When in uniform, Explorers will have their Explorer I.D. cards in their right shirt pocket.
2) When attending an authorized function or event in plain clothes, Explorers will have
their Explorer I.D. cards clearly displayed on their person. When plain clothes and in an
LVMPD facility, Explorers will wear their Explorer I.D. cards without exception
Use of Tobacco
Explorers are prohibited from using any tobacco product (cigarettes, cigars, dip, chew, etc.) while
on duty at an event, assignment, or activity related to the Explorer program. This applies to
Explorers in uniform, out of uniform, or readily identifiable as Explorers. Violation of this
policy may result in disciplinary action
Use of Phones
Explorers should refrain from using their cell phones while working department authorized
events, as well as on ride alongs. Explorers needing to making phone calls for situations such as
establishing transportation to and from an event, emergencies, and work related phone calls,
should do so outside of the view of the public. Explorers are not authorized to take pictures or
video of suspects or crime scenes
Can Explorers take pictures or videos of suspects or crime scenes?
No. Explorers are not authorized.