Chapter 8 Relationships with Family Members Flashcards
the freedom to form one’s own opinions, have privacy, and make decisions for oneself
Psychological Autonomy
the presence of a warm, stable, loving, attentive bond between parents and child
parental monitoring, supervision, and rule setting
the ability to identify with the thoughts, attitudes, and feelings of another person
feelings that exist among family members
a relationship characterized by emotional warmth, affection, love, empathy, care, sensitivity, and emotional support
Positive Affect
a relationship characterized by negative feelings of emotional coldeness, rejection, hostility, anger, and insensitivity among family members
Negative Affect
the process by which the adolescent becomes separated from parents and becomes a unique individual
independence or freedom (to make ones own choices)
becoming independent and free enough to act on one’s own without excessive dependence on others
Behavioral Independence
becoming free of childish emotional dependence on parents
Emotional Autonomy
those whose members are too heavily connected with one another
Enmeshed Families
those whose members are isolated from one another
Disengaged Families
the degree to which the family members are connected to one another
the degree to which parents manage their child’s behavior
the love, approval, and emotional support that parents give their children
parents who respect their children’s wishes but who maintain control in the home
Authoritative Parents
parents who set many rules and harshly enforce them
Authoritarian Parents
parents who exercise little control over their children’s behavior
Permissive Parents
parents who seem disinterested in their children and thus do not supervise them or give them much affection
Uninvolved Parents
parental control through offering alternative choices
may include not only physical assault of a child but also malnourishment, abandonment, neglect, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse
Childe Abuse
may include suggestive language, use of pornography, fondling, petting, masturbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, oral sex, or full vaginal or anal intercourse
Sexual Abuse
may include constant screaming at the child, calling foul names, constant criticism and put-downs, making fun, comparing the child with siblings, or ignoring the child
Emotional Abuse
failure to provide even minimal care of a child, including adequate food, clothing shelter, and medical care, as well as emotional, social, intellectual and moral needs
Child Neglect