Chapter 4-Post Organization and Command Structure Flashcards
Chain of Command
- Explorer Chain of Command
- Advisor
- Phase Lead Advisor
- Program Coordinator
- Operations Committee Sergeants
6 . Explorer Program Lieutenant - Explorer Program Captain
- Deputy Chief
The only exceptions for Explorers to not follow the chain of command would be:
- Legitimately sensitive and personal issues which an Explorer feels comfortable with speaking only to an Advisor about.
- An instance in which an Explorer has ANY police contact not related to an Explorer function or is involved in any situation, which by its nature would require police response.
- Anytime an Advisor or Explorer class officer directs otherwise.
Who will be in charge if an Explorer is in a situation or at an event with other Explorers:
the ranking Explorer, with the exception of phase 1 Sergeants, no matter what phase
he/she may be assigned to, will be in charge
In the event Explorers from different phases work together and there is no ranking Explorer
the Chain of Command will be established by seniority as opposed to rank. Seniority shall be established by which phase a current Explorer is in. Duties may be modified as needed by the Lead Advisor or Events Planning Advisor as he/she sees fit.
How long is each phase?
6 months
When throughout the year does phase 1 start?
April and October
How does an Explorer advance from one phase to another?
pass a series of tests,
ranging from written exams, physical fitness tests, and oral examinations
Phase 1: Provisional Explorer
- Goal: Foundations of Law Enforcement
- 0-3 Months
- Attended by all programs
* Lieutenant and Captain will be from Phase 4
* Platoon Sergeants will be appointed by Lead Advisor
* Explorers will attend Explorer Training and Evaluation
* All Provisional Explorers must pass ETEP in order to move to area of expertise.
* CSI, CCDC, and Dispatch Explorers will go to their area of specialty. (At 2 months) - 3-6 months Explorers stay at HQ and must pass written and physical test to advance on
Phase 2: Explorer Recruit
- Goal: Basic Police Procedure
- Attended by all Police Explorers
- During this phase, Explorers must take and pass the Ride Along Test.
- If an Explorer fails the first attempt, they have one more attempt after two weeks
- Advancement to next phase requires passing a written exam, scenario problem, and physical fitness test
Phase 3: Explorer
- Goal: Calls for Service and Career Development
- Attended by all Police Explorers
- During this phase, Explorers learn career development skills
- Advancement to next phase requires passing a written exam, oral board, and must have attended and passed the Explorer Academy
Phase 4: Senior Explorer
- Goal: Exposure to all elements of Law Enforcement and retain members
- Attended by all Police Explorers
- During this phase, Explorers will be exposed to all areas of Law Enforcement
- Ranks of Captain and Commander, will all come from Phase 4
- Explorers will be able to participate in Auxiliary Groups from this phase
chosen from amongst all standing phase Captains
and CSI, CCDC, and Dispatch Captains. The Commander serves a term deemed appropriate by
the Program Coordinator and Lead Advisors.
Commander Responsibilities
A) Serve as liaison with Lead Advisors and CSI, CCDC, and Dispatch Advisors
B) Coordinate with Captains to ensure weekly meetings are organized and weekly tasks are completed
C) Responsible for public and interdepartmental relations
D) Will attend the board of directors meetings to serve as the voice for the youth
The Patrol Explorer Captain will be
only from phase 4. The Captain may have responsibilities delegated to them directly from
the Commander, or any advisor.
Captain Responsibilities
A) Organizing and coordinating with Lead Advisor for weekly meetings
B) Acts as liaison directly with Phase Lead Advisor
C) Coordinates with Phase Lieutenants and Sergeants to see duties for phase are completed
D) Provides general administration of the phase
The phase 1 Lieutenant will be assigned from phase 4. The phase Lieutenant will be responsible for the Sergeants underneath them. As explorers progress they will need to retest to retain their Lieutenant status.
Lieutenant Responsibilities
A) Acts on behalf of the Captain in his/her absence
B) Ensures that the roster for each Phase is accurate and up to date
C) Helps to make sure that each Phase is aware of upcoming events
D) Handles administrative needs as required by each individual Phase
* Phase 1 Lieutenant is responsible for ensuring ETEP is completed and that each Provisional Explorer completes the required information
* Phase 1 Lieutenant is responsible for helping supervise and tracking FTEs operating in the Phase 1
The Administrative Lieutenant serves in the fourth phase, and is responsible for the Auxiliary
same responsibilities as a regular Lieutenant,
with the exemption that they solely supervise the Auxiliary groups. The Administrative
Lieutenant serves as a direct link between the Auxiliary groups, and the rest of the program. The Administrative Lieutenant will serve as the direct Chain of Command for Phase 4 Senior Explorers assigned to Auxiliary groups.
must take both a written exam and oral board to be
promoted to Sergeant. The only exception to this will be phase 1 Provisional Explorers, where
the Sergeants will be appointed by the Lead Advisor
Sergeant Responsibilities
A) Keeping record of Platoon attendance
B) Records events worked, and reports that back to the Events Planning Sergeant or Explorer
in Charge
C) Schedules ride alongs and ensures proper documentation is completed after the ride along
led by a Sergeant. This Sergeant will manage each squad and be responsible for the same areas of responsibilities as a regular Sergeant, specifically to the Auxiliary group he/she leads.
Auxiliary Sergeant Responsibilities
report directly to the Administrative Lieutenant, and will only come from Phase 4 Explorers, or appropriate CSI,
CCDC, and Dispatch Explorers.
Squad Leader
serves as an informal leader in the platoon, and helps handle the responsibilities of the Sergeant when he/she is not present.
Squad leader Responsibilities
A) Serves as Acting Sergeant when necessary
B) Coordinates that Explorers have the necessary equipment and uniform for weekly
meetings and inspections
C) Sees to it that all lawful orders from Officers are carried out in a timely manner
D) Works with the Platoon Sergeant to stay in contact with members of the squad and to
provide updates on weekly meetings, to include schedule changes, locations, and
necessary equipment
-purpose of Auxiliary groups is to designate work load to responsible Explorers throughout the
organization in order to further develop the Explorers. -Phase 4 Explorers only.
- Each Auxiliary group will be head by an Advisor and Explorer Sergeant
-report to the Administrative Lieutenant.
Auxiliary Group Events Planning
a. Responsible for coordinating and recording all events
b. Will track hours worked by Explorers per event
c. Coordinates with Advisors when necessary to provide Community Service hour records
d. Responsible for planning internal special occasions with the Explorers
e. Will have one Explorer assigned to every event as the “Explorer in Charge” from the
Events Planning team, to help be the point of contact for the event between the Explorers working and the person requesting
f. The Explorer in Charge is responsible for tracking the hours for the events they are
responsible for and logging those hours with the Advisor
g. Will help new Explorers log into and receive invites for events through Sign-up Genius
h. Explorer in Charge will be listed on the Sign-up Genius as the point of contact for Explorers working the event
Physical Fitness Team
a. Explorers will be responsible for coordinating physical fitness training with all the Police Explorers on a monthly basis
b. Will be responsible for scheduling bi-annual PT tests
c. Each Explorer will be required to attend two PT sessions a month, where a
member of the Physical Fitness Team, and corresponding Advisor, must be
a. Responsible for coordinating Fundraising for the entire Program
b. Will help coordinate with appropriate Advisors to attend fundraising and provide
proper documentation.
c. Responsible for establishing database for hours worked by Explorers during
Fundraising specific events
Recruiting Team
a. Responsible for coordinating recruiting events with various schools and
organizations for the purposes of gaining membership into the program
b. Will coordinate with current LVMPD Recruiting Detail in order to work together for
the purpose of hiring
c. Explorers will responsible for ensuring current social media outlets are being
updated with current recruiting information, as well as informative videos
Explorer Training and Evaluation Program
a. Will consist of Explorers from Patrol, CCDC, CSI, and Dispatch
b. Responsible for administering test and evaluations on Provisional Explorers
c. Report directly to the ETEP Sergeant, who in turn reports to the Administrative Lieutenant. However, ETEP Explorers and Sergeants will operate under the direction of the Chain of Command from the Phase 1 Lieutenant and Captain.
d. When FTEs are not operating in the first 12 weeks of ETEP, they will be responsible for conducting weekly training in weekly meetings, as well as ensuring the necessary material is being prepared for the upcoming Provisional Explorer class.
Explorer Honor Guard
a. This unit will work directly with the current commission LVMPD Honor Guard
and will report to their Chain of Command as needed
b. The Explorer Honor Guard will meet, operate, and train with the LVMPD Honor Guard
c. Explorer Honor Guard members will represent the LVMPD Explorer Program when participating in ceremonies and will maintain a high level of
professionalism in appearance, as well as performance.
d. This unis will specifically operate with the Unit Procedures established through
the current LVMPD Honor Guard
Pistol Shoot Team
a. Will consist of interested Explorers to train and compete in Boy Scout sanctioned
or Police related shooting competitions
b. Will be run by a set of Advisors who are current AFTTU Instructors
c. Will still be responsible for attending meetings on a weekly basis
Phase 2 Explorers may attend patrol-based competitions only.
Phase 3 and Phase 4 Explorers
may attend any level of competition.
Selection for competitions will be based upon: Program funds, availability, effort displayed during training,
participation in events and community service, and available advisors
When more than one team attends from the LVMPD Explorer Program, the teams will operate
independent of one another. And will be registered with the “post” designation
-A, -B, -C, and so on.
dvisors must be willing to help participate in the training and instructing of
the young men and women of the LVMPD Explorer Program. And must maintain a professional relationship.
Advisor Requirements
- Advisors must be full time, part time, retired, or volunteer employee of
the LVMPD, either commissioned or civilian. - Must complete the Boys Scouts Youth Leader Adult application and pay a $24
(increase to $33 in 2018) - Must attend and complete the Learning for Life safety training annually
- Must be able to attend meetings when needed and abide by the rules established in
the Explorer Program - Must be willing to submit to the Advisor Chain of Command.
- Will be required to know material that Explorers are tested on, such as codes and
definitions, if they are willing to be accountable for testing the Explorers - Must be willing to abide by uniform guidelines established
Advisor Uniform
- Advisors will wear a black polo with the approved logos, and green BDU bottoms
- Will wear appropriate footwear when in uniform
- Will abide by LVMPD policy as it relates to hair style, grooming, and jewelry.
- Other approved uniforms are LVMPD uniform, BDUs when directed by the Lead
Advisor, or plain clothes when necessary for role playing or at the discretion of
the Lead Advisor or Program Coordinator